My Super Master
Chapter 96: Zombie Infestation, Priest in Jeopardy!



A person bitten by a zombie and left unattended would surely undergo a zombie transformation. Alas, the churchgoers were oblivious to this peril, engrossed in their prayers.

A suicidal act, indeed.

Xu Yan shook his head slightly.

“What brings you here?”

Feeling someone tugging at his clothes, Xu Yan turned around to find Annie, her face pale with fear, clutching his shirt for courage. “Xu Yan, someone really died in the church.”

“Duh, of course someone died. Three Evil Positions attracts unclean spirits. An accident was inevitable. If I were you, I'd stay far away from this spectacle, not come here to gawk.”


Annie was puzzled why she should stay away if the church was in trouble.

Xu Yan led her to a less crowded corner and gestured for her to look at the dead man's neck. Annie glanced at it and quickly turned away. “See? Four holes, pale skin. His blood has been sucked out. A zombie did this.”

“And the church still hasn't disposed of the body. In two days, zombies will be everywhere in this town. You even helped reopen the church. They'll come for you next.”

“Ah!! What should I do?!!”

Annie was terrified. She had only helped; she didn't reopen the church.

“Haven't you heard of cause and effect? Who asked you to help?”

Xu Yan began to boast, knowing there was no tax on braggadocio. Since Annie had helped alleviate his boredom for a while, he advised her to stay away to avoid being bitten by a zombie.

“You should come up with an excuse and leave Jiuquan Town. Come back after a while. Go to the provincial capital or another province. Stay far away, got it?”


“If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. You can come back at night and see. This guy will hop up and bite people.”

“I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Don't say anymore. I'm scared!!”

Annie was almost scared to tears by Xu Yan.

He didn't expect her to be so timid!

After leaving the church, Annie found an excuse to take her father to the provincial capital, saying they would return after a while to do business there.

The townspeople didn't think much of it, their attention mostly focused on the church.

Xu Yan didn't expect Annie to take her father with her. In fact, she was targeted by the zombie because a man who helped transport zombies lusted after her during the zombie exorcism. After he turned into a zombie, he sought her out.

Being attractive wasn't your fault, but dressing provocatively at night and opening your windows for all to see was asking for trouble.

“How's the situation?”

Though Master Four Eyes said he didn't want to know, his curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't wait to ask Xu Yan upon his return.

Xu Yan shrugged and replied, “It's as expected. There are zombies, and one monk was bitten to death. Instead of burning the body, they kept it. The number of zombies might increase tonight.”


Master Four Eyes was enraged. “These idiots want to keep the body and wait for it to turn into a zombie and bite people?”

“Who knows? Without permission, we can't burn the body; it's illegal.”

Let them keep it then. See how long they could last.


Master Four Eyes was torn, even contemplating stealing the body from the church. Ultimately, he let it go.

As a newcomer, if he directly burned the body and was discovered, he'd be in deep trouble. He might even be accused of fraud and murder. Better to behave himself as a newcomer.

Even Uncle Ninth in Renjia Town had been taken to the courthouse. Not to mention Master Four Eyes, who hadn't yet solidified his footing.

“By the way, where's the master these days?”

“Who knows? Maybe he's still studying at home.”

The death in the church was just a minor incident. Few people truly cared. Even the security team made a token visit and left when the church refused to remove the body. They dared not defy Father Wu and the monks because the church flew the foreign flag.

Father Wu was heavy-hearted. A monk had died, seemingly bitten by something unnatural. The unclean spirit had dealt a heavy blow to Father Wu, who had aimed to bring glory to the church.

He kept the body and led the monks in collective prayer.

Candles, Bibles, and garlic, all items used to ward off evil spirits, surrounded the monk's body.

As the night deepened, the only place still brightly lit in the town was the church. Led by Father Wu, the monks formed a circle.

During the day, Father Wu had heard rumors that the dead monk was bitten by a zombie and would undergo a zombie transformation, requiring the body to be burned. Father Wu didn't believe it.

But the changes in the body forced him to reconsider. However, after a recent misunderstanding, Father Wu was embarrassed to seek help from the dojo and had to find a solution himself.

The teeth grew long, protruding from the mouth, and the fingernails elongated, matching the characteristics of a zombie.


To the monks' horror, the deceased emitted a chilling laugh, slowly opening his eyes and gaping his mouth to reveal long fangs, directing a series of cold laughs at them.

The monks' prayers intensified, but to no avail against the zombie. Even if the monk had undergone a zombie transformation from a Western zombie bite, the Bible, silver crucifix, and garlic nearby were effective against it.

Everyone bowed their heads in prayer, ignoring the scene unfolding before them. The zombie chuckled ominously, its head rotating 180 degrees like it had no bones, staring at Father Wu.


Prayers proved futile. The zombie lunged at Father Wu, who screamed in terror. The pain halted his prayers, and instinctively, he covered the zombie's head with the Bible in his hand.


Perhaps because the zombie was bitten by a Western zombie, the Bible worked. A flash of golden light appeared, and the zombie, which had been biting Father Wu's neck, softened and lay still on the ground.

Father Wu's injuries were not severe; the zombie's fangs hadn't bitten too deep. Unfortunately, the zombie venom still entered his body through the wound.


The monks rushed to support Father Wu, moving him away from the zombie on the ground. Fortunately, the zombie, attacked by the Bible, was no longer moving.

“Father, what should we do?”

The monks were panic-stricken, each one terrified and at a loss. They had never witnessed such a bizarre event. Demons and ghosts sounded unbelievable, but they were happening right before their eyes.

“Quickly, help Father with his wound!!”

Father Wu's follower hastily took out the medical kit, giving Father Wu an injection and treating his wound.

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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