Strange Revival: I became the shadow of the school belle
81 Insect swarm! A terrifying cruise ship! The campus belle’s wedding!



In the Ghost Flower Carriage,

The shadow-like Polypod arched on the light pink socks and followed Su Qingqian's instep, wanting to crawl into the red dancing shoes.

Su Qingqian's hair stood on end as she felt an uncomfortable sensation on her foot.

She had been fighting since she was young. Although she was not afraid of insects, this kind of centipede-like multi-legged insect...

It was very uncomfortable, and Su Qingqian was a little frightened.

What puzzled her the most was,

This bug seemed to have no body and was extremely flat.

It was more like an insect shadow than a bug.

However, the insect shadow felt very real and could move.

Su Qingqian could clearly feel the shadow worm crawling on her feet. When the dozens of legs came into contact with her skin, it produced an uncomfortable feeling.

The Shadow Worm had no mass and no physical body. It easily slipped into the dance shoes through the gaps between the socks, causing Su Qingqian to explode.

There was a polypod in his shoe, so of course he was afraid!

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She immediately took off her red dancing shoes. Under the faint light, she saw the shadow worm lying inside the shoes.

The bug was about the size of a finger, and dozens of pairs of legs were clearly visible.

They could also see the tentacles of the insects and their jaws.

However, he had to admit,

These were just shadows!

A bug didn't have a physical body. Its body was a shadow.

"How can there be such a strange bug!”

Su Qingqian gradually calmed down and looked at the Shadow Worm curiously.

She could not help but think of her own shadow.

His shadow could also move, similar to this Shadow Worm.

However, the shape of the two was different.

Su Qingqian's shadow was in human form, while the Shadow Worm was in insect form.

But in essence, it seemed to be similar!

"Could this Shadow Worm be related to my own shadow?”Su Qingqian secretly guessed.

In fact, she was right!

The first two Shadow Worms were produced from Jonathan's body. Then, he placed them into the shadow of the female teacher, Murong Wan.

The Shadow Worm was parasitic in the female teacher's shadow and kept multiplying.

In just a few days, it had already developed into a strange group of 10,000.

Shadow Worms were considered Jonathan's descendants and had inherited Jonathan's excellent genes as a Shadow Spirit. They could live in shadows and affect the real world. They could attack humans, Evils, and spirits.

Jonathan did not expect this unexpected surprise to grow into a large swarm of insects.


It was already quite a lot!

Even Su Qingqian encountered one that wanted to climb into her shoes.

For some reason, the Shadow Insect seemed to like getting close to Su Qingqian!

After Su Qingqian took off her dancing shoes, the Shadow Worm that was lying inside climbed out of the dancing shoes again and crawled towards Su Qingqian's feet.

This made Su Qingqian's scalp go numb. She couldn't stand the feeling of bugs crawling on her skin.

In fact,

This Shadow Worm wasn't close to Su Qingqian, but to her shadow, Jonathan.

After all, in a sense, Jonathan was their father.

Therefore, after this Shadow Worm met Su Qingqian by chance, it clung to her feet, unwilling to leave.

Jonathan saw the flustered school belle and planned to help her out.

She ordered the Shadow Worm to leave her feet.

The Shadow Worm lingered on Su Qingqian's feet. Although it was a little reluctant, it still followed Jonathan's instructions and left Su Qingqian's feet.

Su Qingqian heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the Shadow Worm didn't continue to crawl on her feet. However, she was still a little puzzled.

How did these Shadow Worms come about?

Of course, Su Qingqian couldn't figure it out. However, the insect queen who gave birth to these shadow insects was the school belle's language teacher, Murong Wan.

Su Qingqian sat in the Ghost Flower Carriage, hugging her legs as she curled up in a corner.

He stared at the Shadow Worm, afraid that it would get close!

Although the Shadow Insect didn't continue to crawl on her feet, it didn't leave the Ghost Flower Carriage either. It continued to crawl around in the Ghost Flower Carriage, unwilling to leave.

Su Qingqian gritted her teeth, took the red dancing shoes in her hand, and hit the shadow worm!

This was how she usually beat cockroaches. Moreover, her dancing shoes were relatively soft, so the impact was quite good.

However, this move could kill cockroaches, but it would be a little difficult to kill shadow insects.

She removed her dancing shoes and saw that the Shadow Bug was still lying there, unaffected!

