Life with SARS2

Mingyu's Y


Time: 2009-12- 22 14:02:07 Words: 8114



During the Spring Festival in 1998, Yiren spent it at her eldest brother's house.

In the beginning, Yiren's big brother and second brother had agreed to return to West Mountain Town to spend the New Year with his father, but his father said,""If you can avoid coming back, try not to. The bed boards at home are rotten, and the beams of the house are rotten.”When she heard this, Yi Ren didn't know how sad she felt."It was the new year, and there was actually no place to stay! What should he do? Big Brother's unit could not really be called a unit. He could only give 400 yuan a month, but he still had a family to support. Second Brother and Second Sister-in-law were both dismissed from their posts, and their days were not good. There was not much hope for his father's salary. He could only receive 200 yuan a month, but he still had to pay for it with materials (fertilizer, cloth).

He didn't know why the television was so insistent on promoting peace and prosperity.

Yiren had urged her father many times to repair the old house. How can I fall in love without even a renovated old house? His father criticized Yiren for placing too much emphasis on material factors and talked to Yiren about how great people (celebrities) could still build a beautiful family despite material poverty. Yiren always retorted that times were different. Not to mention the luxurious material conditions, but girls should be able to look at the basic living conditions! Of course, Yi Ren also yearned for the kind of pure, high-level love that completely abandoned material factors and attracted each other! Yiren was willing to be poor and wait for a beautiful love, but would there be a girl in the same realm? There should be. Even so, Yiren's father did organize a few family meetings to discuss housing issues. He even said that he wanted Yiren to fall in love. His two brothers did study plans to repair or build a house, but planning was planning. Everyone had different things to do, so they only stayed at the planning stage. The house became more and more dilapidated year by year...

Leaving her father and spending the new year with her brother, Yiren always felt a little guilty. Therefore, after staying for a few days, he went to the county town. When he went to his sister's house in the county town, he could only be considered to be visiting relatives. Of course, the feeling was different.

Her sister still advised Yiren to go to the leader's house to pay New Year's greetings. Yiren was indeed going to visit the president, vice president, and president, but he didn't know what was stopping him from implementing the plan. People couldn't completely control their own thoughts, so he really didn't understand why he didn't visit the leaders. He could only think hard and finally had some clues. One of the reasons was because he had a problem with the leader. Why didn't he appoint me as an assistant judge? Did he really need to give me a gift? I've visited you guys every year, but I haven't given you any gifts yet. I've already passed the exam and waited for so many years. My performance in recent years has also been quite good. Isn't it a small matter to be an assistant judge? But what was the point…It seemed that the usual accumulation could not replace the " dismissal " at a critical time. The leaders not only asked you to respect them from the beginning to the end, but you also had to pay attention to them at critical times. So Yiren regretted not giving gifts to the leaders in the second half of last year when they were about to discuss the appointment of the assistant judge. At that time, she was too confident. So what was the use of visiting them now? Forget it. The salary was not high to begin with, and he still owed so much. Where would he have the spare money to give to the leader? Another reason was that Yiren was worried that her New Year's gift was too light, so she didn't leave any impression. But if it was heavy, Yiren couldn't stand it.

In the end, Yi Ren ended the "New Year's greetings to the leaders" activity that he had been doing for many years.

If he didn't want to go, then so be it. Now that he understood, he felt even more at ease.

Why was the National Party expelled from the mainland? "Because we need a result of a complete revolution. If we compromise with the revolution and leave the National Party in power on the mainland, we only ask them to improve and work hard in the direction of justice. Then the so-called improvement will not be complete justice. It will be justice with evil. It will be an improvement that does not give up the self-interest of those who have already gained benefits. The rights of the common people will not be absolutely fulfilled. Social progress and social justice will not be completely realized. It will not be able to truly break the old world and build a new world." We can't really have a blank piece of paper to draw on, so we chose a complete revolution. We turned the old world upside down and started all over again according to the principles of justice. Everyone worked together to build a completely just world!

