Her boyfriend ran away. What should she do?
13 Was there anyone watching? If someone sees me, I’ll start to update!

I’m a jerk


Because of the subject matter, it was a bit of a tightrope walk. Moreover, there was a recent strike, so it was even more difficult to write.

When I was writing it myself, I had quite a feeling and liked to write it too. However, the other Heaven Rankings big shots in the group all said that my book was a flop and that the theme was dangerous. They even took screenshots of their results. It was two to three thousand views a day and ten thousand flowers. I had been writing for four days and still couldn't catch up to others. It was really a pain in the ass.

Because I have to work and support my family, to be honest, this data is indeed terrible. If it were any other author, they would have lost, but I'm not willing to accept this!

So I want to know if this book has any readers. That's all. I don't want anything else.

I just want you to leave a comment, even if it's 1234.

If there were 30 comments from today to tomorrow, there would be at least three comments every day.

If he had 50 comments, he would have to post at least four times a day.

As for how much, it would depend on the situation. It might be five chapters. Five chapters a day was the limit for this kind of theme. Uh, that's it for now.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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