Life with SARS2

Mingyu's Y


Time: 2009-12- 22 14:21:18 Words: 12037


The conditions of the court were really too bad. Why not do more cases and ask for some fees from those willing parties to improve the conditions?

Wasn't asking for fees from the parties involved asking for bribes?

It was not only difficult to be an honest official, it was almost impossible! If you think clearly, the common people will not believe that you are honest and will use all sorts of methods to bribe you. If you don't sell the account, you will be denounced as a fake noble and look down on others. You think clearly, but your colleagues don't. They are thinking of ways to make money, so of course they are especially annoyed by people like you who are hypocritical. They hope that everyone will have the same mindset, be good at making money, tell lies, think of ways to deal with all kinds of supervision, and laugh and laugh without any integrity. You think clearly, but your boss doesn't. He hopes that you can earn more money and then pay more tribute to him. He hopes that his relatives and friends can be taken care of by you without principles. He hopes that you can arrange an official position for one of his relatives. Think about it. Some systems make you unable to be clear. The NPC deputies have to supervise you, the Disciplinary Committee and the supervisory committee have to supervise you. Everyone else has paid tribute and listened to them, but you have not. Of course, they will concentrate their firepower to supervise you. Don't say silly things like " a straight body is not afraid of a crooked shadow ". If you want to punish someone, you will have no words. Moreover, the supervision of people can be tight or loose. As the saying goes," lifting a thousand pounds, putting down four taels ", you don't have to worry about not finding a problem with you...

Singing pop songs, wearing pop clothes, writing pop articles, why do you need to speak pop slang? It was as if it was impossible to express profoundness without talking about fashion. The moment "Qiu Ju Battles a Lawsuit" was broadcasted, the teachers, students, leaders, and the masses all spoke. It seemed that there was only one thing in the entire society. The phrase "demand an explanation" became popular! The vulgar song " Thank you for your love " had become popular, but it had also affected the way people spoke. So many leaders had spoken, and so many scholars had written articles. They would always say " Thank you for your love." Now, there was another popular phrase," When it's time to make a move, make a move." It was used in any situation. The headlines of the news used this title again and again. Was this the highest intelligence of mankind? But why was he so poor when he spoke? Speeches were the least costly. You could have come up with all sorts of tricks. Why were you limited to a few catchphrases? Without the catchphrase, would we still be able to talk? Could a catchphrase really represent everything?

Thinking is a very simple thing. People say that sunlight is the fairest and can shine in every corner, whether you are rich or poor. However, there are still places where sunlight can't shine. I say that thinking is the fairest. Anyone can think at any time without any cost. However, if you didn't think about things that you should think about, people would call you a fool. If you thought about things that you shouldn't think about, people would also think that you were a fool. There were also forbidden areas for thinking. The citizens of China only had collective thinking and no individual attributes. Thinking randomly would cause trouble.

He had been thinking about the saying," Loyal officials die a horrible death, treacherous officials die a horrible death." After thinking about it for decades, he still hadn't come to a conclusion. Instead, he was getting more and more confused? Who was the loyal minister and who was the treacherous minister? Was there really no trace of the traitor? The benefits were all taken by smart and flexible people. How could they say that the treacherous officials had no whereabouts? If one were to say that every official and every person with some achievements were flexible people, were they treacherous officials? Did they have no whereabouts? Who else is thinking about loyalty and treachery like you?

The school valued scientists more than celebrities, but celebrities were hundreds of times more than scientists in society. Was reality too snobbish, or was the school too detached from reality? Who was right and who was wrong? Why were there two standards for school and school? Which was more reasonable? Which should be more appropriate? Couldn't they be unified?

He had always wanted to have a good case to solve, but he had never encountered one. How could there be a good case? If it wasn't the plaintiffs crying or the accused throwing tantrums, if it wasn't the leaders giving instructions or colleagues greeting each other, if it wasn't the contract being ambiguous or the law being ambiguous, then the court became the center of conflict and the judge became the peacemaker. He had thought that there would be a majority of cases where no one intervened, but in the past few years, there had been almost no case where no one intervened. It turned out that he was too naive back then. The social atmosphere had already become like this. Who wouldn't try their best to find a leader to plead for mercy when they went to court? Anyway, there were already many leaders in various aspects. Moreover, the leaders were also happy. As long as relatives who had not interacted for 800 generations brought gifts to ask for help, the leaders would help them wholeheartedly. Where was the principle to speak of? With the interference of the leaders, the judges had formed a habit. They judged cases more casually than picking vegetables in the vegetable garden. They did as they pleased. They had never seen anyone take responsibility because of this, as long as they did not cause any big trouble. The common people valued peace. Who would easily create major incidents such as suicide or petitioning?