It seemed that the anti-corruption law of exposure could not make the corrupt people turn over a new leaf. The first exposure might attract some attention and touch the corrupt people, but if it was only exposed and not punished, the corrupt people would see the weakness of the exposure law and eventually ignore it. Rats were usually scared, so when scandals were reported to the media, ugly people did not repent, and the scandals even intensified. Corruptors instead sought comfort in long and tiring reports to find a way...

Should I be more realistic and not only know about lofty thoughts all day long? I also want to be a little worse, a little more realistic!

If I change my point of view, I will be worse, smarter, and more profitable than you.

Were all officials promoted through improper means (or euphemistically called "flexible means")? Are all the people who are promoted the bad guys in your mind before they are promoted? Was he someone who had thrown away his integrity and tried to be flexible? A person who was single-minded? Because he had been promoted, he had become a person that people envied on the surface!

Some officials were really unscrupulous in abusing their power for personal gain. The secretary of Qiulong Town actually went to the examination hall to deliver answers to his daughter as an inspector during her middle school examination. When the invigilator saw it, he could only laugh it off. Was there a need to use such a despicable method?

In the TV, Sun Wukong was punished by the Bodhisattva of Mercy because Tang Sanzang played a book about him. Was what Tang Sanzang said correct? Can you, Lord Bodhisattva, investigate thoroughly before making a decision? Tang Sanzang was an old man with no vision, but Sun Wukong had Fiery Eyes. Why would you rather believe Tang Sanzang, who had seen wrong people many times, than listen to Sun Wukong, who had Fiery Eyes, defend himself? Because Tang Sanzang was the leader? Leader is synonymous with being right? It turned out that the high Guan Yin Bodhisattva was also protected by officials. He also believed in the wrong officials and did not believe in the right masses! Sun Wukong was rewarded by the Jade Emperor again. Was it because a certain Heavenly King had spoken to the Jade Emperor? Should the Emperor put a certain person in an important position just because he had spoken? It turned out that the Heavenly Court was not as good as the leader! If the Heavenly King didn't say a word, you, Sun Wukong, wouldn't be rewarded no matter how hard you tried! There was no fairness in the Heaven Realm, so what was there to talk about in the human world? Since the Heavenly King's words carried weight, why wouldn't Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie please the Heavenly King instead of working hard? Why wouldn't the Heavenly King take advantage of this opportunity to make a killing? How could he stop the Sand Monks from directly paying tribute to the Emperor? Didn't you, Yiren, insist on honesty, not engaging in unhealthy practices, and hope to be reused by working hard to achieve results? What Sun Wukong couldn't do, you can?

Why did he have to perform on stage when he already had a show? And the bigger the stage, the farther away from us, the better! Why did he have to publish his opinion in a magazine? Couldn't they communicate with their colleagues?

If we don't want to be democratic, scientific, and fair, won't we be defeating the subjective initiative and enthusiasm of people of insight? It was obviously detrimental to the development of the country and society!

The leaders of the court probably wouldn't have direct contact with the parties involved, so did the parties not give gifts to the directors? But many people have given gifts to President Nian, and some have given gifts to me. Shouldn't we be stronger than the leader? No wonder the leaders wanted their subordinates to give him gifts. It turned out that they were only asking for commission from their subordinates! Receiving gifts will be investigated! However, who was keeping an eye on him? Who was investigating so closely?

Yiren went to Qiu Long. When they arrived at Qiu Long, they heard a piece of breaking news. The Wen and Li families of Qiulong Town had a big fight during the Spring Festival.

The two surnames fought on the street. The mayor and the secretary (one surnamed Wen and the other surnamed Li) personally went to the scene to mediate, but it was useless. The mayor slipped away and the secretary was injured (by people with the same surname).

The villagers who were fighting with bloodshot eyes could not stop him at all.

The police station arrested a few people with the surname Li. The surname Li actually stopped them on the road and kidnapped them.

The police station detained Wen Moumou. More than 1,000 people from the Wen family surrounded the police station and forced Wen Moumou out of the detention room.

This was already lawless.

