Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
25 Four months of training, countless rewards!

White Seve


Four months later.

New World Waters, Navy G5 Division!

New World, the second half of the great sea route.

The great sea route was divided into two parts by the red earth continent.

Even if there were powerful pirates in this sea area, only the strong could reach it.

For a long time.

The new world was ruled by the four emperors, and there were dangerous dangers hidden everywhere.

Due to the ever-changing climate, the New World Sea was also known as the most dangerous sea area on the sea.

The navy was in charge of the first half of the great sea route.

When they arrived at the New World's sea area, they were truly powerless.

On the entire sea route, there was only one G5 branch.

For many years, he had wanted to restore the order of the new world, but he had never been able to do so.

"You're back! Is it Captain Dusky?"

"Why is the operation so fast this time? Is she really just a navy captain?”

" Yes, she's back. The prisoner behind her is…"

"It's the axe hand, Mian Sanlang! That coastal bandit with a bounty of 180 million!”

"Two days! Only two days?"

"Too strong, really too strong!”

"That 'Greatsword·Shadow' looks really domineering, even more so than Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit's Golden Milo!”


When Dusky returned from capturing the pirates, he immediately became the focus of heated discussion.

After the Battle of Chambord Islands.

Every day, Dusky would double the amount of time he had to complete Tao Tu's training plan.

Even though she had been in the new world for more than three months, she had not slacked off for a single day.

The current her.

She was no longer a frail and weak young girl.

While maintaining a good figure, the curves were more distinct.

Her shoulder-length hair was neatly tied up, and the feeling of being capable was self-evident.

They arrived at the chaotic new world.

It also gave Dusky a better experience.

While there were dangers everywhere, it also meant that there were ready-made opponents everywhere.

Three months passed.

Dusky personally led a team to capture twelve pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million.

Twenty-one pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan.

The highest bounty was as high as 220 million!

With Dusky's superb performance.

Lu Feng had completed his evolution three times!

Not only did his attack power and appearance become more domineering, but he also obtained three skill rewards.

Host: Lu Feng!

[Level: Extremely Sharp Crimson Demon Blade (A )]

[Damage: 2050]

[Toughness: 3600]

[EXP: 620/1800]

[Fixed Attribute: Scarlet Stripe, Ghost Qi]

[Fixed Attribute: Sword Soul Intimidation (Upgraded, shared with Sword Master)]

[Additional sword skills: Bloodthirsty Raging Attack, Inner Ghost Slash series (12 moves in total)]


[Swordmaster: Dusky]

[Level: New Sword Hero]

[Skills: Intermediate Level of Vision Color, Advanced Level of Equipment Color, Beginner Level of Sword Will]

[Sword Skills: Bloodthirsty Berserk Attack, Inner Ghost Slash Series, Sevenfold Ghost Demon Sword Technique!]

The current Lu Feng looked at his own data and was no longer as nervous as before.

As expected!

Coming to the new world was the best decision.

For his evolution, this was the best playground.


The title of Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero had gradually become popular in the New World.

Although it had not attracted the attention of the pirate's highest-ranking representative yet.

However, a portion of them were among the pirates in the middle and lower levels of the New World.

Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero, Dusky, the new captain of the navy!

The news had almost spread.

Accompanying it.

The shadow sword was also called the greatsword-Shadow because of its dazzling appearance.

What was she called?

Lu Feng did not care about this at all.

At the very least, he could use this opportunity to let the pirates of the New World understand how terrifying he was.

Slash the entire sea!

This was what excited Lu Feng.

"Dusky, you've worked hard."

At the end of the welcoming line.

A man with a crew cut, wearing black sunglasses and casual clothes, watched as Dusky approached.


The base chief of the G5 branch, the highest executive officer here.

After the arrival of the peach rabbit, the real power was replaced.

However, he was still deeply trusted by the navy of the G5 branch.

After many years of grinding, this was not something that could be replaced in a day or two.

"Weng weng weng!"

The moment he saw Vilgo.

The shadow sword's body shook with hostility again.

Deski and Lu Feng were telepathically connected.

Such intense hostility was naturally very obvious.

"What exactly happened?"

"I don't know how many times this has happened. Is Ying Jian trying to tell me that there's something wrong with Lieutenant General Vilgo?”

Deski was puzzled.

Because she couldn't judge for the time being, she kept an instinctive vigilance against Vilgo.

No one else knew Vilgo's identity.

As a transmigrator, Lu Feng naturally understood.

Vilgo was a traitor from the Don quiquierced family.

Speaking of which, it was quite powerful.

In so many years, he had actually risen from obscurity to the position of lieutenant general!

He even became the base leader of the only branch in the New World.

Doflemingo, who was doing whatever he wanted in the new world, could even wake up laughing in his dreams.

Now was not the time to deal with Vilgo.

As long as Dusky could maintain her vigilance at all times, there wouldn't be too much of a problem with her intelligence.

"Good morning, Lieutenant General Wilgo."

"It's not hard at all. The pursuit this time didn't take long.”

"Is Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit in the office? I want to report to her first."

Deski followed the rules very well.

The first thing he did every time he came back was to report on his work.

Vilgo nodded and said politely,""Please, Lieutenant General Tao Tu is already waiting for you.”

"Regarding the matter of the Four Emperors Corporation in the New World, we have to start making arrangements today!”

Four Emperors Corporation!

Upon hearing this news, Daski's eyes lit up.

He had followed the peach rabbit to the new world to accompany her on a special mission.

Catching pirates was just a choice to gain experience while waiting for an opportunity.

More than three months passed.

The matter related to the Four Emperors Pirate Group had finally begun!


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