Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
48 The Winged Dragon was sent flying, but it was unharmed!

White Seve


Dusky's focus increased.

The effect directly affected Lu Feng.

The hundred-armed giant's body in the air was like a sword as it suddenly pounced towards the Heart Flame Fireball.

"This, this is a sword move?"

"What strange thing? Why have I never seen this sword before?”

"Why is it so powerful?”

Jin himself was also a sword hero.

He was overly familiar with swordsmanship and famous swords.

A divine weapon like Lu Feng.

This was the first time he had encountered it!

As for what kind of strength he could unleash.

The result was obvious.


There was a loud noise.

Two different colored flames, one red and one brown, shot into the sky!

The rolling clouds in the sky were split into two.

Looking at the posture, it seemed like it was going to chop the dome into pieces.

What was even more shocking was…

The Heart Flame was quickly devoured by the hundred-armed giant until it was completely absorbed.

Not a single trace was left behind!

The giant sword formed by the hundred-armed giant's body still did not show any signs of stopping.

It fell towards the body of the Winged Dragon!

"Go to hell, you bastard dragon!"

Lu Feng could feel the ghostly aura around his body dissipating rapidly.

But the atmosphere had already reached this point.

He would definitely not stop so easily!

Until the moment the Heart Flame disappeared.

Jin did not react completely.

He was the clearest about the strength of his skills.

How could it be broken so easily?

In addition, Lu Feng's attack speed was already so fast that it made people click their tongues.

Even if it was a little absent-minded.

In the next breath, the attack of the Seventh Ghost God, Hecatoncheir, was already in front of him.


A strike in the air.

A circle of dark brown ghost fire appeared in the air.

The boulders under the ring shattered, raising a sandstorm.

The ashes that were smashed in the air.

He flew out like a stray bullet.

It crashed heavily into the mountain a hundred meters away.


A huge hole was blasted into the sturdy mountain.

For a moment.

The observation site exploded!

"Captain Ember, Boss Ember! How could this be? How could such a thing happen?”

"This is too terrifying. What is this thing with so many arms?”

"The captain will be sent flying? What kind of joke was this? And it was by a…woman! That's a woman!"

"Oh my god, it's really a woman!”


The pirates who followed Ember shouted.

Because the ghost flames were rapidly dissipating.

Deski slowly revealed his true appearance.

Even if it was an ordinary pirate, he could vaguely see that it was a woman in a navy uniform.

"Lord Smuggy, it's a woman! It was a woman who sent Yan Zai flying!"

The subordinate beside Smudge said loudly again.

Smudge couldn't help but frown when he saw how noisy he was.

"You don't have to tell me this. I can see it with my eyes!”

"Why does this woman look a little familiar?”

"What is the origin of this sword?"

They were both sword heroes.

When Smuggy saw the shadow sword of Dusky, he was agitated.

If he could get his hands on a famous sword, it would definitely be the favorite hobby of the first sword hero.

Especially a top-notch sword like the Shadow Sword!

"Lord Smuggy, this woman looks familiar! Is it…"

"If you want to turn into juice, continue!”

Smudge threatened.

Occasionally, he would say one or two words that were interesting.

However, her patience had its limits.

"Lord Smuggy, I was talking about this…"

The subordinate shook the information report in his hand and whispered, not daring to make any more noise.

Smudge took it and glanced at the picture of Dusky printed on it!

" Navy rookie…Crimson Shadow Sword Hero…and this sword…"

"That's right! It's her!"

"It can't be wrong!"

Cold sweat beaded on Smudge's forehead as he stared at the spot where Dusky had landed.

Not long ago.

He had just spoken to Kelijia on the phone.

He asserted that the Scarlet Shadow Sword Hero, Daski, who was under the peach rabbit, had a conflict with Armand.

Assuming that this was true.

Did Dusky come all the way from Ahichilong Island?

He could even display such terrifying strength?

A rookie in the navy was not as easy to deal with as he looked!


The peach rabbit's figure flashed.

Surrounded by a group of surviving navy soldiers, he immediately came to Daski's side.

"Dusky, what's the matter?”

"Are you injured anywhere?”

The peach rabbit had already begun to stutter.

That attack just now was like a wake-up call!

Right now, the scene of the moment when Dusky attacked was still playing in her mind.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu, are your injuries alright?”

Before Tao Tu could say anything, Dusky started to show concern for her.

The rabbit immediately shook its head and said,"

"I'm just over-exhausted. Are you really okay?”

"Your opponent is one of Kaido's three major calamities, the Flame Calamity!”

Tao Tu said in disbelief.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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