Later, the Hewang County Political and Law Committee organized more than 1,000 political and law officials from the county to go to the Wen and Li surnames to search and arrest. In one night, they arrested more than 30 people. That night, Yiren also participated in the battle. It was ridiculous to ask the judge to participate in the "big operation". What was even more ridiculous was that Yiren saw the scene of grabbing in the operation. The team arrived at the village in the middle of the night and surrounded the village. Whoever wanted to escape would be arrested. Then, they would kick open the door one by one. Those who were young and strong would be arrested. They would be captured and brought to the car to determine if they were the targets to be arrested (it was also very vague who should be arrested and who should not be arrested!)),He only released a few of them. Those who disobeyed were immediately beaten up. There was no room for any defense or resistance.

Didn't they say that most people were good? How could he treat the people like this? Perhaps there wasn't a single young man who didn't participate in this clan duel, but most of them were just instructed by others, used by others, or participated as if they were following the crowd. It couldn't be ruled out that some people didn't participate, and perhaps even resisted. However, wasn't it too much to arrest all the so-called young men who were suspected of being innocent? However, in such a large-scale battle, what else could you do? By the time you investigate and collect evidence, the suspects will probably have run away. However, it is also illegal to arrest people without sufficient evidence!

Yiren remembered something that happened in his hometown. There was a village with the surname Chen. It was said that the clan was very powerful. They insisted on not choosing the village head and secretary, so the village work could not be carried out at all. Therefore, the village did not hand over the family planning for more than ten years. The town government sent village officials to work, but they could not carry out the work. Of course, it was an evil village. Later, the secretary of Xishan Town changed. When he heard about the incident, he slammed the table and rose up. He organized the armed police to enter the village in the middle of the night. They surrounded the village first and then kicked the door. If they pulled anyone up, they would have to hand them over. If they did not hand them over, they would be taken away (including beating them up. This was not requested by the government, but was done by the armed police at the last minute). A few people tried to escape and were beaten half to death. The strange thing was that there were no pigs or dogs in the village. The chickens did not jump either. Some people had a good attitude and handed over cash and an IOU. Then, they could let the people go and take the others away (where to?)。

Yiren felt that our era was still an era of violence against violence. Even the political and legal institutions (sometimes the government and the party committee) had to participate in the rules of violence!

The people with the surname Wen and Li who were arrested were released one after another because those who were slightly more "active" had long hidden. The rest were those who did not participate much. How could they not be released?

In the end, there was only one person left from the last surname. The Wen surname left behind Yinshan, and Yinshan was also "wronged". He had long washed his hands and quit, but why was he still holding on? However, the public security bureau said that Yin Shan was the behind-the-scenes commander who organized the kidnapping at the police station. This was unjust. When they were kidnapping, wasn't Yin Shan eating with the police station's Chief Zhong?

Why don't any unjust officials stand up and debate with me? Don't you regret living in injustice? Isn't it painful for you to lose your integrity and justice? I must convince the other party wholeheartedly and make him realize that he was wrong and repent from then on! However, none of the articles I wrote could be published. No one was interested in what I wanted to say. During the meeting, I rushed to speak but was interrupted... I didn't even have the right to speak. How could I debate, uphold justice, influence decision-makers, and move the people? It was just a simple way to express one's opinion, but there was no way to fulfill it. This was reality! Not everyone's passion could be vented! In the past, didn't he think that it was the happiest thing to change society with one's point of view?

Why didn't I fight with President Nian when he was clearly in the wrong? Why didn't I fight with them when they complained for no reason and even touched me? Can you beat the president? Officials would only protect their officials, so it was absolutely wrong to fight with their leaders! Why didn't he fight with the person involved? President Nian was clearly biased towards the party concerned. At least, he did not have any intention of blaming the party concerned. If that was the case, would the party concerned think that he was wrong? Besides, if you fight with the parties involved and cause big trouble, you still need a big leader to support you. But if you have no one in the court, which leader will support you? Which leader would uphold justice instead of bringing disaster upon themselves and instead take the opportunity to find fault with you? When you are angered by the person involved and the leader, you are even more wronged? Because you usually don't know how to win over the leaders, because there's no one in the court, you have to be careful everywhere. You have to swallow your anger!

