Entertainment: Military art school hunk, mushroom house acting idol drama

The national variety show " Yearning for 6 " had started broadcasting. The top actress, Dilireba, had brought a very handsome boy, Gu Jiangning, to promote the new drama!

He was a well-known military art school student, Shen Teng Shidi, synonymous with good looks, a new idol!

It was Lu Zhiang from ’Summer Solstice but Not yet!’

It was Murong Yunhai from Let’s Watch the Meteor Shower!

It was Yu Huai from "The Best of Us"!

It was Yu Tu from You Are My Glory!

It was Xiao Nai from " A Smile Is Beautiful "!

His appearance made all the male leads in love novels and idol dramas proud!

He was also a gold medal composer! An all-rounded musician!

" Sunny Day,"" Chaser of the Light,"" Lonely Brave,"" Jiangnan,"" Little Luck,"" Ordinary Road," and other popular songs were all written by him!

He was good at all kinds of musical styles!

Shen Teng: Yes, I looked like this when I was young!

Fans: People have to fall in love with Gu Jiangning at different ages!
