Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
14 Snatching warships was completely underestimated!

White Seve


After evolving to a certain level.

Lu Feng's perception had been greatly enhanced.

In addition, he had the support of the system, so he naturally had the ability to sense famous blades that could threaten him.

He felt a faint aura approaching.

While he was looking forward to it, Lu Feng also perked up.

"Very strong!"

"Other than Dusky's boss, Tao Tu, he might be the strongest threat so far!”

After Lu Feng realized the situation, he let out a faint buzzing sound to remind Dusky to pay attention.


"Ying Jian, are you on guard against something?”

Daski gripped his sword tightly and closed his eyes to sense his surroundings.

Although her perception of sight and color was not enough to perceive too wide a range.

However, it could still play a certain role.

A moment later.

"On the flight path!"

Deski opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sea route.

Zhan Taowan, who was beside him, had a stronger ability to sense danger.

Before Daski could remind him, he had already tapped the ground with his battle axe.

"Looks like something bad has happened.”

Zhan Taowan muttered to himself.

He looked through the fog in the forest.

A warship with a navy flag slowly appeared on the sailing route.

If one observed carefully.

One side of the warship was still hung with a collapsed coating bubble.

It should be halfway through the coating process.

He forcefully stopped the coating work and drove over.

Not long ago, Zhan Taowan had reminded Daichi.

It would take a few hours for the remaining warships to arrive.

It had only been a few minutes, and one of them had already appeared in front of him.

It was obvious…that they had ill intentions!

"I don't know which bold bastard actually has designs on the warship under my protection!”

"It seems that no one is afraid of me after not being active on the island for too long!”

Zhan Taowan said through gritted teeth.

However, he did not act rashly.



On the deck of the approaching warship.

The three soldiers who were responsible for looking after the starship were tied up and thrown aside.

"Boss, should we kill these guys?”

A bearded man said impatiently.

Sitting at the front of the warship was a man dressed in white.

It was Cavendish, who had come out of the rip off bar not long ago!

"I'm very angry right now. Killing a few useless trash won't appease my anger.”

"Bring me the newspaper again…"

Cavendish waved his hand, and the lackey immediately handed the newspaper over.

The headline was a picture of a young girl.

The title even wrote:

It was the new Second Lieutenant of the Navy, the Scarlet Shadow Swordsman, Dusky!


He took another look.

Cavendish huddled up the newspaper in displeasure.

When Xia Qi mentioned that there was a young man on this island whose talent and strength were comparable to his.

While Cavendish was displeased, he still had a sense of anticipation in his heart.

After all, it would be a good experience if he could get a suitable opponent.

However, when Cavendish spent a large sum of money to ask about this person's identity.

He was completely enraged!

He wasn't a vice admiral or a rear admiral…

He hadn't even reached the rank of a navy colonel…

He was just a mere second lieutenant!

This was not the same as telling Cavendish that his strength was only at the level of a navy second lieutenant.

In order to break the contrast with Xia Qi.

Cavendish snatched the warship that was being coated and directly challenged it.

A bounty of 280 million.

He didn't care about adding an understatement to his resume.

If he couldn't even kill a navy second lieutenant in an instant…

At this level, it would be embarrassing for him to go to the new world.

The distance between the two gradually closed…


Cavendish picked up his western sword, Durandre.


The renowned Holy Sword of the Rommel Kingdom!

When Cavendish was still a noble prince, this sword had always been by his side.

He did not eat the demon fruit.

To be able to rely on swordsmanship to obtain a bounty of 280 million.

It could be seen how superb his swordsmanship was!

"It's him? Cavendish the White Horse!"

Zhan Taowan had a certain understanding of the people who had recently landed on the island.

He wasn't a public navy officer.

He also didn't need to do the navy's job of catching pirates.

As a subordinate of General Huang Yuan, Zhan Taowan had his own mission.


When he learned that the white horse Cavendish had landed on the island, Zhan Taomaru only paid a little attention to it.

He had never expected this.

Cavendish actually stole the warship that he was looking after!

He even swaggered over to provoke them!

"Little girl, Second Lieutenant, wait for me here. I'll be in charge of snatching the warship back!”


Zhan Taowan clenched his fists so tightly that they made cracking sounds.

I don't care if you're a supernova pirate.

As long as someone provoked him, he would not show any mercy to the other party.

"Cavendish the White Horse?"

"So it's the pirate noble son with dual personalities from the future new world!”

When Lu Feng heard this name, he finally knew that danger was coming.

Why was he here?

At this point in time, Cavendish had yet to enter the new world.

However, in terms of strength, he was naturally not weak.

Without the strength of a lieutenant general, there was basically no way to deal with him.

Not now. If he could complete the evolution, he did not know if he could win.

It was such a big deal to snatch a warship.

Even if Dusky wanted to stay out of it, it was already impossible.

When the warship entered the port.

After both sides had a clear look at each other.

Cavendish's gaze locked onto Dusky.

"It's her!"

"He looks exactly like the one in the newspaper, and he has the exact same sword!”

Cavendish muttered to himself.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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