Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
16 . We’re all going down the glacier crevice

Wu Tianzhe


"After the two of you left, I became the class monitor!”The big guy laughed happily.

"I'll bring you to see Captain Shou!”The big guy led the way.

Professor Cheng first went to see the person in charge.

"Everyone must have worked hard on their journey today. Go and let everyone rest well. The two professors will handle the negotiations here!”

Old Hu saw that everyone looked a little tired, so he let everyone rest first.

Shirley stared at Yu Qian's backpack." Your bag seems to be from the Eagle Kingdom?”

She recognized the English words on the backpack at a glance.

“madeinch*na。”Yu Qian pointed at the English words in the corner." This is made by the government."”

Xue Li rolled her eyes. She recognized this sentence.

She glanced at the net on his bag and asked in amusement,""Bringing the insect net to Kunlun? Are you sure that your friend didn't bring you equipment for a spring outing?”

There was a net on the left and something that looked like a black thermos on the right. He did look like he was going out to play.

"What about you? Wearing red pajamas?"

Yu Qian retorted directly.


Shirley frowned and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Everyone rested here for the night and set off early the next morning.

They were accompanied by an entire class of people to go to the glacier crack with them.

The big guy was one of them.

"Big guy, you seem to know Old Hu and Yu Qian?”Gang Zi asked curiously.

Walking on the snow, the big guy looked around and ignored him.

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

Gang Zi did not give up. He continued to ask," This place has long exceeded our patrol range. Are they the survivors who came to carry out the mission back then?"”

Gang Zi looked around at the unfamiliar environment and was curious about the past of Yu Qian and the others.

Standing on the snow on the hillside, everyone stared at Yu Qian, who was leading the team.

"Little Yu, you seem to be more familiar with this place than Little Hu?”Professor Cheng had been paying attention to Yu Qian along the way.

"Professor Cheng is right. Both Xiao Qian and I know this route, but Xiao Qian's natural memory and sense of direction are better than mine. He can find the accurate direction without a compass!”

Old Hu smiled and shook his head.

Indeed, along the way, Old Hu occasionally looked at the compass, but Yu Qian had been moving forward based on his feelings.

Yu Qian looked around. The memories in his mind became very clear here.

It was as if he had just come here yesterday.

"Old Hu, do you still remember this place?”He pointed at the surroundings.

"Of course I remember!" Old Hu's expression darkened.

He had already recognized it when he arrived earlier.

"This is the place where the avalanche happened!”

He would probably never forget this place for the rest of his life.

Ye Qingning, who was with the archeological team, was also curious about Yu Qian.

She had been staring at the black knife on Yu Qian's back all the way.

Finally, he couldn't help but ask,"Big Brother Yu, is this saber also a cultural relic?"”

Professor Cheng walked over.

He took a closer look at the black gold saber." Little Ye is right. From the appearance, this saber should be from the Warring States Period!”

"The Warring States Period? That should be very valuable, right?" Fatty suddenly jumped up when he heard that.

"Fatty, don't mess around!"

"It's not a shameful thing to be valuable.”Fatty stared at the knife and wanted to touch it.

"This kind of thing can't be measured by money!”Wu Aihua said unhappily.

Yu Qian did not answer them.

"We're almost done resting. Let's continue!”

Fortunately, he was wearing a fire-resistant suit and gloves. Not only was his body flexible, but he was also very warm.

Not long after, Yu Qian stopped at the edge of a huge crack.

"The place you're looking for should be down there.”Yu Qian looked down. There was a relatively wide space in the crack below.

Old Hu began to organize the work." Everyone, take out your equipment. We'll prepare to go down immediately!”

After some discussion, Ye Qingning from the archeological team was left behind while the rest of the team went down to take a look.

"This is a rare opportunity. It might be the only one in our lives. Everyone, try your best to cherish this opportunity!”Professor Cheng said excitedly to the students of the archaeological team.

Yu Qian put on his specially made spiked shoes and reminded the others,"There are many magical things in Kunlun Ruins, and it might be your first time seeing them. You might encounter special things or corpses later, so please remember not to touch them!”

"I know!"

"Alright, Yu Qian, we all understand!”

"Xiao Qian, let's take the lead in a while!”

Old Hu walked to Yu Qian's side and nodded. The two of them climbed down the climbing rope together.

Surprisingly, Xue Li quickly followed them down.

Moreover, her movements were very skilled. It was obvious that she had undergone special training.

He crawled all the way to the bottom of the crack.

Everyone took off their equipment and took a deep breath.

"Why are there corpses here?" The newcomers of the archeological team were shocked.

Standing beside the corpse, Yu Qian stared at it without feeling anything.

Perhaps he was born to do this. Not only was he not afraid when he saw this dried corpse, but he was even interested.

"It's a foreigner!" The hair on the corpse showed that he was not Asian.

"These are the members of my father's archeological team. I've seen their clothes before!”

"How did this person die here?" Fatty stared at the corpse. This person's death looked a little strange.

"Let's go. We should be getting closer and closer to the place we're looking for!”

Xue Li couldn't wait to set off.


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