The best projects for scholars who did not study natural sciences were only history and traditional Chinese culture. Studying history was the safest, and studying traditional Chinese culture was the most knowledgeable. If you studied philosophy, the common people would not understand you. If you studied ideology, the people in power would not like you. If you studied politics, it was no different from talking on paper and dreaming...

Don't let the leader think that I'm a person with a bad temper. I'm a serious person. The leader hates this kind of person. I don't want my colleagues to think that I'm a person who's not easy to deal with and doesn't know how to behave…I just want to please the leader reasonably and get along well with my colleagues reasonably.

In the morning, when Yiren was brushing her teeth, she heard three screaming car horns outside the door. Yiren ignored it. After a while, Xiao Yu, who worked in the town, appeared in front of Yiren. He was about to reach out to pull Yiren, but he didn't pull her back. He said,"Today, the Xishan Town government is having a gathering. Secretary Jia drove there. Hurry up!”

"I'm going to court today!" Yi Ren lied.

Xiao Yu went out. After a while, he really heard Deputy Secretary Jia of the town committee angrily and loudly ask,"Why did the court session have to start today? Can't you take a leave of absence?"

In fact, Yiren was too lazy to participate in this kind of activity. The so-called Fellowship Party was actually a fund-raising meeting for fellow villagers. The town would send an invitation to each of the so-called fellow villagers from Xishan who worked in other places. They would invite the fellow villagers back to their hometown for a gathering to discuss the development of their hometown. The participants would bring a red envelope according to their "success" level. Then, everyone would have a meal together and listen to a few words from the leader of their hometown. There was no "discussing the plan" section, so the essence was to find the fellow villagers to donate. But with a grand excuse. Of course, this method could collect some money. Successful people were also happy to go home and show off. There were also people who really wanted to contribute to their hometown. Therefore, once this method was used, it was imitated many times. Then, the village began to invite people from the same hometown. The group also began to invite people from the same hometown. Therefore, Yiren received a lot of similar invitations. In fact, he only needed to spend 100 yuan to attend the meeting. This was the standard for ordinary officials and workers, but Yiren did not go even once. Later, this model developed. In addition to inviting fellow villagers, they also invited "leaders" who had worked in X, so Yiren also received an invitation from the Hushan Working Committee. The people of China were really smart. They could think of all kinds of ways to make money! Yiren was annoyed by this kind of trick of teasing people who loved their hometown, so she didn't go even once. The most annoying thing was Xishan Town. Why was it the same this year after the annual meeting? Was it because he didn't earn enough last year and decided to make up for it, or did he make a lot last year and decided to pursue it? It was just collecting money. Was the money that he received, which was neither too much nor too little, used to develop his hometown or to feed his parents? No one knew. They thought that the secretaries would resist some vulgar ways to make money, but now the secretaries and mayors were doing everything they could!

A few days later, she received an "invitation letter" from Xishan Middle School. Yiren was going to attend the school's anniversary, but when she saw the "first draft of the Alumni Record" sent with the letter, she was a little disgusted. Why did they have to introduce the people with the highest administrative positions and the most money? Why must high officials and rich people be ranked first? Did his alma mater despise the poor and love the rich? Do you also like officials and hate the people? They were all schoolmates. Those who became high-ranking officials and made a fortune were good schoolmates. Didn't they say that money wasn't the way to judge a hero? Back then, he taught us not to pursue high-ranking officials and pursue making a fortune as our life goal, but now you treat high-ranking officials and rich people as high-ranking people. Was your (alma mater) lying in the past, or was it too casual today? When students were together, they would often talk about how well someone was doing and how they had their own ways. Could it be that doing well was the highest goal in life? Was that the most honorable thing? Could a person who always kept his face on his lips become a real person? Could he really become someone who was beneficial to society and the people? If I attend the school's anniversary celebration, will the school only pay attention to the schoolmates who give more money and completely forget about us who don't spend much? Would the Alumni Association become a donation competition, a competition for official positions, or a rich man's glory? Even if I have achievements, I won't use the school's anniversary celebration or the hometown gathering to show off. I won't ask for special treatment, and I won't use my power to bring any benefits to the school or my hometown!

