Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
33 . plunder a large number of gold coins

Wu Tianzhe


"Professor Cheng, why didn't you stay outside and come in?”

Seeing Professor Cheng and the others walk in, Old Hu looked a little helpless.

Fatty also understood what Old Hu was worried about.

If Yu Qian went in at this time, he would definitely be searching for treasures inside.

If these people happened to see it, everyone would probably fall out.

"Those two professors, follow behind us!”Old Hu led the archeological team in front.

They didn't walk fast, mainly wanting to buy more time for Yu Qian.


Yu Qian sat by the dark river.

The potion was completed.

He opened a bottle and smelled it. There was a strange smell inside.

"System, how much do you want to drink?”

One-third of the effect was achieved.


He carefully looked at the amount in the bottle. One-third of it was only a small sip.

Coo ~

A cool sensation slid down his throat, and he instantly felt a wave of clarity.

"What happened?"

What was that feeling just now?

After drinking the potion, Yu Qian suddenly felt that everything in front of him looked different.

The first was the door on the other side of the river. The stone door was completely open, and there was no stone underneath.

"Driving from here already makes people hallucinate?”

Things were completely different from what he had imagined.

Could it be that the effect of the Corpse Fragrance Kojac was so terrifying?

Please select your reward!

[Reward 1: Obtain the ability to use the Jade Eye to open a different space and become an Abyss Race member.]

[Reward 2: Obtain the ability to isolate hallucinations forever. All confusing substances or abnormal magnetic fields will no longer have an effect on the adventurer.]

"How will becoming an Abyssal Race affect me?”

What secrets were hidden under the abyss? Yu Qian was now a little curious.

To become a member of the Abyss, adventurers needed to sacrifice 99 living people to the Abyss. After the adventurer died, they could be reborn in the Abyss!

"What about after rebirth?"

After rebirth, one would lose all their memories and exist in another form of life!

Yu Qian rolled his eyes." I choose 2."”

What was the difference between living in another form and truly dying?

If one became a guardian of the Abyss, it was equivalent to becoming a slave of the Abyss.

The feeling of obtaining an ability was very wonderful, and his entire body was instantly filled with energy.

Yu Qian turned around and walked into the stone door.

After passing through the long tomb passage, a small mountain of gold coins appeared in front of them.

He picked up his bag and started to fill it with gold coins.

Before the people behind them came over, they naturally took as much as they could.

In a few minutes, the entire bag was filled, including his special cup.

In the blink of an eye, a mountain of gold coins was lost.

"System, teleport me back!"


Carrying his things, Yu Qian returned to his residence.。

He picked up one of the gold coins and took a photo of it on WeChat to send it to Wanggang, who had made a deal with him before.

It wasn't because he trusted him, but because he wanted to know the exact price of this gold coin.

"Do you have this gold coin now?"”

1-2 10,000. This was the estimated price he gave after talking to Wang Gang.

It was basically the same as before.

Wanggang invites you to enter the antique circle

On WeChat, Wang Gang sent him an invitation to join a group called 'Antique Circle'.

Yu Qian thought about it and clicked into the group.

You have joined the group.

In the group, Wang Gang tagged someone.

That person's name was You Xudong. His name looked very familiar. He should be a famous person in City H.

Wang Gang: " Old You, this little brother has a gold coin in his hand. It's a gold coin from the Western Regions that you've been interested in recently. Are you interested in coming out for tea?"”

"Only one?" Who is this little brother?"

You Xudong: " Why don't we forget about it? I have to go on a business trip in the afternoon."”

Seeing the chat content in the group, Yu Qian took a look at his note.

No one in City H knew his name, so it was normal for the other party to ignore him.

However, Ren Yu Qian remembered that he would not have any interactions with him in the future.

He also posted in the group,[This gold coin is from the Jinjue Kingdom in the Western Regions. Who is interested in meeting and chatting?]”

The atmosphere was awkward.

The group was silent.

Yu Qian glanced at the few people in the group. Since no one cared about him, he might as well leave the group.

Just as Yu Qian was thinking about leaving the group, a message popped up on WeChat.

Gao Yuntian has applied to be your friend.

"Are you Mr. Yu?" Gao Yuntian asked.

"It's me."

Gao Yuntian was quite polite. He invited Yu Qian to his cafe in the afternoon and wanted to see the gold coins in his hand.

Yu Qian readily agreed.

As for the gold coins at home, he put them in the bank safe when he left.

Gao Yuntian's coffee shop was the famous " HH Coffee " in City H.

After Yu Qian appeared, the waiter of the cafe brought him to a private room.

There was a middle-aged man sitting in the private room. He had stubble on his face. Although his clothes were all branded, they were very casual.

"You are Mr. Yu?"

Yu Qian nodded and sat down opposite him.

"Can I see the gold coins first?”

Yu Qian casually placed the gold coin in front of him.

Gao Yuntian was stunned for a moment." Ahem, Mr. Yu's way of treating gold coins is really special!”

However, he was much more particular about the way he dealt with the gold coins.

"Normally, Western Region gold coins don't have high purity and craftsmanship, so the price usually doesn't exceed 10,000 to 20,000. However, this gold coin of yours is far stronger than other Western Region gold coins in all aspects.”

What he said was the truth. Normally, the outside world would only give him more than 20,000 yuan at most.

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