Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
21 Bloodthirsty attack, expert attack!

White Seve



Drops of blood flowed down Deski's arm and landed on the sword.

As the sword flowed, it gently dripped onto the ground.

With the cover of the smoke and dust after another clash.

Deski had a few seconds to rest and adjust.

"Weng weng weng!"

Lu Feng tried his best to transmit his spiritual energy to support the state of Deschi.

Now, Dusky had gradually understood.

It was the advantage he had just obtained under the blessing of the white holy light.

It was already slowly fading away.

Cavendish was very strong!

He was so strong that he could not fight against him now.

On the level of a sword, the shadow sword was more aggressive.

However, because of his ability to move, Lu Feng lost at the starting line.

" My cultivation isn't enough…It's really useless…"

"I don't want to lose to any swordsman…nor do I want you to lose to any famous sword…"

Deski was furious, and his hand that was holding the hilt of his sword trembled.

"You're still young. Let me help you!”

Lu Feng felt the will of Daski and activated his new skill," Bloodthirsty Rage ".


A stream of information flashed through his mind.

A series of flashing memories were imprinted in his mind.

After using the sword skill in the system for the first time.

The information flow would be transmitted directly into Swordmaster's memories and shared with him.

In this way.

In the later battles, if the swordmaster wanted to activate it on his own, he would have mastered the usage of the skill.

Following closely.

The dripping blood suddenly stopped.

The blood stains on Lu Feng's body quickly seeped into the sword.

The complicated sword pattern gradually turned from maroon to blood red.

The sword pattern continued to enlarge and spread.

The sword hilt was reflected in front of Dusky's palm.

Then, it entered his body through his palm and continued to spread.

Arms, neck, side profile…

The curse-like sword pattern looked especially demonic under the ghost-like dazzling blood-red contrast.

The lines on the side of Dusky's face were like a bloody rose.

It added a bit of charm.


The corners of Dusky's eyes opened and closed.

His black pupils were dyed red.

"How troublesome!"

Cavendish had not added any other wounds.

However, as the battle line stretched, it also consumed a lot of physical strength.

Because of his negligence, there were many cracks on his clothes.

He was wearing an elegant western denim outfit.

It had already been slashed into tatters and could not be looked at directly.

During his adventures on the great sea route, Cavendish had been surrounded and intercepted by navy officers of various ranks.

He had experienced countless battles.

However, this was the first time he had fought such a pathetic battle!

Furthermore, it was a female second lieutenant who did not have a high military rank!

After the battle was over.

Cavendish would have gone back to the Rip Off for another drink or two.

At the same time, he had to thank Xia Qi.

He had found such an outstanding swordsman opponent!

"Aren't you going to dodge? He's still in the same place."

"It seems that he is at the end of his rope. What a pity.”

Cavendish could feel that Dusky was standing still and could not help but shake his head.

Under such a cover, it was the best time to make a move.

Cavendish had complete judgment.

Seeing that the dust was about to disperse, Cavendish quickly flashed over.

Under the circumstances where there was a visual barrier.

Launching a large-scale sword qi slash was undoubtedly telling the opponent that he was going to attack.

He approached silently and quickly unleashed his strongest attack at close range.

This was the sword technique attack that could win!


He was only halfway through his forward charge.

A hot and violent aura burst out from the smoke.

The speed of the air blades was so fast that Cavendish had no way of dodging.

Moreover, he was in a forward charging position.

They could only passively defend.

Realizing that something was wrong, Cavendish immediately stopped and jumped out of the smoke.

He gently scratched his face that had just been hit.


Such a light scratch actually hurt him?

What was that Qi Blade just now?

Could it be that this woman still had a trump card that she hadn't used?

With endless questions in his heart, it became a problem for him to attack.

Before he could think further, a terrifying scene happened again.




The dense air blades were like red flying daggers that quickly locked onto Cavendish's position and attacked again and again.

"This is bad!"

Cavendish didn't have time to stop and immediately changed his position.



The range of the red airwave became larger and larger, and the destructive power was shocking. It destroyed many things along the way.

In front of the outer tunnel.

"Ah! Help!"

The girl shouted in panic.

The slaves fled quickly.

The girl did not dare to run with them.

She had personally witnessed the scene of an exploding collar taking away the lives of tens of millions of pirates with a bounty.

Even if she was given a chance, she would not dare to escape.

He did not expect that he had already walked very far on the side of the road.

He still couldn't escape the shockwaves of the battle.

For ordinary people, such a degree of aftershock.

It was a fatal blow!


The scene of him being blown away did not appear.

On the other hand, one of the trees in front of the giant tree was broken.

"This is…"

The young girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at the white-haired, bespectacled old man who had appeared in front of her.

" Old sir, thank you…thank you for saving me…"

As she spoke, the girl's tears flowed down.



Another explosion sounded.

The girl was shocked.

When she finally reacted, she realized something.

The collar on his neck had been removed!

"No need to thank me. Run quickly. It's very dangerous here.”

The old man said with a smile.

"Old thing! Bitch! Don't block the way!"

"Get lost! Run!"


The members of the guards who were frightened by the aftershock also scattered and fled.

When they were scattered just now, many of them were only lightly injured.

Curiosity killed the cat!

In order to find out what had happened, many people stayed behind to watch the show.

The result was good.

They were then engulfed by an even more terrifying scarlet airwave!

The girl recognized the guards at a glance and was so frightened that tears flowed down her face.

The old man standing in front of her shook his head and said,

"What a coincidence. I love to meddle in other people's business.”

"We can't let those two young swordsmen continue to cause trouble. Otherwise, this place will be destroyed.”

"I forgot to bring a knife when I went out today. I'll lend it to you!”

As he spoke, the old man raised his head with clear eyes and sharply glanced at the guards.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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