Didn't he say that he wouldn't abuse his power for personal gain? For the sake of her classmate's case, she tried her best to work with the defendant and even misinterpreted the law. This was abusing her power for personal gain! Didn't you say that you wanted the other party to compensate you 1,000 yuan for all the medical expenses? Moreover, didn't he feel that the law could support the plaintiff's victory and not that Yiren had to take care of the plaintiff's victory? But what was this about? Didn't he want to help his classmate? How could he use the law to help his classmate? This is against your principles. Didn't you say that even if your siblings broke the law, they would treat you equally? But when it came to someone wanting to use your power, why did you give it away? If it wasn't a judge, would they listen to your opinion? Would he settle the matter with 200 yuan? A student's ear was bleeding from a teacher's beating. Why would you still help a teacher like this? Such a teacher was not fit to be a teacher! But your classmate said that this teacher is his cousin, so you're in a dilemma. Is your so-called principle empty talk? Don't you forget your principles when there's a conflict of interest? Are you a person without a backbone? Why did you suddenly change your point of view and change it to "A teacher is always right in educating people. The reason why the teacher hit someone was because of a serious violation of discipline. The main fault was the student, and the teacher only had a secondary fault. Therefore, the teacher should only compensate 200 yuan"? At that time, you didn't think that you were distorting the law. Instead, you thought that the correct point of view replaced the previous wrong point of view. But clearly, when you saw the honest plaintiff's parents and the honest plaintiff again, didn't you have the thought of changing your point of view again? At that time, your point of view changed again. It became,"It's true that the student is at fault, but the student is only violating the rules, while the teacher is breaking the law by hitting someone. The fault of breaking the law is naturally greater than the fault of breaking the rules. Moreover, the plaintiff only asks for compensation for medical expenses and forgoes other losses such as nutrition fees. Therefore, the plaintiff's request cannot be divided." You can't be sure which is the legal point of view. Your heart is on the left and on the right. You're in a dilemma. Was this 'eating someone else's soft lips and taking their soft hands'? Didn't you absolutely deny that such thoughts would work on you? Didn't he think that eating and receiving gifts were just necessary social activities, but they would never be related to the outcome of the case? You even tried to trick the plaintiff's father into signing the mediation agreement. Anyway, he once said that winning money was not the goal."The key is to vent your anger"(But when you asked the plaintiff to accept the mediation result of compensation of 200 yuan, the plaintiff's father actually looked at you angrily for nearly two minutes!)……Of course, there were times when both the plaintiff and the defendant had someone to plead for them. You, Yiren, had prepared two external solutions. The leader could agree to whichever solution. Anyway, whether the plaintiff won or the defendant won, it was the result that you, Yiren, wanted! Wasn't it the law that whoever won the case would die? In fact, the law was often ambiguous! However, as long as one had a fair heart, the law should be very clear. Although it was a difficult process to protect justice through the law, it could be achieved no matter how difficult it was! Yiren yearned to deal with some uncontroversial cases and truly experience the fairness of the law and her own fairness. However, there were almost no uncontroversial cases. The reasons for the controversy were of course complicated, very complicated!

But I shouldn't have forgotten my principles. Settling a case through mediation is in accordance with the law and should be praised by the leader! But you shouldn't have only asked the attacker to pay 200 yuan. You even said something like "pity the hearts of the teachers in the world". Aren't you deceiving the people? I really didn't expect the mediation to be successful. I just wanted to try my best to save some money for my classmate's cousin. After all, he spent more than 200 yuan on a meal. Perhaps he even spent money on my classmate. I can't let him lose money! How could he say such a thing? Was the law a transaction? Back then, I also rejected him again and again and refused to go for dinner. I didn't expect that it would be impossible to guard against him. My classmate invited a table full of classmates and they were just waiting for you to attend the banquet. They repeatedly stated that it was just a class reunion. What level of cadre are you? Do you have that much airs? In fact, he also suspected that there must be something fake. Why didn't they meet later or earlier? Why did they have to meet when they had a favor to ask of me? However, even though they suspected him, they could not be too unreasonable. So, they went to the banquet. They really saw the teacher who beat him up, but it was explained that he was attending the class reunion because he was also a classmate of his classmate. He could be considered a "cousin"(like a cousin)! During the banquet, Yi Ren was extremely embarrassed. It was not convenient to say it directly. If you said too much, people would say that you thought too highly of yourself. It was not that high anyway. Aren't there deputy-level officials among the students? Aren't there self-employed people who have made a small fortune? Much stronger than you. After attending the banquet, Yiren proposed to pay for it herself. It was reasonable. It was reasonable for me to pay for the class reunion, but it was denied. My classmate Zhu Xiaoben paid the money first. After paying, he smiled at the teacher who beat him up. Yiren was really like a mute eating coptis root. She couldn't say anything about the pain! Besides, do you have that much money to pay the bill when they treat you? Yiren was really too soft on the other party. When the case was being tried, Yiren thought of ways to find an excuse for the defendant, but it had to be an excuse that she could find. She couldn't bend the law and judge, but in the end, the case was closed through mediation. Yiren sighed. If the mediation couldn't be done, she would have to plead for the defendant with the president and the director. She had to say it with her eyebrows and eyes, and she couldn't let others see any flaws. Wasn't she worried? If the person who beat him up was sentenced to pay a large sum of compensation, how would he explain it to his classmates? How would he stop the person who was beaten up from spreading rumors and even complaining everywhere? It would be a good thing if the president and the director insisted that the attacker pay a large sum of compensation. Perhaps that would be fair. It was just once, there would be no next time! Are you still a judge who sticks to your principles? Who was he? He's just a cousin of your classmate (who knows if he's a cousin or not?)However, what if it was your classmate herself? What if it was your cousin? You…? Do you still have principles?

