The side effects of my medicine are too popular

Fu Liang, who was doing drug research and development in his family’s pharmaceutical laboratory, spent a huge amount of money but failed. His family’s pharmaceutical company was also on the verge of bankruptcy under the pressure of his peers.

At this moment, Fu Liang realized that he could amplify some side effects of the drug he developed.

The ointment for treating scars was extremely ineffective, and it had the side effect of causing hair to become thicker. The side effect was magnified by ten times, and it became a best-selling hair tonic!

The development of the ointment to treat burns failed, but the side effect of hair loss was discovered. The side effect was magnified by 30 times, and it became the favorite of all women in summer.

This blood pressure medicine failed? The side effects included forced blood transfusion? This side effect was magnified by a hundred times!

What? This failed cough medicine has a side effect of killing cancer cells? Magnify it ten thousand times!

This book is also known as "Everyone wants my drug side effects to become stronger","My drug side effects are great","I can amplify drug side effects","God-level pharmaceutical tycoon"

