Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
47 Three major disasters? A true natural disaster!

White Seve


The moment his anger exploded.

Dasqi's aura rose again and again, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

An ice-cold mental pressure suddenly acted on Ash's body.

"Ugh! Who is this woman?"

" This is…the Conqueror's Haki!"

Jin was greatly shocked.


The golden-colored electric current like rhythm directly enveloped the surroundings of the Heart Flame.

The wild and violent energy of the Heart Flame was instantly restrained by twenty percent.

The Overlord's Color was released…

The level of this release could actually directly affect external objects!

On the kings of the New World.

Jin Du had once felt the domineering aura of the Overlord's color, which varied in strength.

The young girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.

To actually possess such talent?

The most terrifying thing was that his level was not low.

Being able to affect one's mind and heart flame could be considered terrifying!

"Dusky? This brat!"

He saw the scene of the ghost qi erupting.

The peach rabbit instantly recognized Dusky's figure.

He had clearly instructed her to obey his orders.

In the end, he still rushed over regardless of the consequences.

Moreover, it was a direct confrontation with Ash's destructive attack!

"Lord Smuggy, someone's causing trouble!”

A subordinate beside Smudge reminded him loudly.

"Nonsense, I can see through such an obvious thing!”

"Who is it? Who was this figure that suddenly appeared?”

Smudge was shocked.

They were also curious about the person who had appeared.

From such a distance, she could not tell if the person was a man or a woman.

What was his identity?

To be able to make a move at this time.

Judging from this alone, he must be someone with terrifying strength.

The panic-stricken navy soldiers still didn't understand what had happened.

All of them looked up at the sky and narrowed their eyes in shock.

"Who are these people? Are they our reinforcements?”

"Could it be a general sent by the headquarters as reinforcements?”

"Are we saved? Can we survive?"

"What a powerful aura. There won't be any problems this time!”


Daski's aura burst forth.

It made the navy think of the general of the headquarters.

After all, other than the general.

No one could think of anyone else who could unleash a destructive blow that could resist the effects of a calamity!

"No matter who you are! You're all courting death!"

Jin roared in exasperation.

He wanted to stop him with just his dazzling Conqueror's Color?

It was simply impossible!

Since the other party was prepared to take the blow for the peach rabbit at this time.

Jin naturally wouldn't stop.

It could even be said that…

After being provoked by the 'Deski the Overlord's Color, the destructive strength that the Heart Flame had gathered became even more unrestrained.

" It's not as stressful as I imagined…"

"I can fight back!"

Lu Feng quickly judged the situation.

If it was so powerful that it could not resist, then so be it.

Under the tenfold amplification, he seized the initiative again.

Lu Feng could feel that the success rate of the counterattack was still very high!

Meanwhile, Dusky, who was in a state of anger.

Before Lu Feng could make his judgment, he had already made the opening stance of his strongest killing move.

The current her.

He had already lost the consciousness to think about the real situation.


Fight back!

This was the only thing that Dusky was considering.

" Seven Ghosts Sword Dao…"

"Seventh Ghost God!"

" Soldier Soul Hundred-Armed Giant!"

He faced the enormous 'Heart Flame Fireball' head-on.

The black color of the weapon suddenly spread throughout Ying Jian's body.

This was not the end.

Following closely.

Layers of black external energy.

It was wrapped around the Ghost Qi and looked more like the Nine Nether Earth Fire.

The domineering materialization of the armed color!

It was only one of the advanced applications of the color of the armor.

In the past, Dusky's level of armament was not at such a level.

Under the enhancement of tenfold, this obstacle was forcefully closed.

The peach rabbit looked at the dome in shock.

A heroic and mighty demon god in armor appeared on the sword.

Its huge body covered the sky.

It even blocked more than half of the flames!

The glow of the Heart Flame instantly dimmed!

There were hundreds of sword phantoms around the sword.

He wanted to form an independent attack from all directions in an inch-by-inch manner.

This wasn't a simple matter of releasing ghostly qi so easily.

Other than his precise control of the ghost energy, he was able to control the ghost energy.

He also needed to be very focused to maintain the attack and defense of the Hecatoncheir.

"So strong!"

"So this is what it feels like to have a tenfold amplification?”

This was the first time Lu Feng had experienced such a feeling.

With this kind of power that he dreamed of, he didn't have to fear any opponent!

"Three major disasters? Flame disaster?"

"I'm afraid you've encountered a real natural disaster today!”


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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