Relying on fortune and wealth
44 Moving to the fairy-like bridge

Qilin Brea


The white crane said to the prince,"Bring me a piece of high-grade jade. I will carve a protective array for you. From then on, demons and ghosts will never enter your dreams again." After saying that, the prince took out a large pile of jade for the white crane to choose from. The white crane chose a piece of top-grade suet white jade that was three fingers big. When it touched it, it felt oily. He carved a statue of Zhong Kui and made him wear it.

After lunch, the prince brought Bai He and the other two to visit his pets.

It was actually as big as a zoo, and they had collected rare birds and beasts from all over the world, as well as precious flowers and trees. The Meng family had four tigers, one male and three females. The male tiger was eyeing Bai He and the other two like a tiger watching its prey, and it was filled with killing intent. Bengal tiger, also known as the Indian tiger. Wild male Bengal tigers weighed 160-270 kilograms, second only to Siberian tigers in size. The fur of an adult Bengal tiger is brown and white with black stripes. There were also a few Bengal white tigers with white backgrounds and black stripes, which were due to genetic mutations. Its body was large, its body was even, its limbs were long, and its toes were long. The head was large and round, the snout was short, and the sight, hearing, and smell were very developed. Canine teeth and fissure teeth are very well developed, with upper fissure teeth with three sharp teeth and lower fissure teeth with two sharp teeth. The molars were more degenerate, and the diameter of the crown was smaller than the height of the outer incisors. Its fur is soft and often has prominent patterns. 5 toes on the forefoot, 4 toes on the hind foot, sharp claws that can be retracted. The tail is big. He likes to live alone. Carnivorous, often killing other warm-blooded animals by ambush.

It had a wide range of habitat, including the conifer forests of the Himalayas in the cold regions, the marsh reeds, the dry mountains of the Indian Peninsula, the lush rainforests and dry broad-leaved forests of northern India, and the mangroves along the coast of the South Asian subcontinent. They are often alone and only live together during the breeding season. There was no fixed nest, and most of them wandered in the mountains and forests in search of food. He could swim but was not good at climbing trees.

It was the most numerous and widely distributed tiger subspecies in the world. In 1758, the Bengal tiger was identified as the type species of the tiger by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Bengal tigers were mainly distributed in India and Bengal, and were rare animals in these two countries. There are a few cross-border distribution in Medog, Tibet, China.

Prince's male tiger was especially tall and strong. It was more than three meters long and one and a half meters tall. It was estimated to weigh more than 400 kilograms. It could be called the Tiger King. Seeing Prince arrive, she immediately ran over and acted coquettishly. Toto, let me introduce you to three distinguished guests. Pointing at the white crane, he said,"This is my brother, and the other two are my friends." The tiger began to circle around Bai He and the other two, curious and shy.

After introducing the Bengal tigers, the three of them went to the lion garden. The prince had three male lions and four lionesses. One of the male lions stood out the most. His sideburns were golden and smooth. He stood still and stared at them coldly, causing them to break out in cold sweat. Its body was bigger than the other two, more than 600 pounds. The other two lions were like his followers and servants.

Then, the prince took Bai He and the other two to visit the Black Panther Garden. The prince had a male black panther and two females. Black Panthers were the black variant of panthers. It is distributed in places such as Malaysia, Thailand, and India, and is a tropical humid forest animal. The black panther had short ears, a tail length of 70 - 95cm, and a weight of 50 - 55kg. Its body was yellow-brown and had many black hollow spots. Leopards inhabit forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. Lonely, active at night, able to climb trees and swim. He could run at 70 kilometers per hour and jump 6 meters and 3 meters high. He was known as the " All-around Champion." Its vision, hearing, and smell were extremely sensitive. It hunted all kinds of small and medium-sized animals. The pregnancy lasted about 100 days, and each fetus gave birth to 1 to 3 babies. 3 years old, sexually mature, life expectancy of more than 20 years. Black Panther was like a killer of the night, full of mystery and abnormally dangerous.

Next, he visited the Ferghana Horse Garden, which had more than ten Ferghana Horses. The Ahaljie Golden Horse was also known as the Ferghana Horse. It was one of the oldest and most unique breeds. They were famous for their speed, endurance, intelligence, and unique metallic luster. They were a race horse that could withstand high temperatures and run long distances. Ferghana Horses were usually about 1.5 meters tall. They were full and graceful, with a thin head and a tall neck. Their limbs were long and slender, and their skin was thin and thin. Their steps were light and elegant, and their bodies were slender and beautiful. Coupled with their curved and high neck, they outlined their perfect body curves.


In ancient literature, Ferghana Horses could travel a thousand miles in a day and eight hundred miles at night. Generally speaking, a horse's top speed was about 150 kilometers per day, but at most, it was only about 200 kilometers per day. The fastest speed record of a Ferghana Horse was 4300 kilometers in 84 days. According to calculations, the Ferghana Horse only needed 1 minute and 7 seconds to run 1000 meters on flat ground.