He suddenly thought,"Look, you've already admitted to being selfish. Why should you believe that others, especially the leaders, will be selfless?" Wasn't all the beautiful ideas about the leader in the past wishful thinking? Was he lying to himself?

Mu Jianshe was here. He was now the deputy director of the Qiulong Judicial Office, but he still did not change his image after being promoted. His hair was a little messy, and he was wearing a suit that had been washed and faded. The logo on the cuffs had not been torn off, and the color of his pants did not match the color of his suit. There was a teacup in his butt pocket, and his pair of leather shoes had a small cut on them.

"President Nian didn't come?" Mu Jianshe said," He killed people. President Nian really killed people. Back then, when I was working under him, I didn't dare to experience it too deeply. Now that I've gone out, I think back to many things that happened back then. I was deceived. President Nian's disciple of the Pi family would also come to his senses one day.”

"Nonsense, how can I be his Di disciple? I always knew that this person should not be made friends with.”


"Haha, the national exams these days are all made up. The self-study exam is a competition of flipping through books, and the adult college entrance exam is a competition of substitute examiners. Didn't the TV University say that you can enter without taking the exam and guarantee your graduation? Therefore, there was basically no authenticity to the diploma. It was a real fake diploma.”

"But those who need a lot of money are usually not tested on knowledge, but on money. Whoever has money will have a diploma.”

"Of course, the magic of money is great. Which industry doesn't money rule now? Money can make the devil turn the mill, but no money can not move an inch.”

"Our President Nian is well versed in this, but he went a little overboard. He's an old man in his seventies. His wife passed away and he has no children. He should be a person worthy of sympathy. However, President Nian also blackmailed him. The old man spent 3,000 yuan to issue a brick ticket to the Ganyang Brick Factory, but the Ganyang Brick Factory did not issue bricks to the old man. The old man came to the court to ask if he could sue. I mean, it's useless to sue him because the brick factory is owned by the town government. Even if you win the lawsuit, you won't be able to enforce it. Don't let the old man spend a few hundred yuan unjustly. However, President Nian said that he met the conditions for filing the case and demanded that the old man pay 400 yuan (200 yuan for the lawsuit and 200 yuan for the car) to start work immediately. The old man begged for a lower fee, which was reduced to 300 yuan. Later, the case could not be carried out at all. The old man came to the court every day to cry. President Nian said that the court had done its best and asked the old man to go to the Ganyang government to cry.”

"In reality, our current law will take a detour when it comes to the government. The old man said that the government is really rotten (idiom, meaning stupid) and can't be provoked. It was also about the Ganyang Brick Factory. President Nian had no choice but to seal the bulldozer of the factory because of a case. However, the bulldozer did not belong to the factory at all. It was hired by the contractor from somewhere else. How could he seal it? President Nian ignored this and wanted to seal it by force. The town government said that the contractor owed the government money and wanted to seal the bulldozer by force. The owner of the bulldozer tried many ways, but it was useless to find someone. President Nian asked the owner to sue the town government (they could collect money again! Can we let them go if they win? However, that comrade did not fall into the trap. On a dark and windy night, he forcefully took two carts of soldiers and snatched the bulldozer away. At that time, someone stopped him, and those who stopped him were all caught in the car driven by the soldiers…Later, the Qiu Long Criminal Police Force went to investigate the matter, but what could they find? His relative was a high-ranking official in a certain military region. He had resorted to such a tactic when he could not bear it anymore. The law was already like this, so how could he blame him? So what if she snatched it away? Wasn't it sad to take away something that belonged to oneself and then rob it?

