Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
20 The dual rewards of evolution were attributes and sword skills!

White Seve


It was about the information he had obtained from Xia Qi.

Now, Cavendish completely believed him.

He was slightly careless.

Cavendish was at a disadvantage in the battle.

Dusky's actions had made Cavendish realize one thing.

At least.

Now, Dusky was maintaining his fastest speed and strongest attack power.

He would still not be his match.

"You might not believe me, but I'm still a gentleman.”

"This is the first time a lady has used her full strength and full speed!”


Cavendish said, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"The speed is faster again!"

"Wasn't that the fastest speed just now?”

Daski realized the situation and immediately swung the shadow sword in his hand in the direction of Cavendish.


Boom! Boom!


The continuous and rapid confrontation caused red and white light to flash in the air.



Every time the sword qi was released, it would leave behind a terrifying scene of destruction in the surrounding area.

The rotting nature and tearing strength of the ghost energy far exceeded Cavendish's expectations.


The pure Sword Qi released by Durandre was even sharper than before.

In terms of destructive power, it was even better than the current ghost qi.

If it wasn't for the blessing of the Holy Light.

Now, Dusky could not keep up with Cavendish's reaction at all.

The aisle at the port…

The sentry box…

The wooden house further away…

More and more infrastructure was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

It had already reached this stage.

Both sides were not prepared to back down!



Screams sounded.

More than half of Cavendish's underlings were sent flying by the War Peach Pill.

The remaining few.

They brandished their weapons on the spot, but no one dared to charge forward.

The combat power of the Battle Peach Pill was far beyond their estimation.

To be able to be on such an important island.

As the navy's backup, it was enough to show that Zhan Taomaru was still trusted by the headquarters.

At the same time that the battle was over.

The first thing Zhan Taowan wanted was to help Dasqi get through this crisis.

Who knew that when his consciousness turned around.

He saw the scene in front of him.

It had completely exceeded his imagination!

"This woman…is only a second lieutenant. How can she have such superb swordsmanship?”

"That's the white horse Cavendish, the great pirate who's in the limelight in the great sea route!”

Zhan Taowan said in shock.

Then, he turned his attention to Lu Feng again.

When they were on the island, Zhan Taowan felt that her sword was strange.

Now, after seeing Lu Feng's true form.

Zhan Taowan finally knew what was strange!

The heavy prints gave off a ghostly aura.

Rotten foreign objects, fierce attacks.

This was the embryonic form of a demon blade!

A girl who looked so righteous and awe-inspiring actually possessed such a powerful demon blade!

He watched the lightning-fast confrontation between Cavendish and Dusky.

Zhan Taowan, who wanted to intervene, hesitated.

If he was careless and attacked wrongly, he would be killed.

Not to mention helping Dusky.

It was very likely that there would be a situation of accidental injury!

As the battle continued to deepen.

The effect of Holy Light Blessing was weakening.

Dusky was also gradually showing signs of decline.

According to Lu Feng's estimation.

In another three minutes at most, the effects of Holy Light Blessing would be completely exhausted.

At that time, his speed and attack power would not be able to keep up with Cavendish's level.

Let alone an intense confrontation.

It would probably be very difficult to even raise the strength to resist.

" Three minutes. I have to turn this situation around…"

Lu Feng calculated in his heart.

Although he was in danger, he was not flustered.

The effect of a skill that he had absorbed could still last until now.

He still had his true trump card that he had yet to show!

"System, upgrade immediately!"

Lu Feng made a quick judgment in the tense moment.

When he had just absorbed the holy light.

Other than drawing skills, he also obtained 100 experience points.


Congratulations to the host for successfully leveling up. Your attribute points will automatically increase!

Appearance modification 5!

Damage 260!

Endurance 300!

[Obtained fixed attribute: Sword Soul Intimidation!] (Increases 100 experience points, upgraded version)

Obtained Sword Master's sword skill, Bloodthirsty Raging Attack! (Consumes a large amount of the swordmaster's spiritual energy to use)

Lu Feng was excited when he saw the new attribute and sword skill.

Bloodthirsty Berserk Attack!

The sword body and its owner entered a state of bloodlust.

The ghostly qi automatically evolved into an even more violent blood qi explosion.

His attack power and speed had also increased to a terrifying level!

At the same time, it would also rapidly consume the sword owner's mental energy and physical strength.

If it was not powerful enough, there would still be certain side effects when using it.

The side effects would be much smaller when used together with Holy Light Blessing.

Sword Soul Intimidation!

It specialized in restraining the attributes of demon blades with spiritual names!

Whether it was a famous blade or a demon blade.

Over time, they would form some kind of spiritual connection with the sword master.

After obtaining the Sword Soul's deterrence attribute, it would automatically weaken the enhancement of the other party's famous saber.

Weaken the special skills of the famous sword, and even reduce its attack power.

"It's enough!"

"Even if I can't deal with Cavendish's second personality, I'm afraid I'll have to deal with him.”

"The sword technique that I used to deal with his first personality is enough!”

Lu Feng analyzed.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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