Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
40 . Encountering a human face attack in the storm

Wu Tianzhe


"Everyone, pay attention. The captain said that the storm this time is more than expected. Everyone, be careful when you go later!”

Wen Jin reminded the archeological team again.

"Don't worry, Wenjin. We're not children anymore and we know how to protect ourselves, right, Third Brother?”

Xie Lianhuan did not forget to mention Wu Sanxing when she was talking to Wen Jin.

"I say, since the storm is so big, why don't we go back early and come back when it's calm?”

Fatty seemed to have heard Wen Jin's reminder many times and suddenly voiced his thoughts.

"It's too late to go back now. We can only make preparations in advance!”

The sky suddenly darkened. Looking up, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Half a day ago, it was still sunny, but the sky changed just like that.

The surface of the sea was pitch-black, and the rolling waves made people feel an invisible pressure.

"Fatty, I think Captain Wenjin is right. The sea is extremely dangerous and it is always right to be careful!”

Old Hu agreed with Wen Jin's words.

However, there was another figure looking at the sea in front of him by the guardrail of the ship.

"Yu Qian, don't stand here. It's too dangerous here.”

Cheng Wenjin looked at the spot where Yu Qian was standing. It looked like he would fall into the sea at any moment.

Suddenly, a huge wave rose on the sea.

"Be careful!"

Wen Jin lost her balance and flew out.

"Ah ~"

After a scream, a hand grabbed her firmly.

Yu Qian reached out and pulled Wenjin back. The frightened Wenjin hugged Yu Qian.

However, her subconscious action attracted a certain hateful gaze from behind her, which was directed at Yu Qian.

"Eh, whose vinegar jar is it?”Fatty's words attracted the strange gazes of the other members of the archaeological team.

The entire archeological team knew that Wu San Xing and Wen Jin had a special relationship. Although they did not show it, everyone had a tacit understanding of it.

However, the two of them had maintained a certain distance from each other. Wu Sanxing did not even have the time to do what Wenjin and Yu Qian had done earlier, holding and hugging each other.

"Hey, let go of Wenjin's hand!”Wu San Xing looked at Yu Qian angrily.

Upon hearing Wu San Xing's words, another huge wave came from behind. Yu Qian's hands went down to grab Wen Jin's waist and hugged her tightly.

His other hand was firmly gripping the guardrail.

Seeing his things, Wu San Xing was so angry that he was about to explode.

After the ship calmed down a little, Yu Qian slowly let go.

"Thank you!"

Wen Jin blushed in embarrassment as she felt Yu Qian's warmth.

Even though she had been sleeping with Wu San Xing, she had never experienced such intimate contact with a man.

However, she felt that this was all for work, and she believed that Wu San Xing would understand.

"Wenjin, he purposely took advantage of you just now and you're thanking him?”

Hearing Wu San Xing's words, Wen Jin's expression changed slightly." San Xing, what nonsense are you spouting? It was Yu Qian who saved me just now!”

"He did save you, but he just…"

Xie Lianhuan pulled him from behind." Third Awakening, don't be so agitated. What happened just now was indeed an accident!”

"You can use evidence to prove that. It was Wenjin who fell into Brother Qian's arms!”

Fatty's words made Wenjin feel a little awkward.

Old Hu glared at him." Fatty, it's fine as long as you know it. Why did you say it out loud?”

"It is!" Fatty still didn't think he was wrong.

"San Xing, stop talking. We're all teammates, so it's normal for physical contact to occur during the operation!”

Wen Jin returned to her original position.

It had only been a moment of peace when a strong wind suddenly blew again, and rain fell from the sky.

"It's raining. Why is Yu Qian still outside?”

Seeing the others looking at him strangely, Yu Qian pointed to the sea." Look, there seems to be something following us on the sea!”

Old Hu ran over and looked in the direction he was pointing." Why does it look like a person?”

"Is there someone in the sea?"

"How is this possible? Old Hu, you must have made a mistake!”

Hearing Old Hu and Yu Qian's words, the others did not quite believe it either.

When the captain heard this, he reached out to wipe the rain off his face." It's the sea monkey. Everyone, be careful. This sea monkey might jump onto our ship!”

"Sea monkey? How can there be monkeys in the sea?" Fatty was surprised.

"Sea monkeys aren't real monkeys. They're creatures that look like monkeys but have scales all over their bodies!”

Seeing that no one knew, Wu San Xing raised his head and explained to the others.

After saying that, she even looked at Yu Qian provocatively.

"This sea monkey seems to be really coming up!”

Old Hu stared at the sea monkey that had popped its head out of the water. It really did not look like a monkey, but more like a terrifying humanoid monster.

He had human-like facial features, but he looked very ferocious. One look and one could tell that he was someone to be trifled with.

A tentacle suddenly jumped behind Yu Qian.

"Be careful behind you!" Old Hu hurriedly reminded him when he saw it.

Feeling something tentacle-like, Yu Qian immediately used his hand to cover the exposed part of the back of his neck.

The thing stuck to his hand.

"Don't move, it's the human-faced demon!" The captain recognized it immediately.

"So disgusting!"

"This thing looks really ugly!"

When the other members of the archeological team saw the face in Yu Qian's hand, they all looked disgusted.

Yu Qian directly grabbed the human-faced mantis. He was wearing gloves on his hands, so no matter how powerful it was, it could not control him.


Thank you for the tip. I'll try to update seven times tomorrow!

I'm writing. I'll post two more related works later to express my gratitude!

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