"I also helped President Nian do a bad thing. The case of Jiang Wang Agricultural Bank suing Xiao Yang has already been decided, and the verdict has been sent to both parties. I came to plead with President Nian. President Nian criticized Xiao Yang for speaking too late. Then, I went to Jiangwang Agricultural Bank with President Nian. President Nian asked me to bring the verdict over. I was about to ask Director Cheng for it, but President Nian asked me to go to Director Cheng's office to get it directly. I just arrived at the court, so of course I listened to his orders and brought the verdict over. President Nian tore it up at that time. After dinner, Director Cheng talked about the case and went to look for the verdict, but it was gone. President Nian and I just smiled, and Director Cheng understood.(When he went out, only President Nian and I were in his office!)),I was very angry, but I don't know why I held back my anger."

"So the parties involved don't believe in the law at all. They spent money and suffered, but in the end, they didn't get any money. The money they got from the execution was embezzled by the court. A few of them went to the judicial office, but I still suppressed them. I don't want to see any problems happen to everyone! One was the compensation case of Xu. I was still in court when the case was being tried. At that time, the plaintiff did not have enough trust in the court and wanted to go to the county court to file a lawsuit. President Nian asked me to find someone to work with the plaintiff, and the case was settled. The child's genitals were burned while working, and his life was in danger. Such a poor child's case was later settled. The construction boss, Xu, volunteered to compensate. Twenty thousand yuan was considered low enough, but after Xu sent five thousand yuan, the case was not carried out. Of course, President Nian did not take the five thousand yuan that Xu sent. He sent one thousand yuan to the plaintiff's home, and the remaining four thousand yuan was used by the court. I remember that when the plaintiff's parents received the 1,000 yuan, they were so grateful and treated us well. I didn't expect that they wouldn't give us a single cent after that. In the end, when they found out the truth, they went to the relevant departments to complain. However, the relevant departments always replied that they would deal with it seriously after investigating. Such a small matter was not dealt with! There was also the Southern Mountain Village bridge sinking case, which also cost more than 10,000 yuan. Last year, it was almost Chinese New Year, and the village chief came to ask for money.), He was so anxious that he wanted to jump off the building with President Nian. At this moment, President Nian was still in the mood to joke about how tough the village chief was and how his butt was hurting from the impact. However, the village chief could not smile. Perhaps the village chief himself had a problem. He had used the 5,000 yuan that had been paid to the village. After it was found out, the villagers thought that the village chief had used all the money. Once the village chief mentioned this, President Nian found an excuse to change the topic."" Nonsense, how can the villagers malign this good village chief? Who knew? Who said that you embezzled all the funds? Ask them to ask me, don't you know what kind of person I am? I won't deny it, I won't accuse a good person..."

" Also, he has a pile of bad debts and doesn't know what to do. Every year, he says that he will work hard and tighten his belt to pay off his debts. However, before he gets paid, his debts are increasing. He owes more than 100,000 yuan for bulldozing fees, bonsai fees, construction fees, and renovation fees. There are always people collecting debts. The Qiu Long Court should have closed long ago, but President Nian is a man of steel. He never says that he is worried. No matter how many debt collectors there are, he can still face them calmly. I owe you a lot, but I don't owe you a family. Why are you so anxious? Therefore, the debt became a reason for not paying the debt, but the court did not say so when it took enforcement measures against those who owed the debt!”

"With so much debt, almost no one trusts the court anymore, but they still have to apply for a civilized unit. Could it be that the standard of a civilized unit is that the office conditions are good?”

"Those judges even assessed the situation for a whole day. I don't know what they assessed, but in the end, they still had to give each judge and Dean Wu a generous gift. It's indeed not bad. I have to recommend it to my superiors! If I want to recommend it to the higher-ups, I have to write the materials. President Nian asked me to write the so-called awesome article, but I was too lazy to write it. It was originally a bad example, but it was rated as a civilized unit at the municipal level. Could I live up to my conscience?”

"Awesome article?"

"Of course, I've always said that newspapers are awesome, television is awesome, and the leaders 'speeches are awesome.”

"Actually, you're also an awesome person!"

"Let's talk about the case of the drowning in the power plant's floodway. This case was originally over the limitation of action, but President Nian told the plaintiff that he could ask the village chief to testify in court. He said that he had asked the village to handle it. What kind of awareness does the village chief have? He's willing to say anything after treating us to a meal. Our laws are also strange. When a dispute occurs, you don't ask the person responsible for compensation, but you ask the village chief, who has nothing to do with it, to handle it. This is also considered as the limitation of action being interrupted. Don't you think it's strange?”

