Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
31 White fish characteristic, Seven Ghosts Sword Dao!

White Seve


Regardless of whether he was shocked or calm.

There was no answer on Armand's face.


She slowly and gently took out the white fish sword.

He looked lazy, but his eyes were filled with killing intent.

"In terms of aptitude and strength, he's a pretty good rookie in the navy.”

"It's rare to meet a girl like you. I'm considered lucky.”

"If I don't slowly cut it, it would be a waste of an opportunity.”

A cruel smile suddenly appeared on Armand's gloomy face.

Armand's pursuit of slaughter was not to cut off everything in an instant.

Instead, it was to let the enemy sink into pain and be repeatedly tortured.

He looked at Dusky, who was still standing on the spot.

Armand even treated Daski as an arrogant junior.

On this sea.

What kind of outstanding young man had he not seen before?

Those who dared to be impudent in front of her were tortured to death in the end!

Armand's figure flashed. His speed was so fast that it was impossible for the eyes to keep up.

"Oh! It's indeed different!"

"These small fries are all very bad.”

"From their movement techniques and speed, I can tell that the Charlotte Family isn't ordinary!”

Lu Feng calculated in his heart and continued to restrain the sharpness of his ghostly energy.

Waves of cold and uneasy restlessness came from the air.

This made Lu Feng particularly concerned.

As a famous sword, Bai Yu naturally had its own attributes.

As for what its attributes were, and what kind of lethality and effects it had.

He needed to make a comprehensive judgment based on his performance.

"Behind the right."

He felt a gentle breeze behind him.

Deski didn't even need to turn around to determine Armand's location.

"If you die under my dancing sword art, you will feel that death is also an art.”

"The essence of art is pain. Come and taste pain!”

"Adagio Waltz!"

At the same time.

Armand raised the White Fish Sword in his hand and slashed it horizontally at Daski's shoulder.

However, looking from the side, many people would fall into doubt.

In order to fulfill the promise of letting his opponent taste pain.

Every time Armand attacked, it would be very slow.

People with vigorous vitality could even see with their own eyes how they died.

"Madam, kill this stinky woman!”

"Let her feel the pain and torture her properly!”

"This bastard Navy, don't let her off!”


A few pirates who were still conscious.

Then, he shouted loudly from the side.

When he faced Dusky just now.

These people hadn't even started to perform before they were already eliminated.

Such an embarrassing thing.

As a pirate from the New World.

Of course, they couldn't tolerate it!

Just as Dusky wanted to dodge, he was about to leave.

A cold aura directly stimulated her nerves.


"So that's what happened…"

Lu Feng's perception was the sharpest.

After realizing that Dusky's actions had been hindered, he suddenly realized that he was not going to be able to do anything.

He finally understood why the Ghost Lady Armand's slow attacks were still effective.

Without any experience, it was hard to understand the attacks of all kinds of people.

It was all because of the famous white fish!

As he drew his sword, an extremely cold aura wrapped around the sword.

In terms of level, it was the same as Lu Feng's Ghost Qi.

Facing the expressionless, cold, and melancholic Madam Ghost.

Outsiders would instinctively feel timid.

Bai Yu's bone-chilling aura amplified this feeling infinitely.

Now that his movements were hindered, it was impossible for him to dodge.

In addition, Armand had an indescribable hobby.

Hence the birth of the Slow Dance Kendo!

"This is the outcome of arrogance. You can't escape!”

The cold air had already wrapped around Daichi's body.

Armand knew that he had already succeeded.

Next, it was time to enjoy the spoils of war and slowly torture them.


"I'm sorry to disappoint you!"


All of a sudden, scarlet-black ghostly qi erupted from the body of the shadow sword.

In an instant.

When it met the cold air of the ghost qi, it was like the fog meeting the sunlight.

It was devoured and disappeared without a trace!

When he first learned how to use ghost energy.

At most, it could only cause a short burst of ghostly qi when moving and attacking.

The current Dusky.

He could now freely control the amount of ghostly qi he released, achieving the effect of encircling his entire body.

Without the restraints, Daski took a step to the side and easily dodged Armand's attack.

Armand's pupils constricted, and Wen Se instantly sensed that his next move would miss.

The most terrifying thing was…

After dodging the attack, Dusky did not retreat.

Instead, he was already prepared to counterattack at the fastest speed possible!

A duel between swordsmen.

Apart from fighting in terms of lethality and reaction speed, it also tested agility and the ability to defend against counterattacks.


The sound of air being cut was ear-piercing.

Armand wanted to retreat, but he realized that he was too slow.

"It's my turn now!"

"The Sword Dao of the Seven Ghosts…the number one Ghosts, Sabersoul Asura!”


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