After all, the Shadow Worm did not have a physical body, so physical attacks were basically ineffective. It was impossible to kill the Shadow Worm with dancing shoes.

"What a strange insect!"

Su Qingqian held the dancing shoes in her hands and felt a sense of security. However, she was still panicking from the Shadow Worm and was helpless.

At this moment,

As she hit the shadow worm with her dancing shoes, the Ghost Flower Carriage shook and a strange sound came from inside.

The ghost sedan bearers carrying the bridal sedan were all surprised. What was the bride doing inside?

The ghost matchmaker also noticed the abnormality. She opened the curtain and saw Su Qingqian barefooted. She was holding a dancing shoe in her hand, as if she was about to hit someone.

This…The ghost matchmaker was a little confused and asked,"

"Miss Smith, what are you doing?"

"There are bugs in the sedan." Su Qingqian said.

However, the ghost matchmaker searched carefully but did not find any worms.

The reason was simple. The Shadow Worm was a shadow and could hide in Su Qingqian's shadow.

As long as they hid in the shadows, they would not be able to detect them at all.

"Ms. Smith, where are the bugs? Are you sure?”Ghost Matchmaker said in puzzlement.

Su Qingqian was also a little puzzled. The shadow worm was still in the middle of the sedan chair just now. How did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

She was very puzzled. She looked around in the bridal sedan but could not find the insect.

"Miss Su, are you too bored sitting in the sedan chair?”The ghost matchmaker smiled and said,"We'll be there soon. Please wait patiently."”

She put down the curtain of the sedan chair and asked the sedan bearers to walk faster so that they could give the ghost bride to the Ghost King of Tidal City as soon as possible.

The ghost matchmaker also wanted to report her mission as soon as possible so that she could receive the reward.

After closing the curtains,

The Shadow Bug crawled out from Su Qingqian's shadow again.

The Shadow Worm could live in shadows, but Su Qingqian's shadow was Jonathan, who was also the Shadow Worm's father, so the Shadow Worm could not live in shadows.

They even had to listen to Jonathan's orders.

Su Qingqian saw that the Shadow Worm had appeared again, and her mental state collapsed. This hateful worm!

But he couldn't be killed!

He was even stronger than a cockroach!

Helplessly, Su Qingqian could only try her best not to come into contact with the shadow insects and maintain a distance.

However, he had to admit,

Right at this moment, another shadow worm crawled into the Ghost Flower Carriage through the crack!

Moreover, this shadow worm was one round longer than the previous one!

There were also many more feet growing.

As soon as the Shadow Bug entered the sedan, it climbed onto Su Qingqian's body.

Su Qingqian broke down emotionally. Although the bridal sedan was very spacious, there was nowhere to hide.

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She was a little afraid and was very resistant to insects.


Just as the Shadow Bug was about to approach her, it stopped.

Jonathan told Shadow Bug to keep a distance from Su Qingqian and scare the school belle.

Very soon,

A third, a fourth, a fifth…

Su Qingqian was completely stunned!

Why are there more and more bugs! Was he poking a bug nest?

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The school belle squeezed into the corner with all her might, trembling. There was almost no space for her to stand on.

There were already more than a dozen insects crawling around in the bridal sedan chair. It was very terrifying.

In fact,

These bugs were summoned by Jonathan!

Of course, the first one was just a coincidence. From the second one onwards, they were all summoned by Jonathan and climbed into the Ghost Flower Carriage from various places.

The reason why he did this was because

Jonathan also wanted to try controlling the Shadow Worm.

There was another more important reason, which was to protect Su Qingqian.

After all, Su Qingqian was going to meet the Ghost King of Tidal City.

A battle was inevitable, and the Ghost King of Tidal City had 100,000 ghost soldiers.

On the other hand, Su Qingqian was all alone!

Most of the malicious ghosts had already defected to the Ghost King of Tidal City.

If he had the help of the Shadow Worm, he would have another helper.

Jonathan could directly summon the Shadow Worms and have them come to the king's aid.

As a result, Shadow Worms kept crawling into the sedan chair. However, they were all very polite and did not climb onto Su Qingqian. They only crawled around in the sedan chair as if they were patrolling.

Seeing so many centipede-like insects crawling around her, Su Qingqian was about to cry.

It was too terrifying!

Their fear of insects was even stronger than that of malicious ghosts!

In fact,

There were only a few shadow insects in the sedan.

Most of the shadow insects were outside, following the Ghost Flower Carriage.

