All emperors stand up and watch the human stars shine
46 The ancient emperors witnessed the greatest group!

the fourth


South Chen is a splendid place,

Northern Li issued a great edict,

They agreed to form a party.

And now, the new scene reflected the various dynasties.


The capital, Kang Muyi's vegetarian room.

Li Dazhao's Society At the conference.

Gao Junyu, Deng Zhongxia, and the others had their backs to the window as they argued fiercely about the club. Guild Master. How to implement the path of righteousness and how to implement it in China's current national conditions.

From argument to clear path.

On the other side.

Shang Hai, Max Thought Research Society.

Li Da and Li Hanjun, the members of the research society, raised their pens and frowned as they translated the various books from overseas. They translated each paragraph carefully.

Beside them, Shen Yanbing and the others were printing flyers about Max's thoughts.

His young face was warm, sincere, and radiant.

They thought, asked, and went to every place.

Beijing University and Hu Shi decided that it was right to imitate the American system.

In the northeast, the young Liu Changchun was running. He began to grow taller. He said to his peers with determination,"I will win the Olympic gold medal."

Zhu Datong lowered his head and read the newspaper. He recited a sentence from the newspaper,""Studying for the rise of a new China!"

Shang Hai and Chen Xuandao followed behind Mr. Chen Duxiu, thinking about a new doctrine.

Qing Dynasty.

Seeing this, Jiaqing sneered.

"Impossible. Everyone in such a huge country is like this. What exactly are they trying to do?”

However, no one noticed the fear and fear in the depths of the emperor's eyes.

The people who were born in that future world seemed to have gone crazy. He was also afraid.

He didn't understand why there was such a lunatic.

Since ancient times, the people who opposed chaos were all people who held power and were above tens of thousands of people. But what about these people?

A group of commoners stood up to rebel for the sake of a great country!

On the other side.

Zhang Jun, Qin Hui, Wan Qi and others were all present.

Song Gaozong Zhao Gou was also there, and they were discussing how to recall Yue Fei.

When Zhao Gou saw the golden roll, he had a complicated expression.

"One in the south and one in the north. Guild Master. A seminar on righteousness, a research group on Karl Max's thoughts.”

"If the two are combined into one, it will become the so-called organization in the future.”

"This group of scholars is really starting to turn the world upside down.”

Yes, at that moment, even the emperor could not hide the surging waves in the depths of his eyes.

On the golden list, the images gradually faded and the words unfolded.

Chen Duxiu set up the Max Thought Research Society in Shanghai. At the same time, Shanghai also set up a night school for workers. The new youth editor, Chen Yudao, went to give a speech. The newly established group, like a spark, began to spread.

Hundreds of workers gathered at the workers 'night school and stared at the scholar standing at the front.

With a determined gaze, Chen Zhidao stood on the machine and spoke in high spirits.

"Fellow workers, who is the most useful and precious person in the world?”

"Not the emperor, not the bureaucrats, but the workers!”

"If there are no farmers, carpenters, bricklayers, and laborers, everyone will have no food to eat, no clothes to wear, and no houses to live in.”

"It's the existence of workers that supports the Human Society. Yes."

"Therefore, only those who work are the most useful!”

At this moment, Chen Nandao raised his fist and shouted.

"Long live the laborers! Long live the laborers!"

In the workshop, the workers raised their hands and their voices gathered like an ocean!

Looking at these workers who were roaring, Chen Zhidao felt like he saw sparks lighting up.

He thought of the first half of his life.

He was born in a farming family and studied abroad in Kawasaki. At that time, he began to study Max's thoughts.

It wasn't until he returned to the country and joined the New Youth that he finally realized that Chen Duxiu and the others were the same as him. They had also firmly stepped onto this path.

From the first half of his life until now, he finally felt that this was the brightest beginning of his life.

At the end of the spring of that year, all parties exchanged views on the establishment of a common country in China. He also gave Chen Duxiu some help on how to establish it.

Vijinsky shook hands according to Chinese etiquette and sat down with Chen Duxiu.

He is an international commoner. Chen Duxiu, a member of the capitalist faction who came to help China, spoke.

"I believe that Max's ideology is the most scientific theory in the world, and the Russian way of life is also an example for China.”

Vijinsky nodded." I came here this time in the hope of getting in touch with the Chinese people. I heard that Mr. Chen Duxiu is a famous Chinese ideologist and a pioneer of the masses, so I came.”

Chen Duxiu: "As early as February of this year, Mr. Li Dazhao and I established a joint alliance with China. They had reached an agreement on the issue of the pro-capitalist faction, and now they had made some substantial preparations. Shang Hai had established the Max Thought Symposium, and now they were working hard to establish it. At the same time, they hoped to get a consensus. With the help of China International."

"But what we established is the Chinese People's Republic. The production team could form an alliance with Russia, but they would not merge.”

