Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
39 . There’s an amnesiac brother on the boat

Wu Tianzhe


Bang bang bang ~

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the door.

"Yu Qian, are you awake?" Fatty's voice came from outside the door.

Yu Qian came out of the room and carried his backpack. Everything was ready.

"Let's go. The archeological team should be setting off soon!”

The appointment with the archeological team was at eight o'clock in the morning. It should be just right to walk there now.


"Wenjin, when will these people arrive? It was almost eight o'clock, but there was still no one!”Wu San Xing paced back and forth impatiently.

"After all, he was recommended by Professor Cheng. It's not like you don't know Professor Cheng's status in the archaeological world. Even the initiator of our archaeological operation is his student!”

Huo Ling sat quietly at the side. She was not as anxious as Wu San Xing.

Cheng Wenjin remained silent as she stared at the door. When she saw three figures enter, she stood up." They're here!"”

Yu Qian walked into the room first and cupped his fists.""Sorry everyone, we're late!”

"You also know that you're late!" Wu San Xing muttered softly.

"Hey, Yu Qian was just being polite when he said he was late. We agreed on eight o'clock. It's only seven fifty now. We're still very punctual, okay?”

Fatty was so excited that he immediately retorted.

"Alright, alright, we're all teammates now. We still need to take care of each other in the upcoming archaeological operation! Everyone is here. Let's go!”

There were a total of 12 people. After Cheng Wenjin confirmed it, everyone set off immediately.


Sitting on the boat that the archeological team was heading to the sunken ship, another person joined the team midway.

"Yu Qian, there are really all kinds of people nowadays. Look at that Wu San Xing. Not only did he rely on his connections to get in, he even brought another person in along the way!”

Fatty's voice was not soft, and almost the entire archaeological team could hear him clearly.

He did it on purpose.

"What did you say? Speaking of relationships, the three of you are the ones who really rely on relationships, right?”

Xie Lianhuan looked over at Fatty, his gaze cold but he did not say a word. Even Wu Sanxing, who was beside him, was pulled back by him.

Old Hu stared at Xie Lianhuan's actions." This person who just came in isn't simple. He can do things calmly!”

Yu Qian nodded in agreement." Old Hu is right. This Xie Lianhuan also looks like an expert!"”

"It should be said that everyone in the archeological team is an expert in reverse combat!”According to the information he had already understood before, Yu Qian did not feel any surprise about what happened along the way.

He even knew what was going to happen next.

"That's true. They're clearly an archaeological team, but they're all gold-looting officers!”

Fatty noticed the characteristics of the members of the archaeological team and could not help but laugh.

At this moment, the sky above the sea began to change and Cheng Wenjin suddenly ran over.

"Everyone, pay attention. A storm is coming soon. Everyone must pay attention to your safety later!”

[New mission: Sea Monkeys often appear during storms. Adventurer, please capture a Sea Monkey alive!]

There were indeed sea monkeys in this part of the sea, but he did not know if he would encounter them this time.

If he encountered one, it would not be difficult to capture him alive.

While Yu Qian was thinking, Fatty's eyes were fixed on a quiet young man not far away.

"I realized that the knife on that person's back seems to be very similar to yours!”

Fatty stared at the ancient knife with a mysterious black pattern on the back of the youth. It was 60 - 70% similar to the one on Yu Qian's back.

Yu Qian took a serious look at the knife on the young man's body. Strictly speaking, his knife was genuine.

His own was a high-quality imitation made of modern artificial alloy. In terms of quality, it might not lose to him.

However, a high-quality imitation was still a high-quality imitation!

"There are many similar sabers in this world. It's just a coincidence!”Of course, he would not admit that his book was a high-quality imitation.

After all, this was the first time they had met in front of so many people.

However, although Yu Qian did not take the initiative, the young man stared at him and walked over.

"I'm Zhang Qilin. There's something on you that feels very familiar!”

He wasn't a talkative person. If it wasn't for the fact that this matter really puzzled him, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to come over and talk.

Yu Qian untied the knife and placed it on the table." You're talking about this knife, right?”

"It's not the saber, it's you!" He stared at Yu Qian.

Perhaps it was the feeling of some kind of bloodline, but he could feel that there was something similar to him in Yu Qian's body.

"Zhang Qilin lost his memory for some reason, so he often says some inexplicable things. Don't take it too seriously!”Wen Jin suddenly ran out to explain.

"Yu Qian, why do we feel like we don't understand him?”Fatty sat at the side and was confused.

However, Old Hu had other guesses." Wenjin said that Zhang Qilin lost his memory. Perhaps Yu Qian looks like a family member or an old friend of his, so he felt a sense of familiarity!"”

The others nodded after hearing this. Old Hu's words did make some sense.

"Everyone, quickly get ready. The weather has already begun to change!”

The wind had already begun to blow on the sea, and the sky was gradually darkening. A storm was probably coming.


I'm sorry for updating a little late. I had to go out for an emergency tonight.

It was still six o'clock at night!

The author would go to sleep after writing.

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