Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
49 Navy Soul, Evolution Attribute!

White Seve


"It's actually…Captain Deski?”

"The person who fought against Yan Zai in the air and sent him flying was actually Captain Deski!”

"It's too terrifying. Not to mention the strength of a captain, even a lieutenant general might not be able to do it!”

"He's simply a monstrous figure in the navy. No wonder he was sent to the New World!”

"Hey, did you see that sword? The sword that sent Yan Zai flying!"

"Nonsense, of course I saw it. We're completely saved now!”


The surviving sailors gathered around.

After they saw Dusky's face clearly, they shouted in shock.

When Dusky was fighting continuously to capture the pirates from the New World.

They had already established the image of the Ocean Soldier King in their hearts.

The current Dusky was like the soul of an army in their eyes.

As long as she was present, everyone could have hope of survival.

Right now, the navy soldiers were all concerned about survival.

The rabbit was still worried that Daichi would get hurt.

Dusky moved his body to make sure that he was fine.

There was even no news about the Holy Light Blessing effect on his body.

However, that fearless and indomitable power had already disappeared.

"So…that was your true strength?”

The peach rabbit felt that it could no longer make a simple judgment.

One move to send Yan Zai flying!

With such a large amount of power, could it be that Dusky already had the combat power of a general?

In front of the peach rabbit.

Deski didn't want to lie.

She shook her head and raised the shadow sword horizontally.

"I can't use that power completely yet.”

"After the attack just now, the shadow sword seems to have consumed too much energy. The ghost qi can no longer be condensed normally.”

"Fortunately, I was able to save Lieutenant General Tao Tu in time.”

Deski felt a warmth in his heart.

She understood.

He must have felt his anxiety.

That was why the shadow sword was willing to expend so much energy to assist him.

Along the way.

If not for Ying Jian's support and companionship.

Deski knew very well that he would never be who he was today.


"At least you have a conscience, little girl. You can still understand my painstaking efforts.”

"I thought it could last for two minutes. I didn't expect it to be consumed so quickly.”

"I can't even use my normal abilities. Damn it.”

"The next part is the most difficult part!”

Lu Feng remained conscious and observed his surroundings.

It was just that his combat ability had greatly weakened compared to before.

He would not die or be injured.


Congratulations, user, you have successfully injured the animal type, ancient species, Pterodactyl!

[Obtained new attribute: Heart Flame!]

[New Attribute: Ancient Mark]

Heart Flame and Ghost Qi automatically merged, upgraded to a new attribute: Dark Flame!

Red Mark and Ancient Mark automatically fused, upgraded to a new attribute: Ancient sword pattern!

Obtained 200 experience points!

[Current EXP: 470/4000 points!]


As expected, the stronger the opponent, the stronger the opponent.

The greater the benefits he could obtain.

Unfortunately, he no longer had the energy to experience these evolved basic skills.

Although Lu Feng had evolved and improved in the system.

However, he was still in a weak state after the tenfold amplification and the ghost qi was extracted.

According to Lu Feng's estimation, it would last for at least half an hour.

Only then would he be able to recover 70 - 80% of his strength.


While they were communicating.

From the peak of the mountain a hundred meters away, a strong mental obsession was transmitted over.

With their sharp senses, both Dusky and Peach Rabbit reacted immediately.

It was not over yet!

The ordinary attack just now was enough to cause a fatal blow to Ash.

Now, he had to rely on the strength of the two of them to protect it together!

"That fellow Yan Calamity is going to come out.”

"Even if you can't continue to attack, maintain your form to scare him.”

"Maybe we can buy some time!”

Peach Rabbit reminded.

It was about the power of the shadow sword.

The peach rabbit naturally knew.

The attack in the air just now.

It had already exceeded the scope of Dusky's ability.

The side effects were also reasonable.


Right now, Yan Zai Jin did not understand this situation.

The peach rabbit had already sent out a distress signal for such a long time.

If he delayed it for a period of time.

Perhaps the chances of reinforcements arriving would be higher.


Just as their hearts tightened, a figure flew into the sky and directly flew towards the scene.


There was a heavy explosion on the ground.

Ashes reappeared from the dust and stopped ten meters away from Dusky.

If he got any closer, he was worried that he would make a move.

He would be attacked by Dusky again.

At this moment, there were obvious lacerations on Jin's wings.

In the air.

It was actually him who was at a disadvantage and even suffered a considerable injury!

On the other hand, Dusky was unharmed?

"This sword…this face…"

"Could you be the recently rumored naval rookie from the New World…Crimson Shadow Sword Hero?”

Jin looked in the direction of Deschi and asked suspiciously.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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