City: Are you crazy? 1.2 million yuan for a patch of Chinese medicine
3 Beat up the tall, rich, and handsome man, and chase after the white, rich, and beautiful woman.3/10, looking for flowers.

Go home an


Beat Up the Tall, Rich, and Handsome, Chasing After the White, Rich, and Beautiful

After Lin Nan went out, he went to the herbal field again. He was surprised to find that the leaves of the Solomon's seal in the herbal field seemed to have become much greener.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

"Potato, you have to take good care of this herbal field.”Lin Nan said to the dog beside him.

Woof, woof, woof. The potato responded a few times as if it understood what he said.

Lin Nan then went down the mountain and returned home. Luo Meilan, who was cooking, stopped what she was doing and called her son over. She gave him some advice. The core content was to let him give up the few acres of herbal fields on the mountain and go to the city to find a job. At the same time, he would bring back a wife.

"Mom, the sealwort I planted is about to be harvested. It's a pity to waste it now. After the autumn harvest, I'll go to Uncle Hua to talk about the mountain.”Lin Nan said.

He had never wanted to give up on his idea. Now that he had obtained the mysterious Apothecary System, he was even more determined to continue planting herbs. Moreover, he wanted to grow bigger and stronger. As for his parents, he could only delay it for the time being. When the herbs were planted and produced benefits, he believed that the two elders would naturally change their minds.

"Yes, don't forget." Luo Meilan thought that it made sense, so she did not continue to force him.

"Got it. Hey, Mom, I brought you a pot of water. Try it.”Lin Nan said.

"What's there to taste about water!" Luo Meilan did not think much of it.

"It's very sweet. It's even better than the spring water on the mountain.”After saying that, he put down the thermos bottle filled with immortal spring water.

After returning to his room, he took out the information and continued to look for scientific methods to increase the harvest of herbs in a short period of time.

Luo Meilan, who was busy in the kitchen, felt a little thirsty. She picked up the thermos bottle left by Lin Nan and poured a glass of water. She took a sip and felt that the water inside was very sweet and delicious, so she drank a few more mouthfuls.

"This water is quite good."

Not long after, Lin Nan's father also came back from outside.

After the meal was ready, the family sat together to eat.

"Try the water your son brought back.”Luo Meilan poured a glass of water for her husband.

The tanned Lin Yaohua did not say anything. He picked up the glass of water and took a sip. The spring water was sweet and refreshing. After drinking it, he felt refreshed. The fatigue from a busy day had also decreased a lot.


It was just two simple words. Lin Nan knew very little about his father. These two words were already a rare compliment.

"Xiao Nan, where did you get this water?”Luo Meilan asked.

"My classmate sent it to me. He said that it's non-polluted water from other places and asked me to try it.”Lin Nan said the reason he had already thought of. He could not tell his parents that he had suddenly obtained a magical system. The system rewarded him with a magical immortal spring pot. The water was poured out of that pot.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going out tomorrow. I'm going to the city.”

"Alright, I should have gone to take a look long ago." Luo Meilan said happily.

"Yes." Lin Yaohua nodded and emptied the wine in his glass.

Lin Nan did not go out to the city to look for a job. Instead, he went to the nearby big families who planted medicinal fields to learn from their experience and see if they had any good methods. He also went into the city to see if there was any biological fertilizer that could promote the growth of Solomon's seal. Of course, he could not say that he went out to study the cultivation of medicinal herbs. Otherwise, his parents would definitely be unhappy.

Crack! The door outside opened and a woman entered. She looked to be in her late twenties. She had a slim figure and was very good-looking. After entering the door, she hurriedly entered the house.

"Dad, Mom, Xiao Nan, are you okay?”

"Sis, why are you back?"

The person who returned was Lin Nan's sister, Lin Yueru. She was one year older than him and worked in the Agriculture Department in the city.

"I heard that you committed suicide by jumping into the river!”Lin Yueru said in surprise," I called home, but no one picked up, so I rushed back.”

"Who's talking nonsense? I was saving someone!”Lin Nan said angrily.

Such a trivial matter had spread to his sister's ears dozens of miles away so quickly. Which cute person had such a gossipy heart? Lin Nan really wanted to thank him face to face!

"It's good that you're fine. Let me tell you, don't plant that herbal field of yours anymore. It's just wasting your time. Hurry up and go into the city to find a job. Otherwise, you can try taking the civil service exam. After all, you graduated from a key university and have a good foundation.”Lin Yueru sat down and took a sip of water. After graduating from university, she had passed the national examination and entered the Agriculture Division. She was considered lucky. As an older sister, she naturally cared about her younger brother.

"Hey, what kind of water is this? It's so delicious!”Lin Yueru looked at the cup of water in her hand in surprise.

"Your brother's classmate gave it to me.”

There was another set of chopsticks on the dining table, and the family was happy.

"Xiao Ru, when are you going to bring me a boyfriend?”Luo Meilan was more concerned about her daughter's marriage than Lin Nan's job. After all, this was a matter that concerned a woman's life. Her daughter was so beautiful and her job was not bad. Naturally, she had to find someone similar.

"Soon, soon!" Lin Yueru replied with a smile.

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