President Nian wasn't the one who came up with that idea, but I, Yiren. But it was not right to advise the plaintiff like that!

"The limitation of action is not clear. The law is too vague. The legal consequences of losing the limitation of action are even more incomprehensible. What is lost is the right to request legal protection, but natural rights are not lost. What kind of rights are natural rights that refuse legal protection? How to exercise the natural rights? The bank had come up with a plan. All loans that exceeded the limitation of action would be asked to be collected by retired elderly people. They would go there in a group. If they didn't give them, they wouldn't leave. What was this? That's why I said that the limitation of action should be lenient. To what extent? Would the higher-ups (including the higher courts) agree with your opinion? The law is so arbitrary. I think whether your opinion can be supported depends on the efforts of the parties involved. Xia Song represented a case. Once he won the trial, the other party had no objection to the debt, but said that the lawsuit was limited. However, the credit party presented evidence that had been demanded by the defendant (a copy of the letter of introduction). The court believed that the credit party would not forge the letter of introduction (a copy of the letter of introduction) and ruled that the plaintiff won the case. The defendant said that the letter of introduction might not have really been demanded, so there was insufficient evidence to demand payment. When it came to the second trial, the judge of the second trial basically agreed with the viewpoint of the appellants. Xia Song was anxious and expressed that he would give the judge of the second trial 5,000 yuan for investigation and evidence collection (Xia Song said that there were also business trip reimbursement forms and accommodation expenses to verify). The money had been accepted, and no one knew if it had been checked, but it was a fact that Xia Song had won in the end.”

" The law nowadays is too much like a little wife. Yiren knows that a friend of mine sued the Agriculture Bureau and froze their accounts. My friend thought that there was a chance of collecting the money, so he invited a good meal. However, the president called the court in the afternoon and ordered President Nian to immediately drive to the county to unfreeze the money. He said that the county head had blamed him and that the old men from the Agriculture Bureau had a huge argument in the county government. Freezing the money was the salary. Freezing the salary would cause a ruckus. How would the court enforce it in the future?”

" Speaking of President Nian…" Yiren felt that President Nian had already arrived at the court and heard them discussing him, so she deliberately raised her voice."Oil spray, oh oil spray. You're a married woman. What are you doing running back to your mother's house all day?”

Yi Ren changed the topic, but Goldie and Mu Jianshe didn't buy it. Mu Jianshe continued,""President Nian is indeed going astray. I suspect that something will happen to President Nian one day.”

I'm a follower?

Am I not a follower?

Was it wrong to follow the leader?