At this moment, Chen Duxiu declared his position. He looked at the books that Vijinsky brought and became even more excited.

From the initial vow to establish the organization to now, in a few months, it had gradually taken shape.

He was not far from stepping onto that path!


The words of the Golden Roll appeared.

After Tan Sitong's disciple, Yang Changji, passed away, his two disciples, Cai Heshen and Hu Nan's student, were faced with the international theory of nullification. Cai Heshen thought of his junior brother's talent. He knew that his junior brother was the one who would save the country in the future, so he began to write to his junior brother, hoping that his junior brother would stand up for him.

The scene appeared.

In the study, Cai Heshen was reading the news from Shang Hai and the capital.

Li Dazhao established the Gong in the capital. Chen Duxiu also established the Max Thought Research Association in Shanghai.

They began to come into contact with the non-property. Thoughts.

Putting away the letter, Cai Heshen thought of what his teacher, Yang Changji, had said. He had to save the situation.

Under the light, Cai Heshen could only sigh and mumble.

"Teacher said that we youngsters are the hope.”

He picked up his brush and started writing.

"Society. "Society is the right way to change the world, and the necessary method is war. Therefore, we must form a union." Only the industrialists, workers, and farmers could organize themselves, and only then could they have a nerve center for their activities.”

After a night, he finally stopped writing and sealed the letter. It was raining now. Cai Heshen held up the umbrella and looked in the direction where the letter had come from.

From afar, he looked at Hu Nan's Youth Civil School, where his former classmates were.

Holding an umbrella, Cai Heshen spoke alone, leaving only his back view, blurred in the hazy rain.

"Students, a total of…The capitalist faction and you are the hope of the future.”

The Golden Roll continued.

This year, under the invitation of the Education Council, Chen Duxiu was invited to attend the founding meeting of the Shanghai Federation of Shipyard Industry and delivered a speech on the awareness of laborers.

In the middle of the following month, Chen Duxiu attended the China Industry and other trade union meetings, giving a speech on the current situation in Shanghai and emphasizing the education of workers.

The New Youth launched the Labor Day issue, marking the substantial step of Chen Duxiu's establishment of the organization. With the help of the International Federation, he began to create a real commoner. Yixiao Group

The words disappeared and the image unfolded.

The two-story brick and wood structure of the old house was not eye-catching in the current Shanghai.

Outside the door, the words "Yuyang Small Canyon" were written.

This was Chen Duxiu's residence.

The cold wind howled outside the window, and the rain gradually fell.

Chen Duxiu wasn't the only one in the room.

Contact the commoners of Shanghai. The capitalist faction, the young man who came to Shang Hai to seek the truth…

Chen Duxiu's gaze swept across them.

Li Hanjun, Yu Xiusong, Shi Cuntong and Chen Gong accompanied the capital.

The five of them raised their hands and swore in this small room with firm gazes.

Chen Duxiu spoke first.

"To build a road that is suitable for China!”

Li Hanjun, Yu Xiusong, Shi Cuntong, and Chen Gongpei also raised their hands and looked forward.

"To build a road that is suitable for China!”

The five of them raised their hands and announced the establishment of the organization in this old, unknown room.

Although among these people, there were Bolshevians, anarchists, Gilteans, and even commoners. Communism.

However, these different thoughts came from different places, but they were all firmly prepared to devote their lives to finding a new path for China!

With the five of them taking the oath, it also represented that China had a national center for the proletarian class for the first time.

Now, Chen Duxiu looked at these faces with excitement in his eyes.

Distance built together. There was still a long way to go for the pro-capitalist party. Fortunately, they had already taken the first step and established a prototype team!

The cold wind howled outside the window.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. It was carried by the cold wind and hit the window.

This 168-square-meter house and the five people in it meant that Chen Duxiu had finally entered the second stage.

From the oath to its current form.

That road was not far from China.

New words continued to appear on the golden list.

Shanghai Marxists seminar, Chen Du Xiu asked Zhao Shiyan to relay Wei Jinsky's views on China, and began to discuss this, Chen Du Xiu seemed to study new conclusions.

The scene appeared.

Shang Hai.

In the conference room.

Zhao Shiyan was facing Chen Duxiu and the others as he relayed the information to the international public. The opinion of the member of the production team, Vijinsky.

" He believes that China's new ideas are surging, but they are too complicated. Anarchism, syndicalism, Gideaism, and so on are ideologically inconsistent. Under such circumstances, China will fall into a state of confusion.”

" Secondly, there are too many empty talks, but too few actual actions. This is not conducive to life. Therefore, he firmly believes that the most urgent problem in China is to establish a Marxian ideology organization.”

This was the most important problem since the establishment of the group.

Chen Duxiu nodded, his gaze sweeping across Yu Xiusong, Shi Cuntong, and the rest of the team.

"That's right, this is the biggest problem with China's fate.”

