Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
15 The target changed, the Holy Sword’s attraction!

White Seve


He watched as Cavendish approached.

Zhan Taowan realized that the distance between the two sides had reached a range where they could attack.

He raised his battle axe and took a step in the air, waving the huge axe.

He slashed at Cavendish.

"He's actually so impulsive?"

said Daski in puzzlement.

When he was reminded by the Battle Peach Pill, he thought that he had a good way to deal with Cavendish.

Who knew that it would be such a reckless method!

"A big guy with a lot of momentum…"

Looking at the momentum of the War Peach Pill, Cavendish did not underestimate his opponent at all.

When a true expert attacked, they would often show their weakness.

Once you think he's stupid.

She had fallen into his trap.

"Unfortunately, my target isn't you!”

The Cavendish sword, Durandre, was drawn from its scabbard.

The dazzling gemstones shone with light, looking gorgeous and extraordinary.

"Beautiful Sword, Round Table Strike!"

Cavendish took a step forward and faced the Battle Peach Pill head-on.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between them was shortened.

"So fast!"

Zhan Taowan raised his battle axe to block.

Cavendish spun around in the air and slashed at Zhan Taowan's axe.

The power erupted from the collision of two powerful forces.

The Battle Peach Pill was sent flying back.

"Damn it!"

One attack.

Zhan Taowan was almost certain.

Cavendish's strength was definitely not inferior to the lieutenant general of the headquarters!

If she did not put in 120% of her energy, it would be really difficult to resist a man with such combat power provoking her on the spot.

After Zhan Taowan steadied himself, he prepared to resist again.

However, he was surprised to find out.

Cavendish actually changed his target and did not continue to pursue him.

Instead, he locked onto Dusky?

Sensing the danger, Dusky took half a step back and immediately took off the sword at his waist.


The shadow sword had yet to be unsheathed.

The elegant Durandle tore a two-meter-deep slit where Dusky had just been standing.

"That was close!"

Deski exclaimed in his heart.

Even though there was no direct attack, Dusky instantly realized it.

His opponent was a Sword Grandmaster, Cavendish!

He was stronger than any opponent he had fought before.

Deski didn't know why he was here.

He only knew.

When Cavendish attacked, he did not hold back at all.

"This lovely lady, your reaction speed is not bad.”

"He actually predicted the position in advance. Is it the domineering aura of the visual color?”

Cavendish stood behind the crack and tapped the ground with the tip of his sword.

Was the navy so powerful now?

The marine soldiers who had mastered the domineering aura of sight and vision could easily dodge his attacks.

He was only a second lieutenant?

At the same time, after he realized that Dusky had mastered the domineering aura of sight and color.

Cavendish understood that he had found the right person.

"One Piece Supernova, Cavendish!”

"I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. You actually dared to snatch a naval warship!”

"What is your purpose?"

Dusky tried to communicate.

Cavendish's words were gentlemanly, but his actions were what a demon should do.

Such a strong contrast made Dusky very confused.

"Purpose? Don't worry, Miss Deski."

"Although I'm beautiful, I don't get close to women.”

"You can worship me, but today, I must defeat you.”

"Who asked you to be on this island too?”

Cavendish said to himself, inadvertently telling him the reason.

So that was how it was!

Deski immediately reacted.

The Navy's Supernova was also mentioned in the recent newspapers.

After all, it was an official newspaper.

He still had to publicize the strength of the navy.

Only in this way could they appease the people.

Even if it wasn't Dusky, it would be some other inspirational character.

The navy headquarters never lacked moving and inspirational stories.

Deski himself didn't think much of it.


Cavendish was actually so concerned about this matter!

"You seized the warship for such a reason…Thank you for answering my doubts.”

"Pirates are probably like that. I won't escape!”


The shadow sword was unsheathed.

Majestic Ghost Qi spread out.

A biting cold aura enveloped the area, causing Cavendish's wrist to tremble.

He almost missed a breath.

What sword was this?

He had read through the Illustrations of Famous Sabers, but he had never seen such a famous sword.

The red lines that had gathered under the hilt had completely spread.

It occupied almost half of the sword's body, and it looked blood-red and bright.

This aura seemed to be yearning for battle!

"Ma 'am, this sword of yours seems to have a powerful background!”

" It's worth my Durandre's time…"

Cavendish no longer looked down on him.

They were both swordsmen, but what was the grade of their swords?

He could tell at a glance.

"We're finally out!"

"Is this the Holy Sword, Durandre?”

"This aura fluctuation looks very delicious!”

After Lu Feng noticed Durandre, he focused all his attention on the screen.

He did not know if it was his will or the system's intention.

Lu Feng had a feeling that he would definitely benefit greatly from this confrontation with Durandre.

That was why he found the Durandre sword so pleasing to the eye!


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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