"What happened? I don't like what he did either, but there are many more serious things than this. Corruptions had become a feature of the times. There were many major cases, but no one had ever stopped. Buying and selling official positions was an open market behavior, and the market price had been rising all the time. All kinds of rules were useless. One could break the rules by asking for a favor. Therefore, it was difficult to do anything without a favor. If one did, they would run the red light. This was the current situation. Didn't you see it, Mu Jianshe? I'm not defending President Nian, but I have a deeper concern. Society is already like this, how much better can the Nian Family be? It was already the biggest unhealthy trend for judges to rely on themselves to find their salaries, but the people above just had to lie through their teeth and continue to cultivate judicial corruption. If he didn't give a gift to the leader during the New Year, it would be equivalent to arguing with the leader! Smart people planned to "buy an official position with a loan and repay the loan as an official". If President Nian didn't think of a way to get money, what could he do? When the leaders received the gifts, they were all smiles. They couldn't be bothered to care where the money came from. Of course, when someone complained, the leaders would also block it. After all, the money that the other party received was not all for themselves! It had become an official practice to act one way in front of others and act another way behind their backs. In the morning, President X had sworn to emphasize that he could not gamble. In the afternoon, he went to meet someone to play cards. Do you dare to win? Of course, the leader would be happy if he won money. It didn't matter if the leader lost money occasionally. He could borrow money from the people around him to make up for the loss. Of course, the money he borrowed would not be returned. The leader had a lot of things to do, so how could he remember to borrow money? I, Yiren, have been borrowed several times. It was said at the dean's meeting, emphasized at the small meeting, and even written down that gifts were not allowed. In fact, this was to remind everyone not to forget to give gifts. The meeting was held in the morning, and if you gave gifts in the evening, he would accept them without delay. Therefore, gifts were needed during festivals, when there was a happy occasion for the leaders, when there was a promotion, when there was a small matter, gifts were needed. If you gave gifts, people could mention your name, say good things about you, and explain to those who disagreed with you.(If everyone sent it to you, there would be no disagreement.) They would try their best to seek benefits for you. Even if they couldn't fulfill it for the time being, you didn't have to worry. As long as you didn't stop giving gifts, good luck would always come to you. Wasn't XX arrested for gambling? The amount of money he gambled was as high as a few million. Where did he get the money from? Did any of the leaders know that he was gambling? No, he was usually a defeated general under the leader. He was also the son of the deputy secretary, so the leader could not ask too much. The leaders had already reached the point of being despicable and shameless. There was an honest comrade who had graduated from university. When he got married, he did not get a house. His wife was pregnant, and the landlord forced him to move. He dared to look for the leader, but it was useless. He accompanied the leader to drink and get drunk. He went to the hospital for an injection. His wife also went to plead with the leader with a big belly and tears. However, it was useless. The comrade was ready to give up. There was always a kind person who reminded him, He told him to go to the leader's house to express his feelings. I have some friends in the town, and they say that the town is just as bad. The nomination of the mayor's secretary is never ranked according to their work performance. They have an account in their hearts. Whoever gives them more gifts will be nominated. Of course, they have to take care of all aspects of their relationship, but relationships can't replace gifts. It's also useless if they don't give gifts…Also, the court leaders have to send gifts to the county, and the county leaders have to send gifts to the city. How can there be a good environment like this? How could he make the lowest level of the cadre upright? Therefore, the village chief also learned to flaunt his power. As long as I curry favor with the higher-ups, I can control the people's gossips! That's why I said that this is a chronic disease that can't be cured by conventional methods. I'm not a good person myself, and I've done a lot of shameful things. If I don't reflect on it carefully, I might not be aware of it. The environment has numbed me. We've been criticizing President Nian for so many years. I want to get back to the point. Sometimes, President Nian's actions are indeed touching. For example, during the heavy snow in the beginning of spring this year, we set off from the county town and walked for more than eight hours without even covering half the distance.(It usually takes more than two hours), we were cold and hungry (The restaurants on the roadside had all closed down, and the snow was more than a foot thick, so it was impossible to enter the restaurant.) There was a traffic jam again. The other drivers only knew how to honk their horns desperately. At this time, President Nian got out of the car and became a voluntary traffic commander in the cold wind. It took him nearly an hour to ease the traffic jam. None of the passing drivers thanked him, so he got into the car without saying anything and drove off. The scene at that time was really touching."I feel that people can't be so multi-dimensional. President Nian often goes out of his way to find the parties involved. Of course, this has obviously decreased in recent years. He stays up all night to find the whereabouts of the people being executed. This is his strength. Sometimes, I wonder if he has no choice but to do this for the survival of the court and to protect his official position. He has to drink poison to quench his thirst by damaging the interests of the people. I'm absolutely against this." The innocent people are already the most unfortunate people in the world. Why do we still have to hurt them in the name of the law? If it were me, I wouldn't want to be an official, and I wouldn't use this method to protect my official position…"


" Let me tell you one more thing. An old man's son was arrested by the police station. He said that he was watching a sex tape at home. The police station said that he would be fined 3,000 yuan, but the old man said that he could only be fined 1,000 yuan. 1,000 yuan is a large sum in the countryside. The comrades at the police station scolded the old man, saying that he didn't know the times and didn't understand the market. The old man left the police station and happened to meet President Nian. They knew each other. President Nian said that it was not against the law to watch obscene videos at home, and that it was against the law to arrest people at random. However, President Nian also said that it was impossible for him to go to the police station to plead for mercy, and it was useless. So, he asked the old man to go to the county police station to complain. It was already six in the afternoon, and there was no bus to the county. President Nian asked the old man to stay in the court for the night. The old man had dinner in the court that night. After dinner, President Nian personally bought a toothbrush and toothpaste for the old man and made the bed. He even drew a map for the old man to go to the county police station after arriving at the county…All of this could be described as " meticulous ". I, Yiren, did not understand why President Nian was so enthusiastic." Our laws have been messed up by those lawbreakers who are in the position of law enforcement." Did President Nian think of his past actions when he said that? The next day, President Nian paid for the old man's trip to the county town. Later, the old man's son was really released.

