Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
32 The power of the number one ghost god, the name destroying blade!

White Seve


Almost in an instant.

More than half of the ghostly energy surrounding Lu Feng was extracted.

The red airwave wasn't released, nor did it dissipate.

Instead, they gathered around Dusky's body and formed a special red pattern.

The blood rose tattoo once again spread across her fair face.

On his head and back, there was a red soul body that looked like a warrior. It looked especially ferocious.

When Daichi raised his shadow sword, the shadow of the Saber Soul Asura behind him seemed to have intelligence.

Then, he raised his hand high and locked onto the Ghost Lady Armand, who had missed.

"What, what is this?"

"Is there another person in her body?”

Madam Ghost's Wen Se Ba Qi was rather special.

He could determine how many enemies there were around him through the lock of an opportunity.

At this moment, after Dusky's Sabersoul Asura condensed.

He could clearly feel two soul fluctuations.

It was as if the Seven Ghosts Sword Dao had its own independent consciousness.



Two alternating sword auras, one in front and one behind, smashed fiercely towards Armand.

With no way out, Armand could only pick up the white fish and quickly form a barrier in front of him.

"He's here!"

"This woman finally took out her sword to block!”

After Lu Feng saw Armand's actions, he suddenly revealed his strongest side.


At the same time that Lu Feng streaked across space.

From the sound of the extremely dangerous explosion, one could feel the special energy contained in the sword.



"Oh no! It's heavier than I imagined!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this?"

The moment their swords clashed, Armand realized that something was wrong.

If it was in other aspects, Armand could not compare.

She would not be too surprised.

In terms of swordsmanship.

His first move had been seen through by his opponent.

He even seized the opportunity to launch a strong counterattack.

It was impossible for Armand not to be shocked by such an outcome.

Especially when the person who attacked him was a brat who had just arrived in the new world!


At the same time.


The Sabersoul Asura on Dusky's shoulder let out a violent roar.

The exaggerated sword qi had originally enveloped an area of nearly ten meters.

The moment it fell, it suddenly contracted, forming an unusually sharp red sword.

Lu Feng was the one controlling every move of the Saber Soul Asura.

I met a famous white fish.

Lu Feng had been completely stirred up and wanted him to stop easily.

It was impossible!


As the red airwave engulfed them.

The ground under Armand's feet cracked inch by inch.

The rolling boulders could not withstand the explosion of power at all and turned into powder in an instant.

The box containing the nuts was shattered, and most of his efforts were wasted.

The pirates who had fainted.

After being baptized by the scarlet storm, all of them instantly regained their spirits.

"What happened? Was this power really unleashed by that woman?”

"Too terrifying! Other than the four ministers of the Four General Stars, this is the first time I've seen such destructive power!”

"It's not safe here. Run, run to the back!”


After regaining consciousness.

Faced with the crisis.

These guys didn't show any signs of loyalty to Madam Ghost.

Each and every one of them ran fearlessly, afraid that they would be affected.


The power that could not be restrained made Armand spit out a mouthful of blood.

Soon after.

He was swept away by the scarlet sword qi released by the Sabersoul Asura and flew into the distance.

The scarlet storm lasted for a full minute before it slowly calmed down.

The force of the collision was completely absorbed by Lu Feng.

Not to mention a defensive sword.

The current calculation was to give Armand another chance to use his killing move.

Lu Feng was confident that he could block 80% of the power.

In this way.

Dusky was in even less danger.

Amid the billowing dust, Armand was half-kneeling on the ground, his face covered in dust.

The few open wounds on his wrists were eye-catching.

Dusky's sword.

It had shattered all of her confidence.

Her hands trembled as she picked up the " white fish " from the ground.

"How could this be…this is impossible!”

"You damn stupid woman!"

The Ghost Lady Armand shouted heartbreakingly.

He was unwilling to accept the reality in front of him.

He looked carefully.

In the middle of Bai Yu's blade.

A small gap spread across the entire sword.

Seven Ghosts Sword Dao, Saber Soul Asura's first attack!

He directly destroyed the so-called famous saber,"White Fish"!

Was this the strength of a female navy captain?

According to the rumors, the Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero should be a new talent in the navy of the New World.

How could it have such terrifying attack power?

No matter how powerful it was or how powerful the famous saber was.

Once a flaw appeared.

The elemental spiritual energy that he possessed would all disappear.

Even if he continued to use it, it would only be a useless sword!


"The taste of a famous saber is really not bad…"

Lu Feng enjoyed the feeling of absorbing the Sword Soul Spiritual Qi. He felt extremely comfortable.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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