"We must turn the Death Squad into a real organization, an organization that struggles for the construction of a new China and is in the hands of the people. The capitalist faction had become the mainstream of today's new ideas.”

At this moment, Yu Xiusong, Shi Cuntong, and the others all nodded their heads and looked out of the window hopefully.

They would definitely let China gradually embark on this truly suitable path!

Outside the window, a gust of wind blew past, lifting a wisp of dark clouds.

The Golden Roll continued.

The group of students from Hu Nanmin School finally arrived in Shanghai. Along the way, they read many books about the promotion of life and death. These students gradually changed their minds and gave up on the gentle improvement of anarchism.

It was raining heavily. The students in long robes braved the rain to come.

The sound of footsteps falling into the puddles of water was especially steady on the hurried street.

The appearance of a young face in a long robe surprised Chen Duxiu.

He knew these students, and he also knew that these students of Hu Nan's civilian school had always insisted on taking the path of moderate reform.

The students 'hair was still dripping with rainwater, and their gazes gradually became determined.

"Mr. Zhongfu, we've decided. I won't enter the school anymore.”

"I want to walk the path of independent research. I've read the declaration carefully and repeatedly a few times, and now I'm finally sure.”

"I want to believe in Max's ideas."

There were many students, and their young faces were especially solemn. Chen Duxiu nodded.

"Are you sure?"

The student was firm." Sir, once our faith is established, it will never waver. Fight till the end!"

"Sir, what is the name of our organization?”

Chen Duxiu was stating a magnificent fact: 。

"The Chinese. It's called industrialism."

" In the past," a student murmured," Gonggong was so angry that he touched the Buzhou Mountain. The heavenly pillar was broken and the earth was cut off. The sky tilted to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars moved.”

"We must be the Prometheus of China, not afraid of the heavenly punishment, daring to steal fire, and lighting up the future of the suffering China!”

"Sir, what should we do after we return to Hu Nan?”

"Spread the ideology of Max, mobilize the people, and prepare for the establishment of the organization in Hu Nan.”

The group of students nodded heavily.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, wetting the young student's robe.

However, the group of students were fearless. They walked forward in large strides, allowing the raindrops to splash everywhere. Their hearts were even more determined!


Qing Dynasty.

He had just retrieved his spies from the Ning and Jin Prefectures of Ming Dynasty.

Huang Taiji's eyes darkened as he looked at Fan Wenchen. He slammed the table.


"Why are Han scholars like this?”

Fan Wenchen also looked at the scholars from the later generations on the Golden Roll in disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"For generations, farmers have risen up in revolt. Now, there's actually a scholar who has split the heavens and earth and set off a rebellion!”

On the other side.

Big Ming.

Emperor Jiajing had the wine carried away. He was still wearing a thick Taoist robe on such a hot day. At this moment, he was looking at the golden roll with a deep gaze.

He had to admit that even he, who was the most scheming and skilled in imperial techniques, couldn't help but feel terrified.

Because he realized the ideology of that era.

This might be a huge impact on the current era.

Their core was the workers and farmers. Was there a higher social class than these people in the world?

This... The program of the capitalist party was too shocking!

The golden roll continued!

Li Dazhao had received news that Chen Duxiu's Proletarian Group in Shanghai had already contacted the government. They had obtained theoretical support and successfully established the embryonic form of the future organization. The conference was about to embark on a new journey.

The scene appeared.

This time, it was the capital.

Within the capital, Kang Mu Yi Zhai, transliterated, was Gong. Industry Theory Research Room.

At this moment, Li Dazhao was looking at the news from Shang Hai. Chen Duxiu had successfully established a new five-man organization.

At this moment, he was excited as he looked at the seminar members in front of him. Many of them were students from the Enlightenment Society in Tianjin City.

"Mr. Zhong Fu has successfully established a thought group belonging to the proles in Shang Hai.”

"What do you think about this?"

His eyes were filled with anticipation.

The young student from Nan Kai University spoke first.

" I believe that young people like us must form an alliance that breaks all boundaries based on the spirit of love and mutual assistance. We must uphold the principles of freedom and equality and unite the small organizations that belong to various industries. We must spread the news to the people one by one.”

Li Dazhao looked at the scene described by the young student and nodded.

"Everyone has heard that all walks of life in the country, especially the working class, have started to move. Next, it is necessary for various advanced organizations to unite, but the premise is that they must have their own ideals.”

"Now, it's time for our organization to raise the flag of China!”

Li Dazhao stood up, his fighting spirit soaring.

Yes, to the public. It's time for the pro-imperialists to raise their flag!

Like Chen Duxiu, he had established the Kang Mu Yi Zhai after swearing an oath.

And now, he had officially established a guide organization.

In the conference room, young figures gathered around the dim yellow light and papers were placed in front of them.

Everyone was extremely excited and solemn.

"Everyone, forge ahead!"

At that moment, the lights of the night shone on everyone's faces.

Everyone, forge ahead!

This book comes。

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