Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
15 . Comrades stationed in Kunlun!

Wu Tianzhe


"What else is included in the tool?”Yu Qian asked.

Including the protective tools provided for adventurers, please return to receive them as soon as possible!

Yu Qian looked at Professor Cheng and Xue Li and asked casually,""Do you have a bathroom here?"

"Yes." Professor Cheng looked at Wu Aihua." Aihua, take him to the bathroom!”

Yu Qian walked into the bathroom.

After locking the door, he muttered, Send me back!”

The scene in front of him changed, and he appeared in his own bathroom.

Knock, knock, knock ~

Knock, knock, knock ~

Suddenly, there was an intense knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

Someone knocked on the door as soon as he returned!

Yu Qian opened the door and saw a courier standing outside.

"Hello, we are Hurricane Express. Here is a parcel for you. Please sign for it.”

A one-meter-tall cardboard box was placed on the ground.

After signing for it, Yu Qian took it into the house and opened it roughly.

"Who gave me this?"

The tool kit has been signed for. Adventurer, please familiarize yourself with the tool kit as soon as possible.

He found a list and instruction manual in the box.

"A set of fire-resistant equipment? These included clothes, pants, and gloves. At the same time, they had waterproof and warm-keeping functions!”

The set of clothes felt as thin as the clothes in the night market.

Then there was the catching tool, an insect net, and a container for holding insects. It looked like a black thermos flask.

"Can this thing fit?"

Yu Qian carefully read the instruction manual. This clothing could resist the flames of fireflies, and the effect was excellent.

At the same time, he also found a unique black mask with Abyssal Language on it.

"The instruction manual said that the container can hold a hundred fireflies and can't run out on its own?

All the tools inside were absolutely waterproof and fire-resistant?”

There was also a black-gold dagger with the label of a gift.

"This saber looks pretty good!"

It seemed that this client was quite generous this time.

There was a line of red words at the end.

"All items are coated with a special paint. The effect can only last for a month. Please use it as soon as possible! The black gold saber is a gift. I hope you like it!”

It turned out that there was a lifespan. It seemed that it was impossible to wear it to other tombs.

Yu Qian rested at home for a day and took time to familiarize himself with these tools.

The next morning, he put on his fire-resistant suit.

The suit was a tight-fitting suit, but there was a special protective layer in the middle and some zips to facilitate the solution of personal problems.

" System, open the portal."


After returning to Fatty's residence, the three of them stayed for another night.

After some discussion, they had decided to go to Kunlun Ruins first.

Looking for clues about the previous archeological team.

On the train, Fatty stared at Yu Qian's bag beside him.

"Yu Qian, where did you buy this bag? Why does it look so strange?"

Fatty looked at Yu Qian's modern bag and felt uncomfortable.

One had to know that in this era, the style was very different from Yu Qian's era.

"I got someone to make this bag at the tailor shop yesterday. There's not enough fabric, so there are so many colors!”

"I'm going to sleep for a while. Remember to call me when we get there!”

Yu Qian directly lay down to rest.

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Hu, Professor Cheng and I are looking for you. Can we come over first?”

Shirley suddenly knocked on the door and entered.

Yu Qian opened his eyes and met Xue Li's gaze.

After a few seconds, Shirley subconsciously avoided his gaze.

"Let's go, Old Hu. Let's go and have a chat with them.”Yu Qian stood up, and Old Hu followed him out.

In Shirley and Professor Cheng's car, they took out some documents and placed them on the table.

Old Hu picked up a photo on the table." Xiao Qian, look at this!”

"Fireflies!" Yu Qian immediately recognized this insect.

The photos were all in black and white, but the appearance of the bug was unforgettable.

" That's right. These are Fireflies, a very dangerous creature. We're likely to encounter these bugs with fire on them when we go to Kunlun Ruins!”

After Professor Cheng finished speaking, Xue Li took out a book." This kind of insect has only appeared in very little information in the world. Can you talk about how you encountered this kind of insect in the past?”

Yu Qian handed Old Hu a glass of water.

Old Hu's mood wasn't very good when this matter was brought up.

" Old Hu wasn't feeling well, so I'll explain. Back then, Old Hu and I were in the same class. We were carrying out a secret mission in the depths of Kunlun Ruins, and we couldn't even tell the people around us where we went!”

According to the memory that was implanted in his memory, Yu Qian described a trip to Kunlun Mountain from his own perspective.

He also remembered the terrifying scene of others being burned to death by the Firefly's flames.

"Actually, that avalanche was caused by the collapse of the mountain. At that time, a crack suddenly appeared in Kunlun Ruins.

Xue Li's father had gone on an expedition with the previous archeological team, but the whole team had gone missing!”

Professor Cheng shook his head and sighed.

Then, everyone talked about other things in detail.

After that, they took a train for a few days to reach the Kunlun Mountains.

The Kunlun Mountain Range was a very vast mountain range, not just a mountain like in the legends.

After arriving at the mountain range, it took a few days of travel before they arrived at the base of Mount Kunlun.

Here, Yu Qian and Old Hu met their former comrades.


"Yu Qian? Old Hu? You guys are finally willing to come and see our comrades?”

A muscular man greeted him happily.

"Big guy? Are you a company commander now?" Yu Qian laughed happily and patted the big guy's shoulder heavily.


Today, he took the time to print the contract. Although his collection was still incomparable to other books, it was enough to have everyone's support!

I hope everyone can continue to support me!

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