Ferghana Horses were very thirsty. Even in the high temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, they only needed to drink water once a day, so they were especially suitable for long journeys. In 1998, in a race that lasted 3200 kilometers and lasted for 60 days, 54 participating Ferghana horses all made it to the finish line.

name comes

Ferghana horses were also known as Akhaltejin horses. Akhal-tekehorses。Its origin is in Turkmenistan. According to the Records of the Historian, Zhang Qian left the Western Regions and returned saying,"There are many good horses in the Western Regions." Therefore, in China, for two thousand years, this kind of horse had been mysteriously called: "Ferghana Stallion."

The total number of Ferghana horses in the world was very small: There were only about 3100 horses in total. They were produced in Turkmenistan and given to other countries as national treasures.

Turkmenistan regarded the Ferghana horse as a national treasure and painted its image on the national emblem and currency. Foreign experts had investigated the "sweaty blood" phenomenon of the Ferghana horse and believed that the "sweaty blood" phenomenon was affected by parasites.

Famous Horse Ancestor

The Ferghana Horse was produced in the Akhar Oasis between the Copet Mountains and the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. It was one of the oldest breeds of horses in the world that had been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The Ahartese had a thin head and a tall neck. Its limbs were long and slender, and its skin was thin and thin. Its steps were light, and it had great strength, speed, and endurance. The fastest speed record of a Ferghana Horse was 4300 kilometers in 84 days. Most of the famous horses in Germany, Russia, Britain and other countries had the bloodline of the Akhaltejin horse.

Emperor Mount

The common fur colors of the Akhalteh Golden Horse were light gold, purplish red, silver white, and black. Most of the Akhaltejin horses in history were used as royal horses. Genghis Khan and many other emperors used this horse as a mount. In Chinese historical documents, the Akhalte Golden Horse was known as the "Heavenly Horse" and the "Great Horse of Dawan". It was said that the "Ferghana Horse" in the history books originated from the Akhaltejin Horse.

Akhaltejin Stallion Farm was located in the southwest suburbs of Ashkhabad. It was built in 1922 and was formerly the Caspian Stables. In 1992, it was renamed President Niyazov's Horse Farm. There were about 2000 Akhalteh Golden Horses, which had been given to foreign leaders as national gifts many times. The country is committed to introducing the Akhaltejin horse to the international market.

A black stallion was the leading sheep. It was two meters tall and was black and shiny like a heavenly horse or dragon steed. Horses were men's favorite. Since ancient times, people had loved horses as much as their lives.

Then, they arrived at the Golden Eagle Garden. The prince had nine golden eagles, four males and five females. Golden eagles were birds of prey that belonged to the eagle family. It was 76 to 102 centimeters long, with a wingspan of 2.3 meters and a weight of 2 to 6.5 kilograms. They were of the same gender. When young, the head and neck are yellowish brown; Except for the outermost three feathers on the wings, the rest of the body was dark brown. Feather tail grayish white, feather tip black; The wings and tail of adult individuals are not white, and the feathers on the top of the head and occipital part turn golden brown. Its tarsus was completely covered in feathers.

It lives in forests, grasslands, deserts, and other environments. It is generally active in highlands, mountains, and hills. The highest altitude can reach more than 4000 meters. In winter, they often went to the lower mountains, hills, and plains at the foot of the mountain. During the breeding season, they built their nests in the hollows of the valley's cliffs and occasionally built their nests on tall trees. Golden eagles were known for their agile flying ability and fed on large and medium-sized birds and beasts. It is distributed in the northern hemisphere's temperature zone, sub-frigid zone, and frigid zone.

Then, they arrived at the Peacock Garden, where all kinds of peacocks competed and played. Next, they visited the dog park, snake park, bird park, cat park...

After the tour, Bai He and the other two were amazed. The wealth of the rich was unimaginable. The rich in China raised pigs as pets, while the foreigners raised tigers and lions as pets.

After the tour, the prince first let the white crane choose pets. There was no limit to the number of pets. The white crane chose a golden lion and tiger, a golden eagle, the dragon flag chose a black panther and a golden horse, and the golden eagle. The senior chose the black ferghana horse and the red-crowned crane. The prince said,"I've decided to settle down in your hometown in the future. I'll pack up all these pets." Also, each of you will be given a helicopter to show our friendship.

White Crane said,"Welcome, Xianqiao Village will be your home in the future." After training these animals for a period of time and ensuring that they would not hurt anyone, they would be released into the wilderness. The wilderness was their paradise. I've bought many houses in Xianqiao Village. I'll give you three of them. Brother, how many people do you plan to bring along?

The prince said,"I plan to bring nine beauties, six chefs, two butlers, four assistants, and nine bodyguards." It should be enough.

This book comes。

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