Wuxia: A salted fish expert in the Six Fan School
10 Return

Happy old


The setting sun shone in the evening.

At the foot of Mount Heng.

The originally beautiful scenery was now filled with sadness.

Two piles of yellow soil stood side by side, and buried in the middle was the pair of Bo Ya Zi Qi.

They did not wait for the seventh day, nor did they have any gongs, drums, or suona. They only had two ordinary coffins. As they closed them, they were accompanied by the wails of their relatives. Ashes to ashes, dirt to dirt, everything was done in a hurry.

This was how Jianghu people came and left in a hurry.

Xu Fengyu threw a handful of yellow paper into the fire pit and bowed slightly.

Mo Da said.

"Then what do you plan to do with the child?"

Xu Fengyu said without hesitation," Come home with me.”


Mo Da did not force her.

From the moment Xu Fengyu shot out those copper coins, he knew that he was a reliable man.

"If you need anything in the future, feel free to come to the Mount Heng Sect to find me.”


Xu Fengyu replied softly and carried Qu Fei Yan, who had fainted from crying, into the carriage, and bid farewell to Mo Da.


As the carriage drove away, the sound of an erhu could be heard from behind.

The hunt in Hengyang had finally come to an end.


Half a month later, they returned to the capital.

When I left, it was still slightly cool, but when I returned, the city was full of flowers.

Six Fan School.

"What is it? A silver-robed constable?"

Xu Fengyu sat up in shock and hurriedly rejected," Forget it. It's just capturing Yu Canghai. He was killed by someone else. If he still advances, the others will definitely be unhappy."”

Zhuge Zhengwo was very resourceful. He stared at Xu Fengyu with a smile." Didn't you kill Tian Boguang?”


Xu Fengyu was at a loss for words, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

The black-robed constable, capturing Yu Canghai was already his top mission.

If he was promoted to a silver-robed constable, the situation would be different. Jiang Long was a silver-robed constable. Look at him. Not only was he busy all day, but he also had to deal with those grandmasters.

Unfortunately, he could not refuse.

In the end, he could only put on the silver token and leave.

Looking at Xu Fengyu's bleak back, Zhuge Zhengwo teased Wu Qing," How is it? This kid isn't the embroidered pillow you mentioned, right?”

Wu Qing was lost in thought and was caught off guard by his sudden question.

However, she quickly calmed herself down and said respectfully," Arrester Xu may seem frivolous and lazy, but in reality, he's very wise. His actions are often unpredictable. To be honest, I can't quite see through him.”

Zhuge Zhengwo was stunned.

He thought that Wu Qing's impression of Xu Fengyu had changed, but he did not expect Wu Qing to have such a high evaluation of him.

However, this child was indeed a little hard to read.



"I'm back!"

At Gong Gu Alley.

Xu Fengnian shouted and pushed the door open.

"Young Master is back?"

Barkley was delighted as he staggered over.

His trembling appearance always made people worry if he would fall down in the next second.

He looked Xu Fengyu up and down carefully. Seeing that he was unharmed, the old man was relieved.

Then, she looked to his side and asked," These two are?”

One person went out, and three people came back.

Xu Fengyu pulled Qu Feiyan into his arms." This little girl is my little sister, she will be staying with us from now on…Little Fei Yan, quickly call Uncle Fu.”

In the end, Qu Fei Yan was only a twelve or thirteen year old child. She had just lost her family and joined a completely unfamiliar new family, so she was naturally very nervous.

She grabbed the corner of Xu Fengyu's shirt tightly and said timidly," Hello, Grandpa Fu!”

"Sigh! Alright, alright…"

The old man was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and repeatedly said yes.

"Isn't this a difference in seniority…"

Xu Fengyu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Then, he pointed at Lin Pingzhi, who was still disheveled, and introduced him," This is Young Master Lin from Fuwei Bodyguard Agency, uh…"

At this point, he was at a loss for words. He did not know how to settle this fellow.

After the Liu Residence was done, Lin Pingzhi disappeared.

Xu Fengyu thought that he would return to his original path and join the Huashan Sect, or be taken away by Cao Shaoqing.

Who knew that this fellow would actually come to the capital to wait for him.


Just as Xu Fengyu was in a dilemma, Lin Pingzhi knelt down on both knees.

"Benefactor, benefactor helped me to take revenge. It's like giving me a new lease on life. In this huge world, this is the only kindness I have left.”


Xu Fengyu was instantly dumbfounded.

Seeing that he had a look of 'if you don't agree, I'll kneel and not get up', she could only agree temporarily.

"Alright, that's it for now."

"Thank you, Young Master!"

Lin Pingzhi bowed his head and bowed.

After a month of tiring travel, Xu Fengyu took a bath and slept for half a day before he felt relieved.

Night fell.

Xu Fengyu hesitated for a long time before finally knocking on Lin Pingzhi's door.

In the room, Xu Fengyu looked at Lin Pingzhi, who had just washed up. He was surprised.

Just like the description of him in the book-a weak and beautiful young man, better than a woman dressed as a man, seductive flower star.

His servant attire couldn't hide his original noble aura.

Xu Fengyu had a good impression of Lin Pingzhi.

He was the character with the most tragic fate and the strongest will in 'Smiling Proud.' Although he eventually turned from righteous to evil, his nature was nostalgic, beautiful, and filial. He was a loyal, righteous, and courageous man.

Returning it to its original owner was Xu Fengyu's intention.

He took out the cassock and handed it to Lin Pingzhi." I found it in your old house when I went to Fuzhou to investigate a case."”

Lin Pingzhi trembled as he took it.

Even though he had already guessed it, he still couldn't believe it.”

Xu Fengnian glanced at the kasaya with a complicated expression." The Evil-warding Sword Manual is the source of all your pain. Hmm, how should I put it…If it's possible, you'd better not practice it."”


It was late at night.

The candlelight lit up.

In the darkness, Lin Pingzhi was as desperate as a wild beast. His eyes were bloodshot, his face ferocious, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging. His fingers gripped the kasaya tightly, suppressing the heart-wrenching pain in his heart.

He muttered," Because of you, my family was destroyed. I really want to show those bastards that if they want to practice this technique, they must castrate themselves first…Hehe…What a great irony, sob…"

Tears rolled down the corners of her mouth.

He pulled it fiercely, wanting to tear it apart.

However, she suddenly stopped and a gentle expression appeared on her face as she gently smoothed it out.

"I have a home again…"

(After writing this chapter, I thought about it for more than ten minutes, but I couldn't think of a chapter title. In the end, I wrote 'Return,' both for returning to the capital and for Lin Ping's new life.)

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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