Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
38 The fourth Ghost God, the Infernal Spirit Heavenly Fire!

White Seve


"Captain, we're almost there. Should we shoot and force her over?”

His assistant asked Fossa for his opinion.

The other party only had a small kayak. No matter how one looked at it, Fossa had the absolute initiative and the right to choose.

Daski was able to dodge the large area attacks of the cannonballs.

Now that the distance between them had shortened, it would not be so easy to dodge the dense rain of bullets.


Fossa said coldly.

Since they had already made their move, it was a situation where they would not rest until they fought.

A battle on the sea was about the geographical advantage and the people.

Small kayaks against pirate ships.

Fossa had the geographical advantage and was not worried at all.

Peng Peng!

Peng, peng, peng!

Piercing gunshots were fired at Dusky.

After all, they were pirates from the new world.

Some of the stronger ones even fused the color of the weapon into their bullets.

Its attack power and penetrating power were both very powerful.

Such a concentrated attack.

He relied on his movement technique and speed to dodge.

Or they could use their attacks to resist.

It was not the best strategy.

"He's already looking for trouble!”

"So what if he has a white beard? We can't let them be so arrogant!"

"Do it! Otherwise, you won't be able to pass."

Lu Feng's entire body glowed red.

Using his actual performance.

To provoke Dusky.

Even the Sword Master was unwilling to see his sword master being bullied.

As the Sword Master, how could he ignore his companion?

"Shadow, I have the same thoughts as you.”

"There's no room for escape now!”

Dusky muttered as he held the shadow sword horizontally in front of him.

Sword Dao of the Seven Ghosts…the fourth ghost, the Infernal Spirit Heavenly Fire!

"That's right, just use your killer move!”

Lu Feng felt exceptionally carefree as he felt what Deski was doing.

The moment he raised the shadow sword again.

The red ghostly qi that erupted condensed into a line.

Lu Feng, who had already evolved to the level of a demon blade.

He could easily control the boundless ghostly qi.

It was as if the sky was filled with red light.

It was like heavenly fire descending into the world, and it looked unusually grand.

"Beep, beep, beep…"

"Puff, puff, puff…"

Sharp and tricky bullets.

The moment he entered the side of Dusky.

It was directly swallowed by the mighty heavenly fire without a trace.


"Bloodthirsty Berserk Attack!"

In order to kill in one blow and end the battle quickly.

For the time being, Dusky didn't care about consumption.

He immediately activated his Bloodthirsty Rage.

He attacked with such a posture.

It could greatly increase the destructive power of killer moves.

"W-what's going on? It was just a sword. How could such a phenomenon occur?”

"This is strange! It was as if flames were about to fall from the sky!”

"Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero, is this her true strength?”

"Does anyone know what her sword is? A swift saber? Supreme Fast Saber?"


Looking at the monstrous scene in front of him.

Everyone could tell that the shadow sword in Daichi's hand was not an ordinary one.

The corner of Fossa's eyes twitched.

Flames fell from the sky?

If it was really that simple.

He might still be able to resist.

However, he could feel a palpitating aura from afar.

Fossa knew very well…

The real danger was still behind!

Following closely.

After Lu Feng released a certain amount of ghostly energy.

It rapidly condensed into the shape of a sword in the air.

There were no clouds in the sky.

It was instantly dispersed by the impact of the ghostly qi.

A ray of sunlight pierced through the thick clouds and fell on the ghost qi sword.

There was a golden luster in the maroon color, making it look even more domineering.

"Hehe! White Beard's dozen squads, right?"

"Let's try this move!"

With a thought, Lu Feng summoned a huge sword made of ghostly energy and swung it down from the ceiling.

"Chop, chop it down!"

"What the hell is this? It can actually trigger such power?"

"Did this sword eat the devil fruit? This was the aura of an Asura from Hell!”

"Don't shout, don't panic. We still have Boss Fossa!”

"Boss Fossa, what should we do?"

"Boss Fossa!"

His subordinates saw this scene.

They were completely panicking.

Fossa really wanted to send the message out immediately.

He wanted to tell everyone the true strength of the Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero!

Was he a rookie in the navy?

Was this an unknown sword?

It was clearly the female Asura and the Supreme Demon Saber!

"Don't panic! I'll carry it!"

In order to stabilize the crowd, Fossa rushed out quickly.

The cigar in his mouth lightly scratched the sword.

The originally sharp sword was instantly covered in flames.

Exploding Flame Sword!

The blade was forged by mixing saltpeter into it.

Although it was not a famous saber.

However, it was still considered a unique brand of Fossa.

He was quite famous among the New World combatants.


The flames on the Bursting Flame Sword were burning.

Compared to the ghost qi sword that was rapidly falling from the sky.

It was simply insignificant.

It was not worth mentioning at all!

"Such a rude brat who dares to attack the White Beard Pirates?”

"Let me destroy your confidence!"

Fossa leaped into the air.

The fiery red sword Qi was burning with flames as it slashed at the huge sword in the air.

Lu Feng heard Fossa's words.

His heart was filled with anger.


"Am I supposed to stand there and let you hit me?"

"You're the one who said it!"

"Who cares if you're the White Beard Pirates or the Red Beard Pirates?”

"We'll all die in the sea today!"


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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