Gains one ability every 168 hours

Qin Feng, a high school student, had been woken up by his teacher in class. Every 168 hours, this sentence would ring in his mind!

"Ding! 168 hours have passed. Congratulations, you have obtained an ability: Clairvoyance Eye!"

"Ding! 168 hours have passed. Congratulations, you have obtained an ability: Summon the wind and rain!"

"Ding! 168 hours have passed. Congratulations, you have obtained an ability: Blink!"

"Ding! 168 hours have passed. Congratulations, you have obtained an ability: Space-time Wormhole!"

"Ding! Congratulations! You have been bound to the system for a month. You have received a pair of personal nannies, Remram!”