Were there any clear and specific rules that good people could follow?

A phoenix that has fallen from its nest is inferior to a prostitute. Some people interpret it as a desolate place, but I interpret it as " self-confidence." Do you still remember that being a phoenix isn't self-confidence? A true nomad doesn't know who he is at all. He is so self-abased that he thinks he will pity anyone!

Actually, the professor was not as knowledgeable as the legends said, but the field of knowledge was very narrow, should it be narrow soil? People who weren't doctors thought that knowledge was noble and mysterious, but doctors tried their best to break the mystery of erudition. What doctors did made people feel that it was too ordinary. Some doctors went to kindergarten to teach children, and some doctors only served pigs...

Life was like an empty cup. Whatever one wanted to put into it, one could do it. Moreover, everyone was forced into it. Whether it was ideals, beliefs, feelings, likes, or dislikes, they were all stuffed rigidly into it. However, didn't he believe that life was not an empty cup? Didn't he think that there were certain things in life that one had to persist in, believe in, and give up?

President Nian had broken the rules he had set himself. He had promised that he would not use the bus unless he was working and had not received any money. However, Yiren and the others insisted on this point. Sometimes, they even racked their brains to get the fare and even did some illegal things. However, President Nian did not take the rules he had set to heart at all. Once he arrived at the court, he would drive around all day without doing anything real or collecting any fare. He even had his " subordinates " follow him around. There was also a guest meal system. It was agreed that the cost of entertaining guests per person should not exceed 200 yuan per month. However, the president was still the same as the soldiers. He welcomed all his friends warmly and accompanied them personally. There was once when eight cousins of the president's grandmother came to the court to look for President Nian. Yiren thought of a way to send them away for the sake of the leader, but it angered President Nian. He drove the car for a long time before he invited them back and gave them a warm welcome.

It was said that a good book had been published. It was " Pain and Happiness " written by the host of the Central Television Station. The title was very special. It was definitely as the commentator had said. It wrote about the contradictions in ordinary life, depression, and happiness in depression. This was real life. But even He Wang couldn't buy this book. The literary world was really going to be refreshed. In the past, Shu Taixu was too dull, too unpassionate, and too disappointing to the entire literary world.

Wasn't this a good book?

After longing for a long time, he finally saw a pirated copy of " Happy and Painful " in the hills. He quickly grabbed it and read it. After reading a few pages, he couldn't bear to continue reading. It was just an ordinary book about the lives of famous people. Why did he have to give it a fancy name? There was no pain here, the kind of pain that Yiren thought was buried in her heart. There was no happiness here either. There was the helpless reality of pleasure in pain. There was only the joy of a famous person's success and happiness for his own life. How could this be considered a great book? What was the difference between it and Days and Chronicles? He was just writing a book and taking the opportunity to earn a few bucks. He was just living in seclusion. Why did he think that he was extraordinary? Or maybe…the author had just used an inappropriate title, but the reviewers and advocates had also said so. Why did they have to boast like this?

The common people no longer dreamed of having a particularly clean official. They only asked the official to spend some time thinking about the common people and doing a little thing for the common people. It was enough.

" There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below " was not a natural truth. It was just a saying. No one knew how it became popular.

His classmate Zhu Xiaoben told Yiren many times to be more flexible. He said," You should do something that doesn't harm others but benefits yourself." Yiren refused to accept it. How could there be something that doesn't harm others but benefits yourself? It was just an excuse for his snobbish heart. Just like the conservation of energy, interests are also conservation. If you gain benefits, there will always be people who suffer. For example, if you bribe an official to buy an official hat, it will definitely damage the interests of the person who should be promoted. For example, if you succeed in a certain aspect through means, this means must inevitably hurt others. Therefore, there was no such thing as benefiting oneself without hurting others in this world. It just depended on how you understood it. If you want to be a good person, you must always remind yourself not to do things that don't conform to your principles. However, there were fewer and fewer people who adhered to their principles, including Zhu Xiaoben and the others. They had also become a little selfish. Yiren felt that it was great that she didn't have anyone by her side. She felt that it was really too difficult for a person to stick to her principles.

