Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
44 Kelika, the Flame Disaster Legion!

White Seve


After Kelijia explained all the reasons.

He even provided a rather reliable analysis.

Charlotte Lingling didn't care if the navy wanted to interfere.

He didn't want to find out anything.

However, if he really knew…

The so-called navy rookie Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero had attacked his own children.

Charlotte Lingling would destroy this young navy officer at all costs.

"Kelika, I'll make an exception this time and allow you to go out.”

"If you dare to cause trouble again, come back and offer up 30 years of your lifespan!”

Charlotte Lingling's eyes flashed red.

He casually stated the final punishment.

Everyone knew that.

If Kelika really did not do his job well.

Charlotte Lingling wouldn't side with him at all.

Four Emperors BIGMama!

She was such a cold-blooded and domineering woman!

"Understood, Mother."

"I will definitely complete the mission well.”


The new world, Rotfork Island.



A series of violent sounds came from the island.

The sound of such a large-scale battle.

It had already lasted for nearly four hours.

Smudge put down the phone bug in his hand.

Looking at the gradually one-sided situation in the distance, she waved her hand and asked her subordinates to leisurely bring over a huge chair.

"The situation is about right. This woman is really persistent.”

"The opponent is this monster, but he can still fight to such an extent.”

"Truly admirable!"

The huge Smuggie sat down and placed a huge blanket beside him.

He had inherited the natural advantage of the long-legged race.

Smuggy's body was unusually huge, but it did not lose its beauty.

As the Minister of Juice, her bounty was as high as 932 million Bailey!

It had the terrifying ability to squeeze the fruit.

He could easily squeeze the water out of an object.

When her subordinates did something wrong, she would use her own ability to punish them.

She was a responsible but cold woman.

The only difference was that she was different from her mother.

Smudge had a straightforward and sensible personality, and was able to distinguish between gratitude and resentment.

If his subordinates did a good job, they would be rewarded directly.

It was not too difficult to work under her.

The woman she was praising was not just anyone else.

It was the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Tao Tu!

Rotfoke Island was still a long way from where the peach rabbit wanted to go.

This island did not produce food and had no residents.

Because of its vast area, many people used it as a place to rest.

In order to prevent her subordinates from traveling a long distance, Tao Tu also prepared to let the soldiers rest here.

Who knew that he would only realize the danger after landing on the island.

Unfortunately, the other party's alertness was even higher than the peach rabbit.

It was easy to come, but not so easy to leave.

The enemy that the peach rabbit was facing was the big board of Kaido's pirate group!

One of the three great calamities…Flame Calamity!


A terrifying man with a bounty of more than 1.5 billion!

After such a long period of high-intensity combat.

The navy circle was in complete chaos.

At first, the troops that the peach rabbit brought had already lost more than sixty percent.

This was already an acceptable result.

If the peach rabbit had the intention to relax, it would probably be a one-sided massacre now.


The peach rabbit held the gold birdcage in one hand, and the sword was pressed against the ground. She couldn't help but cough out a mouthful of blood.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu! Are you alright?"

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu! Leave alone, don't worry about us!”

"That's right. Everyone here has been with you for many years. Everyone will blame you!”

"That's right. Lieutenant General Tao Tu, it wasn't your mistake this time!”


The trusted aides who followed Tao Tu could not help but shout.

Everyone understood.

The wrong landing on the island was directly related to the wrong information.

In the end.

If they wanted to pursue the matter, they had to start from the source.

If the peach rabbit wanted to retreat and ignore the soldiers under her command, she would have to retreat.

Now, she had escaped unscathed.

However, the peach rabbit had a strong sense of responsibility.

He would not watch his subordinates be led astray by him.

In her opinion.

He was the commander of an army.

The mistake in the information was also due to his own misjudgment.

In the end.

There was still a problem with his guidance.

Therefore, even if he had to pay the price of his life.

She would still fight until the end.

However, what she did not expect was…

The Flame Calamity Ash's strength was actually so terrifying.

From the start of the battle until now.

He did not even catch a single flaw.

Hundreds and thousands of attacks were blocked by Jin without any damage.

On the side, the Flame Calamity Legion.

They were also continuously harvesting his navy soldiers.

Jin himself knew that he had to take down the peach rabbit and this team.

It was only a matter of time.

Looking at the stubborn Peach Rabbit, Ember, who was wearing a helmet and mask, could not help but feel displeased.

He said to himself,

"What a troublesome woman! Even now, he was still so energetic?”


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