Because it was night time, the Shadow Worm was moving in the shadows and was very difficult to be discovered.

There was even a particularly large shadow worm that was more than a hundred meters long. It passed through the shadows of the houses and occasionally poked its head out.

Such a large shadow worm must have devoured many malicious ghosts and many human figures.

Of course, there were some differences between the Shadow Worm's devouring and Jonathan's devouring of human figures.

The Shadow Worm would not directly devour the entire human figure. Instead, it would nibble on it, similar to how the worm ate the leaves. It would not eat the entire leaf, but it would leave the leaf riddled with holes.

On the surrounding streets, there were at least a hundred shadow insects crawling along the Ghost Flower Carriage.

Before receiving Jonathan's order to attack, they would not attack. They would only wait for an opportunity to move and hide very well.

Of course, it wasn't impossible to detect.

Instead, the Specters, Evils, and some humans on the streets were all looking at the Ghost Flower Carriage.

They all wanted to catch a glimpse of the ghost bride, so they had no time to pay attention to the insects in the shadows.

As the ghost sedan carriers carried the sedan chair, the bridal procession passed through the streets, filled with a strange festive atmosphere...

At this moment,

All the Shadow Bugs in Guangzhou sensed Jonathan's call and began to crawl under the shadows towards Su Qingqian.

At the teachers 'dormitory.

The language teacher, Murong Wan, was sitting on the bed in the room. She looked haggard.

In the past few days, she had watched her big-bellied shadow continuously give birth to crawling shadow worms.

According to her calculations, there were at least tens of thousands of them.

After these shadow bugs were born, they would crawl around her feet and then leave to survive outside.

There was also the Shadow Worm, who was unwilling to leave her and stayed by her side to protect her safety.

Although I am afraid of these shadow insects,

However, after Murong Wan's sleepless observation, she realized that these shadow bugs did not seem to have any ill intentions towards her.

Moreover, thanks to the Shadow Worm's protection, Murong Wan was not disturbed by any ghosts or evil spirits.

Basically, the strangeness that wanted to hurt her was eaten by the shadow insects.

Therefore, Murong Wan loved and feared these shadow bugs.

Until now, he still did not understand why his shadow would reproduce such insects.


She had been looking at her phone for the past few days and had learned a lot about the night of a hundred ghosts.

The entire world was experiencing an outbreak of evil and strangeness. It was not only in the east, but also in the west. Moreover, the situation in the west was even more serious. Some countries had even fallen.

And in the East, it was not just Guangzhou that was experiencing the night of a hundred ghosts. It was happening all over the country.

There were also many cities that were occupied by the ghost tide and zombie tide, turning into ghost cities.

The number of strange incidents was increasing exponentially!

Murong Wan had also lamented that she was very unfortunate that a strange incident had happened to her.

However, when she saw the photo of the Ghost King of Yang Cheng, she was stunned.

It was actually Su Qingqian!

Her student, Su Qingqian!

Murong Wan had never expected that the pure and innocent school belle of First Middle School would turn into an Evil, and a Ghost King at that.

Most importantly, Murong Wan still remembered the day of the night of a hundred ghosts.

That was also the last morning reading class she gave to her students.

Su Qingqian said that she had a baby in her stomach.

Perhaps, from then on, Su Qingqian was abnormal.

And the strange incident on his body might also be related to Su Qingqian!

Murong Wan had noticed a piece of information. The Ghost King of Yang City could devour shadows.

And his shadow could give birth to strange shadow insects. It was all related to the shadow. It was most likely not a coincidence.

Therefore, Murong Wan suspected that the culprit behind her strange behavior was most likely her student, Su Qingqian.

Murong Wan wanted to find Su Qingqian, but unfortunately, she didn't know where she was.

Moreover, the streets were filled with malicious ghosts. It was very difficult to find a person.

Even with the Shadow Worm protecting her, Murong Wan did not dare to go out easily.

If possible, she wanted to ask Su Qingqian in person if these Shadow Bugs were her masterpiece.

Right at this moment,

Murong Wan felt that something was wrong with her body.

She immediately looked at her shadow on the wall. The shadow had a big belly and looked like a pregnant woman.

Another shadow worm was separated from her shadow worm. There were many of them.

This fetus would probably have at least a thousand shadow insects!

Countless Shadow Insects crawled around Murong Wan after they crawled out of their mother's body, longing for their " mother ".

Murong Wan was already used to it, so she wasn't as scared as she was at the beginning.

