Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
16 He wasn’t worried about accelerating his evolution at all!

White Seve


Navy headquarters.

In the General Staff Office.

"Take a look, the latest wanted list of Chambord Islands.”

" Focus on the pirates that number in the hundreds of millions. We might encounter them in the new world in the future.”

"You are the leading force in this plan to eliminate the pirates in the New World.”

Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, Crane!

With the Navy Marshal Warring States, the Navy Hero Karp.

They became the three giants of the navy.

Putting aside his combat strength, his influence in the headquarters was not something that ordinary people could compare to.

When it came to the major plans and operations around the world.

Crane City was the core figure in guiding and activating it.

At this moment.

Advisor He looked at the woman in pink.

He was explaining the plan for the new world.

This person was no ordinary person.

It was Lieutenant General Tao Tu, who would soon lead a team across the Red Earth Continent to the New World.

"I've seen this annoying face many times.”

"Is he in Chambord now?”


Peach Rabbit took out the Cavendish warrant and placed it on the table.

"Don't you like handsome men?”

He said half-jokingly.

Within the headquarters.

There were not many people who could joke with her.

Tao Tu, whom he treated like his own sister, was one of them.

"You don't look like a man at all. You look like a child no matter where you go.”

"Do you think I like children? Sister He!"

The peach rabbit couldn't help but mock.

In the eyes of the peach rabbit.

Cavendish's so-called " beautiful swordsmanship " was completely flashy.

All this while, he had never encountered one.

Otherwise, he would have told him what the real sword technique was.

"Speaking of which, the female subordinate that you recently recruited is also in Chambord, right?" Advisor He smiled and said.”

"We're both swordsmen. If we happen to bump into each other, aren't you worried about her safety?”

Regardless of Cavendish's character, he was still a young man.

In terms of strength alone, ordinary lieutenant generals might not be able to deal with him easily.

280 million Bailey!

It wasn't just for show.

Who knew that the peach rabbit would shake its head in a relaxed manner after hearing this?

"I'm not worried at all…Our great Chief of Staff really wants you to meet her when she comes back!”

"Oh? It's been many years since I've seen you praise someone like this.”

Regarding the peach rabbit's reaction.

Crane's interest was piqued.

"Sister, do you know?"

"When Dusky first followed me, he couldn't even block three casual strikes from me.”

"After about a week, I realized that even if I got serious, it would take some effort to take her down.”

"Now, if I'm not serious, this girl might leave a wound on my body!”

"Dusky…is accelerating his evolution every day!”

When the peach rabbit said this, her eyes flickered.

What she cared about was not some capable general.

He could see it with his own eyes.

A young swordsman rose from an ordinary person to a powerful one.

Every time they met, whether it was Dusky himself or his sword, Shadow.

It was as if they were all undergoing earth-shattering changes.

Advisor He was shocked.

She knew the peach rabbit's personality the best.

Without some real strength, it was impossible to enter her eyes.

"When you come back from Chambord, bring her to see me.”

"If he really is as powerful as you say, it's not impossible for him to make an exception and advance.”

Advisor He replied.


Tao Tu tapped the table and said.

She only realized it after she said it.

Could it be that Tao Tu had nothing better to do today and came over just for the matter of Dusky's advancement?

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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