Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
26 The target was the Four Generals of Desserts!

White Seve


G5 branch, in the office of the base leader.


Dasqi stood at the door and said in a clear voice.

"Come in."

The rabbit did not even raise its head as it dealt with the documents that had just been sent over.

When he was a lieutenant general in the headquarters, he had a lot of daily work.

The peach rabbit did not expect this.

To think that such a position would be so tiring.

He had not been idle since morning.

She had been working on documents non-stop.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu, the target has been captured.”

"According to the instructions, they will be temporarily detained in the dungeon. The prisoners that will be escorted next month will be sent back to the headquarters.”

Dasqi reported his mission.

No matter what he did next.

It was his duty and mission to deal with the previous mission first.

"It was done in two days. Well done!”

When Peach Rabbit heard what Dusky said, she stopped what she was doing.

He looked at Deski with a satisfied smile.

During this period of time, he had doubled his training.

This caused the young girl in front of him to be completely reborn.

In terms of swordsmanship and strength, it would not be a problem for Dusky to become a colonel or even a major general.

It was nothing more than a naval officer above the general level in a non-special period.

It required a certain amount of military merits to achieve it.

It was just the improvement of his strength. He was still a little lacking.

Now, what Dusky was doing was to accumulate his strength step by step.

"The number of missions completed recently is quite good.”

"Even the current Three Great Generals didn't do this in the New World when they were young.”

"Dusky, your future is limitless!”

As her subordinate, the peach rabbit was also very proud.

Dusky didn't care about military affairs at all.

She only cared about the mission in front of her and the enemy she was about to face.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu, I heard Lieutenant General Vilgo say that our operation is about to begin?”

Dusky was also a straightforward person.

She would not hide anything she knew.

"That's right. Come over and sit here.”

Tao Tu pointed at the chair at the side.

In the G5 branch.

It seemed that Tao Tu was the actual person in power now, but she could mobilize people at will.

In reality.

Peach Rabbit and the soldiers of the G5 branch did not trust each other.

Speaking of the people around her that she could truly trust, the only one by Peach Rabbit's side was Dusky.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu, I can stand.”

"If there's anything you need me to do, you can give me any order.”

Deski waved his hand, knowing his identity and mission.

Peach Rabbit didn't force it.

"From tomorrow onwards, suspend the pirate capture mission.”

"Take this phone bug and split up with me.”

"Go to Ahilong Island on the map. This mission is very dangerous.”

With Tao Tu's strength, she was able to say such words. One could imagine the difficulty of this mission.

Dusky did not ask.

Instead, he waited for the peach rabbit to continue.

Such an important matter.

There was no need to think too much.

The rabbit would also explain it very clearly.

"Previously, there was no progress due to the delay in the operation.”

"That's why I didn't tell you the actual situation.”

"Our targets this time are Kaido's Hundred Beasts Pirates and Charlotte Lingling's Big Mom Pirates!”

"Two large pirate organizations that have been stable in the New World for many years!”

When the peach rabbit said this, she felt a little excited.

Under the condition that the navy and the pirates had a balance of power.

Large-scale operations were rare.

The peach rabbit had also experienced turbulent times.

However, in recent years, it had been very peaceful.

After hearing this, Dusky's heart couldn't help but throb.

Although he knew that the mission to the new world this time was not ordinary.

It was most likely related to the Four Emperors Corporation.

However, what he did not expect was…

The navy's appetite was actually so big that they directly targeted the two major Four Emperors Corporations!

"Recently, our scouts in the new world have been reporting frequently.”

"Charlotte Lingling's men have been in frequent contact with Kaido's men. The exact reason is unknown.”

"However, from the information, the possibility of a fight is not high.”

"The headquarters is worried that the two of them, the Four Emperors, will work together!”

Lu Feng, who was hiding in the dark, heard the main reason clearly.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido had a long history.

It was not impossible for them to cooperate with each other for some benefit.

Lu Feng also understood the principle of balance at sea.

Each of the Four Emperors had a terrifying strength.

The reason why they were able to keep a balance with the navy over the years was entirely because of their internal strife.

However, if they were to cooperate, not only would the balance of the new world be broken.

Even the balance of power between the navy and pirates would be broken.

That was why the navy had planned ahead and sent the peach rabbit as the vanguard.

The rabbit gave Dusky half a minute to calm down.

Then, he continued,

"Don't worry. The mission that you and I split up into two groups is dangerous, but it's actually not that difficult.”

"Our goal is not to kill anyone, nor is it to capture anyone.”

" Instead, we have to gather enough information to break the possible deals and collaborations between them.”

"If anything happens, we have even stronger people in the headquarters behind us.”

Everything was terrifying when he didn't know anything.

At the very least, it was the task of the advance party to figure out the purpose of the other party's negotiation.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu? Can you determine who the people who are negotiating with each other are?”

Dusky asked curiously.

At the very least, he had some useful information to supplement the lack of information.

The peach rabbit replied,

"The Four Emperors do not have any information. We only know that there are many people participating in this meeting.”

"Charlotte Lingling's side probably sent out three teams of children, and only one of them has accurate information.”

" The 14th daughter of the Charlotte Family!"

"One of the four dessert generals under Auntie!”

"Minister Juice…Charlotte Smudge!”


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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