However, at this moment,

These Shadow Bugs seemed to have been summoned by some kind of call. They actually looked in one direction in unison and shook their antennae, as if they were sensing something.

A few seconds later, they crawled out of the house, lined up, and left.

Murong Wan was shocked when she saw this!

According to her previous observations, the newly born Shadow Worm would not leave her so quickly. It would take at least five minutes before it gradually left her.

But now, something had changed. As soon as the shadow insects were born, they all rushed in a certain direction.

Even the Shadow Worms that were originally by her side and protecting her had left her!

One had to know that there were a few Shadow Worms that were born from her first birth. They had always been by her side and had never left.

But now, he had actually left!

It was very abnormal!

Murong Wan suspected that someone was controlling these Shadow Bugs from behind the scenes.

Other than himself, who else had the qualifications to control these Shadow Worms?

His only guess was that it was Shadow Bug's father.

It was the person who caused Murong Wan's pregnancy, or rather, the evil.

Murong Wan gritted her teeth and decided to follow him. She wanted to find the evil.

Although he might not be able to get rid of his strange state, at least he could know the truth.

Murong Wan didn't want to give birth to bugs for others in such a dubious manner!

She was not a fertility machine. At the very least, he had to make sure that she knew who had made her lose her innocence.

After putting on her clothes and shoes, Murong Wan left the apartment and followed the Shadow Worms to see who was summoning them.

However, the Shadow Worm's movement speed was relatively fast. Its crawling speed in the shadows was no slower than a car.

Therefore, Murong Wan could only chase after them in her car.

Although the government had issued an evacuation order and the Ghost King of Tidal City would invade Guangzhou tonight,

However, Murong Wan had no intention of retreating.

She reckoned that if she retreated to Jiangnan Province, she would be captured as an Evil. After all, these Shadow Bugs were dangerous Evil to humans.

Murong Wan wanted to find out who was controlling the Shadow Worm.

She stepped on the accelerator and chased after the Shadow Worm…


At this moment,

Yangcheng, Pearl River Ferry, Ferry Pier

The malicious ghosts and spirits surged forward like a tide.

The number of 100,000 ghost soldiers was still very terrifying.

Moreover, these ghost soldiers were all under orders. They infiltrated Yang Cheng from all directions and invaded the city.

The ghost soldiers 'invasion route was basically along the Pearl River.

The Pearl River was a river that passed through the center of Yangcheng. Basically, all the prosperous streets of Yangcheng were on both sides of the Pearl River.

Therefore, the ghost soldiers were very far-sighted. They first occupied the Pearl River and then invaded along the river. They could basically make the entire Yang Cheng fall into a ghost city.


At this moment, there were quite a number of humans at the ferry!

These people all wanted to leave Guangzhou by boat. It was faster than driving.

However, the ferry was very crowded and could not carry so many passengers.

Moreover, the number of cruise ships was limited, and most people could not leave by boat.

Seeing the appearance of the ghost tide, the residents who wanted to leave by boat hurriedly fled. Some people even fell into the water and were dragged underwater by the water ghosts to drown.

Panic spread. Everyone was in despair and fear!

At this moment,

Governor Su Aiguo brought a group of people from the Spiritual Research Institute to maintain order.

Although the Spirit Research Institute had lost three Class A members, there were still over a hundred Class C's and a dozen Class B's. They were still quite a force to be reckoned with.

It could also temporarily resist the ghost tide and protect the people.


The situation was still not optimistic!

Su Aiguo patrolled the streets of the city and found that there were ghost soldiers everywhere. A large-scale ghost tide had begun.

Many people were killed and turned into malicious ghosts after death, becoming part of the ghost tide.

It could be said that…

The entire city had basically fallen!

It had become a real ghost city!

Su Aiguo was powerless to reverse the situation. He could only evacuate as many citizens as possible.

Su Aiguo and the people from the Spiritual Research Institute began to evacuate the citizens. They tried their best to let the citizens leave Guangzhou by cruise ship.

Those who couldn't sit could only leave in the car.

However, he had to admit,

Right at this moment,

Thousands of ghost soldiers surrounded him from all directions.

Not only were there ghost soldiers, but there were also zombies, demons, and evil spirits…

It was like the Yellow Springs Road in the netherworld. There were ghosts everywhere!

The entire ferry was blocked off, and not even a drop of water could pass through!

Moreover, the ghost tide was very terrifying. There was no end in sight, and it filled the entire street!

