The eldest son of the Natsume family is in the capital!
3 The beautiful girl, Drifter!

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The peerlessly beautiful Drifter's large, exquisite eyes sparkled as she looked at Natsume Ryuha, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, and at the table, which was a mess of disheveled utensils that had yet to be cleaned up.

A hint of conflict flashed across his eyes!

Finally! The beautiful girl, the Drifter, seemed to have made up her mind. She tiptoed to the front of the dining table, held the leftover dishes with both hands, and began to tidy them up.



"Ding, ding, ding!"

The sound of water flowing past and the crisp sound of porcelain colliding could be heard. Natsume Ryukawa, who was in his sleep, slowly frowned.

"Who is it?"

Natsume Ryukawa opened his hazy eyes, and the crisp sound disappeared without a trace as if it had been frightened.


He looked at the sky. Very good! It was already dark.

He then looked at the table not far away, where the messy mess had been cleaned up.

"Oh! Very good, this was a very virtuous evil spirit.”

Natsume Ryukawa strolled to the kitchen and looked over.

On the sink, the tap was still running. Not far away, there was a pile of washed dishes, but no one was there.

"Suck ~!"

Natsume Ryukawa sniffed and murmured,""You're leaving just like that?"

"And a shy evil spirit.”

Natsume Ryuha walked forward with a smile and turned off the tap. Then, he walked out of the kitchen and headed to the stairs on the second floor.


Just as Natsume Ryukawa stepped onto the stairs, a loud crash came from the second floor, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Natsume Ryukawa walked up the stairs nonchalantly.

The house had three floors. The first floor was used as a hall, the second floor was mainly used as a residence, and the third floor was used as a warehouse. It was a common family residence on Nihon Island.

He walked up to the second floor.

Natsume Longhe didn't immediately search for it, but stood there and observed.

"The air is filled with the remnants of a dark aura. This evil spirit seems to have stayed here for a long time.”

Natsume Ryukawa's eyes flashed with a gentle light as he arrived in front of a house.

Out of the three rooms, only the second bedroom had the densest dark aura. It was very likely that this was where the other party had been living.

"I'm coming in."

Natsume Ryukawa spoke symbolically before pushing open the door without hesitation.

Inside the house, the walls were mainly pink. There were fluffy dolls on the bed and cabinets. The decoration style was very similar to the style of the 1990s.

It was obvious that this was a girl's room.


The air current flowed, and a moldy smell came from it, but it was not strong.

However, the room was empty. There was no second person as expected.

"Hiding again? This evil spirit is really timid."

Natsume Longhe was speechless, but with his powerful spiritual sense, he could sense that the other party was secretly watching him from a corner of the room.

"Do you like hiding? Then let me play with you."

Natsume Ryukawa grinned and closed the door as he walked into the room. At the same time, he took out a white note with a special rune on it and stuck it between the door's crack.

Although the simple Talisman of Restriction did not have a powerful offensive ability, it had the ability to suppress the flow of spiritual energy and demonic energy.


"Is it here?"


"He's not here!"

Natsume Ryukawa excitedly pulled on the chest, but in the end, he found nothing.

"Could it be that this fellow has some strange ability that prevents me from seeing it?”

Natsume Ryukawa rubbed his chin and thought for a while before deciding not to think about it.

"But there's no need to rush. We have a week anyway.”

Natsume Longhe wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he looked around and smiled.""In that case, I'll stay in this room!”

Natsume Ryuha happily ran downstairs and started packing.

Just as Natsume Ryukhe left the room, a small head popped out from under the bed!

Ling Long's big eyes looked outside the door. Her fair face revealed a hint of anger as she pouted and muttered something.

Soon, Natsume Ryukawa returned with a broom and a large bag. He began to clean the pink room.

Although the room had not been occupied for a long time and was covered in a layer of dust, it did not look very dirty.

After some simple cleaning, the entire room looked brand new.

The original damp and musty smell was gone.

Lying on the soft pink bed, Natsume Ryukawa felt that something was amiss.

"Speaking of which! Could that evil spirit be the original owner of this room??”

If that was the case, was this considered sharing a bed with the other party?

"Eh! Will I be killed by someone? Was he taken in by a ghost?"

Reality proved that Natsume Longhe was overthinking things. This evil spirit was much more composed than he had imagined. It could even be said that it was extremely shy!

He slept until dawn!

The moment Natsume Ryuha woke up, he looked at the Spirit Restricting Talisman at the door. It was obvious that the evil spirit had not left the room last night.

In fact, he didn't even make any noise!

If not, Natsume Longhe's spiritual sense would definitely have sensed it.

"Looks like this evil spirit is really calm.”

Natsume Ryukawa muttered to himself and stretched his back."F * ck! It doesn't matter. I still have enough time to play with you anyway.”

According to the contract!

Natsume Ryukawa needed to stay in this house for a week, and there was no restriction that prevented him from going out.

He just had to make sure that he slept at home every night.

After preparing a simple breakfast for himself, Natsume Ryukawa walked out of the courtyard and went out to purchase ingredients.

At the same time, pay attention to the information on the houses.

After all, there were still more than ten days before school started. Before that, he needed to settle down in the capital.


Natsume Ryukawa, who had been busy for the entire day, collapsed on the sofa when he returned to his residence.

"Ah ~! I'm so tired."

Purchasing ingredients was one thing, but finding a house was a little difficult for him. Nihon Island's customs were different, and it was impossible to rent a house like in China in his previous life.

If there was no guarantor and the landlord's trust, others might not rent the house to you.

This was a very difficult point for Natsume Longhe.


" Huh?!"

Natsume Ryuha raised his head and looked at the stairwell, his eyes filled with confusion."The commotion just now! Is it coming from inside the room?"

"Could it be? That evil spirit came out in broad daylight!"

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