But are you really a good person? Haven't you done anything that benefits you but doesn't harm others? In fact, you've even done things that hurt others and harm yourself. Why are you still opposing other people's views of "benefiting yourself and not hurting others"? The other party's point of view was only to the extent of " benefiting oneself without harming others ", and you still had to oppose it verbally, but what about in practice?

They advised me to do something that would benefit myself and not harm others. Did they think that I was a person who absolutely had no desire for profit? How did they misjudge me? Did I misjudge them? However, practice was one thing, and opinions were another. Practice was a last resort, but once one's opinions changed, one's principles would change, and one would become a completely different person. However, why should ideas and practice go against each other? What was an action without a point of view?

What did Ba Jin do? Did he become a person who contributed to society just because he wrote a few books? * He didn't speak at the time, but after the lecture, he wrote 'Capriccious'. Wasn't that trying to avoid the disadvantages? However, there was no way to speak in the Tang Dynasty. There was no environment to speak.

I've always said that I want to be a person who sticks to my principles, but have you done it in practice? Haven't you been telling lies, doing blind things, sucking up to the leaders, and bullying the people? Why did she become such a villain who looked down on herself? What kind of man is hiding like? He might as well be a hooligan. He could do whatever he wanted and say whatever he wanted. He could be practical. Even if he was caught, he would "bravely" take responsibility. He would not push things around. Wouldn't that be very satisfying? What did I do? He was just using the law to cheat the people of their money! Isn't it too obvious to directly withdraw the "self-raised salary" from the money he swindled? However, if he did not withdraw his salary according to the number of fees, what was the difference in nature? As long as the fee collection mission was not reduced, it was impossible to give up the idea of " cheating " money. Even if the money was handed over in full, the higher-ups would still pay the full salary. It would not change the nature of " cheating " money to support people. However, directly extracting wages from the money that was " swindled " gave off the feeling of sharing the spoils. There was no concealment at all. However, there was no essential difference between hiding and not hiding! However, it was this concealment that changed the nature of the matter and made people feel completely different. How many hidden things have we not discovered? Shouldn't one be more secretive? Didn't he say that he had to be sincere? Didn't they always think that people who were 'straightforward' were more noble than those who were 'covert'? However, people who were really straightforward only existed in literary works. In reality, everyone was hidden, just from different angles! To be honest, hot-blooded people are naturally cute, but I've never met one before. Did everyone become treacherous officials? If everyone is a treacherous official, why should we think that straightforward people are more noble?

What the hell is this anti-bribery registration thing? If he rejected it, then so be it. It was a matter of course. Why did he have to register it?

It seemed that the farmer was not really simple. This was the third time Yi Ren had been cheated by the farmer. But why did they assume that farmers were simple and honest?

I really don't have time to do unorthodox things. I have to focus all my energy on doing what symbolizes the ultimate purpose of life. I have to be a successful person and do something successful.

I'm really annoyed by famous people's famous sayings. Famous people give orders from above. They're full of scholarliness. None of them put themselves in the shoes of real people like us. However, proverb is different. Proverb is really close to reality and can solve practical problems.

I've been working hard, but I haven't succeeded. I've been persisting, but I haven't gotten anyone's approval. Am I the extra person that the writers write?

How am I an extra person? Others were the superfluous ones! But don't I fit every characteristic of a superfluous person? He had dreams and ambitions, but he didn't succeed. He worked hard like a dog, and he lived an ordinary life like a dog…

Was there really a fundamental difference between a millionaire who became rich overnight and a writer who became famous overnight? Isn't it also the self-interest of writers to attempt to make a name for themselves in history?

This book comes。

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