Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
39 One slash, level up limit!

White Seve


Fossa charged forward.

As the captain of the ship, he had to face his skilled underlings.

He definitely couldn't drop the ball at this time.

No matter how powerful the opponent was.

Fossa was confident in his own strength.

He had been in the new world for so many years.

The number of times he had encountered danger was even older than Daski.

How could he not even last one round against a young girl?

Hold on!

The main thing was to stall for time.

Marko would be here soon.

The second in command of the White Beard Pirates.

As the captain of a team, his combat strength was completely beyond Fossa's reach.


Just as the huge sword condensed from ghost qi was about to arrive...

Fossa suddenly felt that the surrounding sounds were completely blocked.

Other than the buzzing sound in his head, he could not hear anything else.

Spatial compression?

A long-distance slash could actually produce the effect of space compression?

This was something that only a Great Sword Hero could do!


The moment the Explosive Flame Sword in his hand collided with the giant sword condensed from ghost energy.

A soft sound came through the thin air.

One was a giant sword condensed from ghost energy.

One of them was a truly fast saber.

Even if Fossa couldn't completely block it, he would still be able to block it.

He wanted to change the direction of the sword even if he had to get injured.

That was why he came forward to stop her.

What terrified him was…

It was clearly a phantom sword.

The violent power that was transmitted in an instant directly bent the body of the Explosive Flame Sword.

The flames burning on the body of the Explosive Flame Sword were instantly swallowed and disappeared without a trace.

"His strength is really bad.”

Lu Feng could not help but nag, but he was very excited in his heart.

A guy who came to give experience points.

He wouldn't hold back!


As the flames on the Bursting Flame Sword disappeared.

The broadsword was reduced to scrap metal in an instant.

Facing the impact of the ghost qi, they scattered in the sky.

Fossa's hearing, which had been lost, finally returned to his ears.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The giant sword of ghost qi seemed to have come from the sky.

A series of high-temperature explosions were produced in the air.

A critical situation.

There was no time for Fossa to think about his broken Explosive Flame Sword.

His attack just now did not stop the huge sword from falling at all.


However, he still had his own ship and his underlings!

Even if he couldn't withstand the sword moves, he would at least have to rely on his strength to resist!

There was nothing wrong with having such a strong heart.

However, when it was used on his mobility, it completely changed his state.

Fossa was shocked to discover…

There was actually no reaction from the domineering mobilization of the armed colors?

He was fatally injured and unable to move?

He didn't.

His mental state was in chaos?

There was nothing.

However, when he moved, it was as if he was frozen.

Frost attribute!

When he had the upper hand in terms of aura, the effect was even better.

It made the opponent's mind active, but he could not give orders to his body.

Even if it was just a moment, it could decide everything.

"Not good! The captain has been knocked down!"

"Are you kidding me? Help!"

"Jump down! Jump into the water!"

"What are you waiting for? Don't block me!"


The pirates realized that the situation was not good.

The first thing he thought of was how to escape.


Their reaction speed could not keep up with Lu Feng's speed.


The ghostly greatsword, which was dragging Fossa, suddenly slammed into the pirate ship.

The ships of the Fossa Pirates were completely unable to withstand such destructive power.

Along with a loud bang, it was directly from the center of the dragon bone.

It was cut into two!

He felt the majestic impact and cutting force.

Lu Feng could not help but say,

"You still have some strength. In the end, you still offset a portion of the lethality.”

"You actually recovered from the frost attribute. Your spiritual power is not bad.”

The opponent's performance was also commendable.

In the end…

Forsa's defense and mobility were still restricted.

Now, the Fossa was not as simple as being cut into two.

Judging from the impact of the attack just now, it might have directly shattered them into pieces.

Even so.

Even if Fossa worked so hard.

However, it was still unable to stop half of the crew from losing consciousness.


Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the opponent's weapon,"Explosive Flame Sword"!

Obtained 150 experience points!

Congratulations to user for successfully defeating the entire Fossa Pirates!

Obtained 300 experience points!

[Current EXP: 2070/1800 points!]

He listened to the system notification.

Lu Feng was extremely excited.

After farming so many pirate experience babies.

It was finally time to level up again!

On the other hand, Dusky.

After he succeeded, he slowly withdrew his shadow sword.

He urged his small kayak and rowed towards the crying survivors.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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