Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
14 . Prepare to depart for Kunlun Ruins

Wu Tianzhe


Seeing that Yu Qian and Old Hu had been arranged, Fatty was anxious.

"What about me?"

"What Mr. Yu said just now was very interesting. I believe that Mr. Hu is also a very capable person, but what do you know?”

A young and beautiful woman walked out.

She looked at Fatty and felt that he was in the way.

"She's Shirley, the sponsor of our archaeological project!" Professor Cheng immediately introduced her.”

Fatty immediately said,"What do I know? I once led my men to exterminate bandits in the Western Regions, and I even killed that bandit leader!”

As he spoke, he took out his piece of jade." Here, this piece of ancient jade from the Western Regions is my spoils of war!”

Xue Li stared at Fatty's jade. The words on it were very familiar to her.

"Little Wang Tong, can you let me see your jade?”Professor Cheng asked excitedly.

Fatty directly pulled the jade down." Take it. Feel free to look at it!”

Xue Li and Professor Cheng looked at each other, and Professor Cheng nodded slowly.

"Then come with us!”Xue Li said.

"Old Hu, come here for a moment!" Yu Qian was holding a newspaper in his hand.

In the newspaper, a few soldiers were photographed| The scene of people sitting around and talking, and the location reported on it felt even more familiar to him.

Old Hu stared at the photo and his expression turned ugly.

"This was taken when we were soldiers in the Kunlun Ruins. Are you planning to go to the Kunlun Mountains?”

In the newspaper, Old Hu saw that his and Yu Qian's photos were circled separately.

No matter how he looked at it, it felt like a conspiracy.

Xue Li took the newspaper from his hand." When Jin Ya told me about your situation, I discussed it with Professor Cheng. We have to investigate your situation carefully first!”

"That's all?" Yu Qian stared into her eyes. Although this woman was good-looking, her expression did not change at all when she lied. She was really not simple.

"What else do you think?"

"If we find out that we're going to Kunlun Ruins instead of the Western Regions, how will you explain it?”

Hearing Yu Qian's words, Xue Li's expression began to change.

"Since we're going to set off together, I hope you won't hide anything from us.”Yu Qian continued.

Fatty and Old Hu stood behind Yu Qian, three pairs of eyes staring at Xue Li.

"Actually, going to Kunlun is just our Plan B. My father once led an archaeological team to Kunlun Ruins and lost a notebook there. If we find the notebook, it will be of great help to us when we go to the Western Regions!”

She stared into Yu Qian's eyes and explained.

This explanation was reasonable.

"Xiao Qian, they are going to Kunlun Ruins and you still want to follow them? Don't you know how dangerous that is?" Old Hu shouted excitedly.

He still couldn't forget how his comrades died there.

Kunlun Ruins was a nightmare that he couldn't get rid of!


New mission issued. Danger rating: 3 stars. Adventurers can decide whether to accept or not!

Yu Qian was sitting at the side thinking when a system notification suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is the location of the mission a path we must pass through? The things we need to collect should be the things we will definitely encounter on this trip, right?”

After taking on a few missions, he had roughly figured out the rules of the system's missions.

Yes, the system would only help to accept the client's mission if the adventurer came into contact with something.


What was there to not accept? Since it was something that he would definitely come into contact with, it was worth taking a risk for the reward.

[Mission Details: Owner wants fireflies for research.] [Note: If the number of fireflies exceeds five, the reward will be doubled.]

"As long as there are more than five, it will definitely double?”

Yes, it was.

In Yu Qian's mind, he thought of six or five and a half. Anyway, as long as there were more than five, it would double.

He came back to his senses and looked at Old Hu's excited expression. He went forward to persuade him,"Old Hu, calm down!"

"The notebook she mentioned should be very important to this trip to the Western Regions. As long as we are careful enough, it's worth taking a risk.”

"Is that just a risk? Have you forgotten how fireflies burned people to death? Those were living people, but they were burned to ashes in a moment!!”

Old Hu clenched his fists tightly.

Fireflies with blue flames were the most dangerous things he had ever seen in Kunlun Ruins.

Xue Li considered for a moment." Our original reward was 10,000 yuan for each of you. It's too dangerous to go to Kunlun Ruins this time, so I'll give each of you an additional 5,000 yuan. Is that okay?”

Fatty patted Old Hu's shoulder.

"Old Hu, adding 5,000 for those three people is 45,000. It's enough to improve the lives of your and Yu Qian's comrades!”

Old Hu glanced at Yu Qian. Seeing him nod, he sighed,""Alright then, but I have to make one thing clear first. When we arrive at Kunlun Ruins, you must listen to my and Xiao Qian's orders!”

"No one knows how dangerous that place is better than the two of us!”

Xue Li and Professor Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Yu Qian heard the system's notification sound again, but this time, the sound was a little strange.

It sounded like an electronic voice.

Firefly collection tools are ready. Adventurers, please return to your original position to collect them!

Original position!

It should be referring to his own plane. It seemed that it should be some modern tools.

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