Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
32 . Get into the catacomb first

Wu Tianzhe


Standing on the steps of the temple, Old Hu finally saw the layout of this ancient city.

"If the two magnetic mountains are a dragon, the Queen of the Jinjue Nation cut them off to keep the dragon here forever!

And the city behind us is an excellent treasure land.”

Old Hu spoke in a low voice, so the archeological team did not hear him clearly.

Then, Professor Cheng walked over curiously and looked at them from their perspective.

"It's too spectacular! Although he didn't know what this meant in this country, it must have an extraordinary meaning!”

Hearing Professor Cheng's words, the archeological team began to record the scene seriously.

Yu Qian walked to the back and signaled Old Hu and Fatty to follow him.

"What?" Fatty asked softly. Shall we secretly open the coffin again?"

"Keep your voice down!" Old Hu glared at him.

"In order not to arouse suspicion, we still have to go in with the archaeological team. However, we have to think of a way to take as many funerary objects as we can! However, he had to remember not to arouse their suspicion!”

Old Hu whispered his plan.

"Is there a need to say? If he couldn't move anything along the way, how uncomfortable would that be?”

Fatty stood beside Yu Qian." Yu Qian, what are you thinking?”

"I have the same idea as Old Hu!"

Yu Qian turned his head and saw Professor Cheng and the others coming over.

"Xiao Yu, let's go. This should be the temple of this country. There must be an underground river below!”

"I think so too. Let's set off immediately!”

However, before leaving, Yu Qian first found Shirley." Do you have a flash bomb in your bag?”

"Yes, what do you want to do with this?”She took out two flashbangs from her bag.

"You'll know later."

Yu Qian did not put the things in his bag, but put them in his hands.

The black snakes were afraid of light, so the flash grenade was a powerful killing weapon against them!

Yu Qian walked all the way up and was the first to enter the temple.

The depths of the temple were pitch black, but Yu Qian saw an eye in the depths.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Fatty followed closely behind." Did you encounter something in front?”

"Fatty, give me your jade!"

Fatty took the jade off without thinking." Here."”

Yu Qian walked straight inside, all the way to the innermost part.

Stone pillars carved with the ruling class of the Golden Sense Nation surrounded them. In this nation, other than the Abyssal Tribe, the other tribesmen were treated like livestock.

The jade eye was carved from ancient jade with red patterns. The craftsmanship was natural, and if it was sold, the price should be extremely high.

Yu Qian's speed was very fast.

He placed the jade pendant that Fatty carried with him on it, and then the jade stone fell directly from the mechanism.

Yu Qian untied the bag and put the jade into it.

It was as if this jade had never existed here.

"Yu, did you find anything?”Professor Cheng asked loudly from afar.

Yu Qian put on the mask. A few black snakes suddenly appeared from the mechanism without the jade eye.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

He pulled out his knife and chopped the black snake's head into pieces.

Then, he took out the snake gall.

He killed ten snakes in a row.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple here!" Yu Qian raised his head and stared at the pattern.

Hiss ~ Hiss ~

A huge black ball fell from the eye above his head.

The densely packed black snakes made one's scalp go numb!

"There are black snakes here. You guys hide far away!”When Old Hu saw the black snake, he immediately reminded the others to avoid it.

Fatty retreated with Old Hu.

"Yu Qian, come here quickly. This snake is no joke ~"

He seemed to have heard Fatty's words.

Yu Qian quickly ran back, pulled the ring with a flash in his hand, and ran into the pile of black snakes.

A light suddenly flashed in the temple, and all the poisonous snakes died on the ground.

"Professor Cheng, I'll go over and take a look first. There might be many black snakes inside. Don't come over yet!”

"Alright, then be careful!”Professor Cheng and the other archeologists stood rooted to the ground.

Everyone had seen the power of the black snake with their own eyes. When Yu Qian said this, they were indeed a little afraid.

Yu Qian directly collected 30 snake galls from the corpses of these poisonous snakes. It was useless to take too many of them.

Yu Qian stood in front of the mechanism and followed the method of breaking the mechanism described in the Yin Yang Feng Shui Secret Skill.


"What's that sound?"

The sound of the mechanism opening attracted the attention of Professor Cheng and the others.

"Professor Cheng, Xiao Qian has opened a mechanism. The three of us will go and take a look first. If we confirm that there's no problem, we'll call you guys over!”

While Old Hu and Fatty were discussing with Professor Cheng and the others, Yu Qian had already walked into the passage one step ahead of them.

After passing through the tunnel, they could already vaguely hear the sound of water flowing.

They didn't walk far before they saw an underground water source.

The traps here had already been stepped on by the people who had come in front of them, except for a large stone door that was held up by a stone statue.

The other parts didn't seem to have much of a problem.

They walked directly across the dark bridge on the water. They could already hear Fatty and Old Hu's footsteps behind them.

"Old Hu, how much treasure do you think there is inside?”Fatty asked excitedly as he walked.


! A ticket!

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