Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
43 Information obtained, requesting to leave the island!

White Seve


Pero looked at the man walking over from afar.

There was a hint of annoyance hidden in his eyes.

"Kelika, you're only in charge of communication this time, right?”

"Mother will decide what to do.”

Pero said immediately.

Charlotte Krieger!

Minister Biscuit, the tenth son of the family!

It was also one of the four dessert generals.

The superhuman biscuit fruit was exceptionally effective in his hands.

The pirates of the New World called him the "Cookie Knight"!

"Big brother, I've received accurate news from Smudge.”

"Don't you want to hear who attacked?”

Ke Lijia walked forward arrogantly.

He said this in a playful manner, not putting Perross Perot in his eyes at all.

"Pero, Pero, you bastard, get lost!”

"Kelika, did you receive any useful information?”

"If it's useless information, you'll be the first to suffer!”

Charlotte Lingling said in an unfriendly tone.

Kerry walked past the siblings.

He walked straight to Charlotte Lingling.

He walked through the hall without looking sideways.

It was enough to see the pride in Kelika's heart.

On the other hand, everyone present.

Other than Perross, the others didn't show any displeasure.

Strength was king!

It was the same everywhere he went.

Kelika, who had powerful combat strength, had a reputation that surpassed the Charlotte Family's reputation as the eldest son.


"Smudge has sent word that the deal with the Kaido Army has been disrupted by the navy.”

"The two sides are currently engaged in an intense battle. Smudge has only just arrived at the scene and is not ready to attack yet.”

Kelika explained the information he had.

The cooperation between the four emperors was still very unreliable.

On the surface.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido were getting very close.

In reality.

Before the real cooperation began, they would be wary of each other.

The navy was not strong in the New World.

However, he could not completely ignore their existence and not give them any face.

If they angered the navy.

When they got serious.

It wasn't a good thing either.

" Was it really interfered by the navy?"

"Which blind bastard is the leader?”


Charlotte Lingling slammed the table in front of her angrily.

The children of the lower class who did not have much strength were so frightened that they trembled.

The bridesmaid was like a tiger.

These children also felt immense pressure.

He could feel the difference between Kelika and them.

He calmly continued to report,"

"Mother, the one leading the team is Lieutenant General Tao Tu, who has only arrived in the New World in the past few months!”

Peach rabbit!

Charlotte Lingling had heard of this name before.

Back then, Tao Tu was able to be rated as someone whose strength was comparable to that of a shoulder general.

It was also because of his outstanding performance in the new world that he had such a saying when he returned to the headquarters.

Back then, the peach rabbit and the crane, one big and one small, were the heroines of the headquarters.

He had created many navy capture records, and many famous pirates were still fresh in his memory!

"I was wondering who it was. So it's that stinky girl from Gion.”

"The little stalker beside Crane back then actually started to lead his own team!”

"Even if that girl Smudge doesn't make a move, Kaido's men are enough.”

"What does this have to do with Armand losing contact?”

Charlotte Lingling still couldn't bear it.

He didn't know what Kelika was trying to say.

"Mother, it just so happens that this is the time.”

"It shouldn't be a coincidence that Armand's team was attacked.”

"I received reliable information that our ship captured this scene!”

Kelika waved his hand.

On his arm.

A series of biscuits of different shapes formed a conveyor belt.

He handed the photo in Krija's hand to Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling pulled it over and examined it.

Black Cloud and Burning Fire, the two masses of energy substance, also came over.

"It's a female navy soldier holding a sword. This sword looks so impressive!”

"The scarlet sword pattern is truly awe-inspiring!”

"It's indeed impressive!"

"You're right!"

The two masses of energy substance chattered.

Charlotte Lingling was displeased.

His gaze locked onto the two masses of matter.

"Mother, please calm down!"

"Mother, please calm down!"

The sudden pressure made the two little ones not dare to say anything and immediately hid resentfully.

"Could this girl be the newbie in the navy who has recently become famous in the New World?”

Charlotte Lingling didn't move around much.

However, they were still very well-informed.

They usually wouldn't miss any important information.

"Mother, you're right.”

"This woman is the rumored Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero. She seems to be on her way in a kayak.”

Ke Lijia reported truthfully.

Regardless of whether or not the Crimson Shadow Sword Hero was related to Armand's disappearance, he had to be careful.

Kelika didn't want to be stuck on Cake Island.

Just like Pero and Pero, Kelijia also wanted to take action!

If it wasn't for the fact that he had "accidentally" wiped out the three pirate squads he had collaborated with during his last mission, he wouldn't have been grounded now.

In a sense.

The extreme Kelika.

He was the most dangerous person in his generation!


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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