Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
46 Initial test amplification, strength to resist the fire disaster!

White Seve


Boom! Boom! Boom!

He looked at the sky flame condensing in the air.

Lu Feng's spirit could not help but tremble.

What a strong pressure!

Even from such a distance, he could still feel the powerful threat in the air.

If he was hit on the ground like this…

Even a small mountain would instantly turn into dust!

Someone who could fly and control flames.

After a brief moment of thought, Lu Feng locked onto his target.

Flame Calamity, Ashes!

Judging from the clothing around them, Kaido's people were not the only ones present.

The auntie's people were definitely present.

In such an environment, the battle continued until now.

The peach rabbit's willpower and combat strength once again made Lu Feng look at it in a new light.

At this moment, Dusky rushed over as fast as he could.

Let's not talk about personal consumption for the time being.

Just this timing alone was already extremely awkward.

He had simply chosen the worst timing!

"Damn it!"

"Faster…I must…"

"We have to catch up!"

The sword pattern appeared on the side of his face.

In his clear pupils, a red mark in the shape of a drop of blood flickered.

His eyes were bloodshot!

This was already the maximum effect of the Bloodthirsty Rage that Dusky had mastered.

With the speed boost, he was still very far away from the scene.

The Sword Heart was connected.

How flustered and anxious was Deski?

Lu Feng could feel it very clearly.

The peach rabbit was indebted to her.

He had accompanied her all the way until now.

It was within expectations that Dusky would have such a performance.

Even Lu Feng, who had been paying close attention to it, was unwilling to see anything happen to the peach rabbit.

"Looks like it's not the time to hide.”

"If I release it now, who knows how long it can last?”

"Forget it!"

Lu Feng steeled his heart and prepared for the worst.

Seeing that he couldn't make it, Deski was unwilling to leave.

He might as well accompany this girl to go crazy!

Facing an opponent like Yan Calamity.

Seizing the initiative was not necessarily a bad thing.

Lu Feng wanted to see it too.

Now, he had taken out all his trump cards.

What kind of effect could it display among the experts below the Four Sovereigns?

"Holy Light Blessing, activate!"

" Tenfold amplification…activate!"

Lu Feng immediately activated the two skills that he could release on his own.

The huge consumption and special effect Blessing were activated at the same time.

At the very least, it could allow his enhanced state to last a little longer.


A magical energy suddenly awakened in his body.

Vision, footsteps, strength, insight, concentration, spiritual power…

It was as if everything within him had been reborn in an instant.

A series of soft sounds came from the sword.

It made Dusky realize.

This time, it was Shadow Sword's credit again!

"That's great. If that's the case…we can make it!”


Daski stomped on the ground.

Her graceful and agile body flew out.

The surrounding scenery seemed to have been slowed down infinitely before suddenly accelerating.

Godly speed!

This was the first time she felt this way.


"This consumption is really terrifying!”

"Two minutes? No, it might be even shorter!"

Lu Feng's heart tightened.

Just what kind of mysterious state did the shadow sword bring Dusky into?

She was not sure herself.

Right now.

All she could feel was that the speed at which the ghost energy was flowing out was rapidly increasing!

"Shadow, it looks like you've opened another door to battle.”

"My speed is always slower than yours.”

"I'm afraid you won't be able to last long in this state, right?”

Dusky could still clearly feel the situation in front of him.

To her, it was not just two minutes.

Even if he only had one chance to attack.

She would cherish it especially.

On the battlefield.

The peach rabbit steadied its feet and stared sharply at the ashes in the air.

Even though it was at a disadvantage, the peach rabbit did not show any signs of begging for mercy.

"Vice Admiral Tao Tu!"

"Until the last moment, you and your team did not show any fear.”

"What a respectable opponent!"

"Now…everything is over!"

Jin suddenly flapped his wings and charged forward.

With the help of the giant body of the Pterodactyl, the power of the Pterodactyl was greatly increased.

The Heart Flame was like a heavenly flame as it suddenly left his body.


The moment Jin attacked.

A slender figure suddenly appeared in front of the 'Heart Flame Fireball'.

The brownish-red ghost fire blade instantly enlarged to a hundred times its original size.




For a moment.

All the forces were dumbfounded.

No one knew where such a reckless person had come from.

How confident was he in his own strength?

Only then could he directly charge under Jin's heart flame killer move!

Normally speaking, even if he didn't die, he would still be able to kill the other party.

He was about to lose half his life!

"I made it!"

"This pressure is really exciting!”

Lu Feng's heart palpitated incomparably as he sensed the pressure brought by the Heart Flame.

Deski's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted angrily,"



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