"One of the court's drivers is driving with the principal. He only curries favor with the principal and doesn't even care about the deputy principal. Once, the court sent him to send a certain deputy director to the Duxin Administrative Office. After he was done, the deputy director wanted to go and handle some private matters. He asked the driver to wait a moment, but the driver was unhappy and drove back to Hewang alone. As a result, the deputy director had to take the bus home at night. When the deputy director returned home, he dared not say anything. Later, when the vice president was promoted to the president, everyone firmly believed that the driver was going to be in trouble. However, he was unscathed and even became the new president's driver. In a few years, the driver even became the president. Isn't that unbelievable? Do you think that driver would be able to turn misfortune into good fortune? Such a person was President Nian's close friend.”

I've seen that driver a few times. He doesn't seem to be annoying, and I don't see anything special about him, but he...

Nian Niu was a contradictory person. He was extremely enthusiastic when he was enthusiastic, but he seemed to be immersed in the "ingenious method" he invented himself, so he didn't notice that someone hated him. Some people threatened to go to the municipal party committee to sue him, and some people said that they would cripple his hand.”

" Humans are so complicated. That's why later generations may not be able to evaluate historical figures correctly. The people of the same generation may not be able to grasp the essence of a person's personality. Even couples can become extremely unfamiliar because they are familiar with each other. Even they themselves don't understand themselves that well. Some things they do themselves don't understand. Some things they say they won't do or will do, but there is always a force driving them in their hearts. This is an example.”


I have to adapt to reality, pursue glory, think of ways to get promoted, think of ways to make money, lest people in the limelight despise me for not having true ability and think that I look down on officials and money because I can't eat grapes and say sour grapes. After I became a high-ranking official, I resigned with great fanfare. After I made a lot of money, I donated all my money with great fanfare. I was the only honest person left. I used my actions to prove that honesty was above everything else! I'll make those who once despised me dumbfounded!

Civil servants breaking the law should not break through their psychological defense. When they realized that the civil servant who broke the law was someone close to them, someone they were familiar with and not a bad person, of course, they felt like the sky had come crashing down! The ones who broke the law should be those who did not learn knowledge, did not set strict standards for themselves, and used their connections to get into the civil service. They were originally not favored by the public, but... civil servants breaking the law was not something that could be imagined by the very few black sheep... Would government agencies break the law? The government was the reliance of the people, the advocate of the true, the good, and the beautiful, and the punisher of the fake and the ugly. How could a government that followed them without hesitation break the law? Or collude with the evil forces? Who else do we have to rely on? Who do you rely on? The people relied on the government to suppress evil and promote good, but there were also people in the government who were in trouble. Therefore, they hoped that the court could severely punish the government officials who violated the law. However, it was not uncommon for there to be reports of judges being corrupt and bending the law. Therefore, they hoped that the prosecutor's office could thoroughly investigate the judges who violated the law. However, the director of the Anti-corruption Bureau in the prosecutor's office was also investigated. Therefore, they hoped that the Disciplinary Committee would give the people an explanation. However, there were also secretaries of the Disciplinary Committee who violated the law and went to jail. Then who should we listen to? Who should he trust? Believing in the overwhelming ideology education?

Destroying sincerity meant destroying the bottom line of being a person. It meant destroying everything. Then, what was the point of success?

He really didn't expect that when Yiren accused him behind President Lin's back, Yiren found out that Sun Danyang was also talking about Yiren behind his back. In fact, Sun Danyang's accusation seemed to be reasonable, but Yi Ren always thought that he had no choice but to do it, but did President Lin also think that he had no choice? For example," you are looking at the scenery from the bridge, and the people upstairs are looking at you from the window ". The passionate youth who once accused the leader with righteous indignation was also accused by the new passionate youth with righteous indignation. Was this just a terrible cycle? This was growth? Growing up was numbness? Was it to put into practice the contempt he once had?

Deng Guiguo's divorce case made Yiren embarrassed.

Four years ago, the war had already begun, but it hadn't ended yet, but the flames of war had been directed at Yiren.

A few months ago, when Deng Guiguo came to court again to request a divorce, it was Yiren who received him. Yiren really wanted to take over this case because Yiren was still one case away from completing the task. If he did not complete the task, he would not be able to pay his own salary. Moreover, there seemed to be no signs of receiving a case recently. Yiren deliberately revealed that he knew a person with the surname Deng. This person was the elder brother of his second sister-in-law. He did not expect this person to be a very good classmate of Deng Guiguo. In the evening, Deng Guiguo came again and gave Yiren a gift. He asked for his help, and Yiren agreed, Wasn't it just asking for a divorce? Both sides would definitely be willing! It was entirely possible to settle the case through mediation. However, Yiren told Deng Guiguo not to take the initiative to sue." If you sue her together, she will make a fuss again. It's better to wait for her to sue and you will agree to the divorce."”