Even if the people from the Spiritual Research Institute were good at catching ghosts, they couldn't face so many ghosts at the same time. There were at least tens of thousands of them!

When the malicious ghosts saw the large group of people trapped at the ferry, they were eager to give it a try. They wanted to create fear in the crowd and slowly kill this group of people.

As long as fear was created, the ghost soldiers could continue to become stronger.

"Governor Su, what should we do? We are completely surrounded." A psychic said.

This was the first time the female psychic had seen so many ghosts, and her scalp went numb!

"Perhaps there's a way out by sea. I've already asked the higher-ups to send ships to pick us up, but I don't know if they'll be able to arrive in time.”

Aiguo Su frowned and was a bit worried,

Because Yangcheng was close to the sea and the Pearl River flowed to the sea, the rescue boats would go upstream from the mouth of the sea and come to the ferry.

The key was whether the rescue ship could arrive in time. After all, they were completely surrounded by the malicious ghosts. If there was no rescue ship to pick them up, they would definitely die.

Right at this moment,

A large ship was slowly approaching from the lower reaches of the river!

It was a large cruise ship!

It could carry tens of thousands of people!

The ship was brightly lit, and the sound of singing and dancing could be heard.

This should be the rescue ship!

The crowd at the ferry port cheered!

"There's hope! This ship can definitely transport all of us.”

"The ship is approaching the ferry. Everyone, get ready to board.”

"The heavens will always give you a way out!"

Everyone thought they had seen hope!

When the big cruise ship docked, the crowd swarmed up and began to board the ship.

Aiguo Su and the ghost tamer from the Spiritual Research Institute also boarded the ship.

After boarding the ship,

Su Aiguo found that it was very lively inside the ship. There were many lanterns and streamers with the word "Xi" pasted on them.

Moreover, a banquet was being held. The banquet hall was filled with all kinds of delicacies and wine. There were also some people who looked like they were of noble status drinking and chatting, laughing and laughing.

Compared to the night of a hundred ghosts outside the ship, this place was like heaven!

A bearded captain walked over and asked the crew to maintain order. At least 5,000 people had boarded the ship just now, and the number was still very large.

Moreover, many of them were government officials and special people from the Spiritual Research Institute. They all followed Su Aiguo.

"Governor, why do I feel that something is wrong here?”

A spiritualist from the Spiritual Research Institute had a very sharp spiritual sense and sensed the Yin Qi.

However, it was indistinct and could not be completely distinguished.

Most of the people who were still with Su Aiguo were Class C's, and a few were Class B's. They were much weaker than Class A's.

" I also think it's a little strange. If this ship is a rescue ship, why is there a banquet inside? Moreover, the people on the ship are all laughing and cheering. It's not normal..."

As a criminal investigation expert, Su Aiguo also noticed the abnormality. In the era of strange recovery, the festive scene inside the ship made people feel suspicious.

At this moment, the bearded captain walked over. He seemed to know Su Aiguo and said,"

"Governor Su, I've heard a lot about you. I'm the captain of this ship, Li Weiqi.”

"Hello, Captain Li." Aiguo Su also greeted him, but he really didn't know him.

"There will be a grand wedding on the cruise ship today. Governor Su is a special guest. Please take a seat in the front row of the VIP seats.”

The bearded captain said,

Aiguo Su was puzzled. Wasn't this a rescue ship?

Why did they have to hold a wedding?

And whose wedding is it? Aiguo Su had many questions.


At this moment,

Outside the ferry,

None of the ghosts dared to enter the ferry. They seemed a little afraid when they saw the cruise ship!

"F * ck! Those people actually boarded the ship!"

"The Ghost King of Tidal City is on the ship and will hold his wedding on the ship.”

"That's a terrifying ghost ship!”

The ghosts did not dare to board the ship. Without the permission of the Ghost King, they could only stay on land.

Right at this moment,

The bridal procession carrying the Ghost Flower Carriage slowly walked over from the street…

"Excuse me, the bride is here."

The ghost matchmaker shouted, and the ghosts made way for her.

Finally, the bride was sent to the location designated by the Ghost King of Tidal City, the ferry port.

The sedan bearers carried the sedan and placed it steadily on the ground.

The Red Specters scattered blood-red petals that were filled with Yin Qi and looked very ceremonial.

The bridal sedan had just landed,

A beautiful ghost bride in a red wedding dress ran out from inside.

It was Su Qingqian!

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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