Zhang Xiaohua really filed for divorce again. Before the court session, Zhang Xiaohua also sent a gift to Yiren. Although it was only a pack of cigarettes that cost forty to fifty yuan, Yiren really couldn't bear to accept it. Yiren went to Zhang Xiaohua's house. The house was bare and there were no electrical appliances. There were only two sewing machines. None of the children went to school. They all looked pitiful. However, Xiaohua Zhang was a person who cared about her face. She insisted on dressing up before going out every day. If it was someone else, not Xiaohua Zhang, Yiren would look down on this woman. However, Yiren knew that Xiaohua Zhang was not an irresponsible woman who only cared about dressing up. In fact, she dressed up as the only spiritual pillar that Xiaohua Zhang could live strong in front of others. Back then, the school belle, a rare intellectual, had gone through many twists and turns to choose Deng Guiguo. Today, she had fallen to such a state. If she had to throw away her cheap clothes, what would she have left? But in order to not let others not trust him, Yi Ren still accepted Zhang Xiaohua's gift. That's what people think. After receiving my gift, they should help me, or at least not help the other party.

Court started. Yiren listened to Zhang Xiaohua's speech and pretended to criticize Zhang Xiaohua's complaint. Then she began to pretend to work with Deng Guoguo and advised Deng Guoguo to consider it in the long run and agree to divorce! He even criticized Deng Guoguo for being irresponsible and having a bad temper. Deng Guoguo was angered (or perhaps he was deliberately playing along with Yiren)."What are you talking about? I haven't even said anything and you're already spouting nonsense. Do you know that I have a bad temper? Do you know that I'm irresponsible? Are you a worm in the plaintiff's stomach?" Yiren had to explain that she had made a mistake in the procedure. Before the defendant spoke, she should not have made any random comments.

After the court session, both parties agreed to divorce.

Yiren prepared to make a mediation agreement, but before the mediation agreement could be printed, Zhang Xiaohua came to report," Deng Guiguo married someone else in Yue An City. I don't agree to a divorce and request to investigate Deng Guiguo's bigamy crime."”

"The crime of bigamy is not pursued by the court. You can report it to the local public security bureau.”

" I made a police report, but they said that there was insufficient evidence and they couldn't arrest them. I even went to the county women's federation seven or eight times and the county police station seven or eight times, but there was nothing I could do. I went to Deng Guiguo's place to arrest them, but I was almost beaten to death by him. I left the three children with him, but the two older ones ran back the next day…"

"Then what about you?"

"Don't get a divorce yet. I have to sue him and send him to jail!”

Deng Gui Country had gone overboard. Not only did he not raise his children, he even cohabited with someone else!

Deng Guiguo also came to find Yiren and had a big argument with Yiren. He asked why both parties had signed and agreed to the divorce, but they didn't issue a mediation agreement? "Even if the woman has gone back on her word, she should have decided on the divorce in time!”

Deng Guiguo was right. But if they decided to divorce just like that, what would Zhang Xiaohua do? Was Zhang Xiaohua really the victim?

Deng Guiguo also took out a photo of Xiaohua dating someone.

In fact, it was completely understandable for both parties to have some close friends of the opposite sex. After all, they had been separated for six or seven years. Was there still a relationship between husband and wife? Why did both sides still have to go through such a struggle?

After a few months, Zhang Xiaohua asked for a divorce again, but she couldn't find Deng Guoguo's people. The verdict was sent to Zhang Xiaohua, but she couldn't send it to Deng Guoguo. Zhang Xiaohua came to the court every day to urge her, and even threatened to sue Yiren. But Yiren was anxious. What should I do? Would she sue me for accepting bribes? Would he know that I have also received a gift from Deng Gui Country? Actually, I didn't want to accept gifts from either of them. I accepted Zhang Xiaohua's gift to gain your trust. I was prepared to buy some things to see your child after the case was closed. I had no choice but to accept Deng Guoguo's gift. At that time, I clearly told Deng Guoguo," You don't need gifts for this case. Both parties have agreed to divorce. What are you in a hurry for? I'm not pretending to be an honest official. Your case is indeed not controversial. There's no need to worry!”However, Deng Guoguo still insisted on giving him a gift."I'll take it first. When the results are out, you can take it back. It'll be quick anyway.”However, it had dragged on for eight or nine months. Now, even if he wanted to retire, he could not find anyone to do so.

Yiren was really worried that she would be investigated, exposed, and go to jail…if something happened to Xiaohua Zhang.

If Deng Guiguo was beaten up by Zhang Xiaohua's family, would Deng Guiguo not be able to sue me? Will Zhang Xiaohua's family not complain about me because they have already vented their anger? Then why don't I help Zhang Xiaohua find Deng Guiguo?

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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