Bloody Battle of North Korea
1 preface




Before the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula had been occupied by Japan, and the entire Korean Peninsula was a colony of Japan.

During the period of Japanese control, the children of the Korean Peninsula learned Japanese, wanting to fundamentally change the entire Korean nation and make the Korean nation a permanent colony, just like when Japan ruled Taiwan.

For the country's independence and national dignity, many North Koreans were engaged in an arduous struggle against Japan. In the south, there was a resistance organization led by the government.

He was exiled to the United States and Shanghai for a long time. He could speak English and Mandarin. He yearned for the American system and lifestyle.

In North Korea, it was the pro-Soviet party that led the resistance organization. A large number of North Korean soldiers went to the northeast of China to participate in the anti-Japanese armed forces and participate in the battle against the Japanese. Later, the pro-Soviet party gradually grasped real power.

In 1945, Japan was defeated and all Japanese troops withdrew from North Korea. After the first few weeks of chaos, as a stopgap measure for the victorious countries, the US and Soviet armies were stationed in the north and south of the Korean Peninsula at the 38th parallel north latitude, and they accepted the surrender of the Japanese army in the occupied area.

As a result, a pro-Soviet government was established in the north, and a pro-American and Western regime was established in the south.

As for how to solve the problem of regime reconstruction in North Korea reasonably and without leaving any hidden dangers, the military and political authorities of the occupied two sides temporarily put it on hold.

However, it was this light "discuss it later" that caused the United States and the Soviet Union to miss the best opportunity to solve the aftermath of the Korean Peninsula.

In 1946, the British Prime Minister Winston Winston

In July 1948, the Republic of Korea was established in the southern part of the Peninsula, with its capital in Seoul. In September of the same year, the People's Republic of Korea was established in the north, with the capital being in Pyongyong.

Both sides had their supporters, the United States and the Soviet Union. The deepening of the Cold War caused the artificial division to deepen, and the division eventually formed. The ideology caused the two governments to quickly slide into the quagmire of confrontation and conflict.

With the deepening of the Cold War, the political atmosphere became increasingly tense. The radical factions in both governments pushed out the already small number of moderate factions.

In 1949, the Soviet Union and the United States withdrew their troops one after another. The delicate military balance on the Peninsula was instantly broken, and the Korean War finally broke out.

During the Cold War after World War II, there were two opposing camps in the world:

One was the so-called 'socialist'. Eastern Europe, China, Mongolia, North Korea, South and North Korea, as well as cuba, were all members of this camp.

The other was the "imperialist camp" led by the United States, with members from the Western countries, Japan, and Korea. The Korean War was actually a partial contest between the two camps.

On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out. North Korea in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and Han in the south started a civil war.

Han was completely defenseless. Three days later, Han's capital, Han, fell.

On June 26, President Truman ordered the Far East Air Force stationed in Japan to assist the Han army in the war. On June 27, he ordered the Seventh Fleet to enter Keelung and Kaoshiung ports to patrol the Taiwan Strait to prevent the Chinese People's Liberation Army from crossing the sea and liberating Taiwan.

The U.S. representative to the United Nations submitted a motion to the Security Council, authorized the formation of a United Nations army to help Han resist the North Korean army's " invasion."

In the absence of the representative of the Soviet Union, the motion was passed by a vote of 13 to 1 (the former yugovyristan voted against it).

The United Nations Army was composed of 16 countries. The 16 countries were: the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Canada, Thailand, new Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, France, the Republic of Korea, Greece, Colombia, Austria, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea

The " United Nations Army " was dominated by the US military, while the other 15 countries only sent a small number of troops to participate in the war. General MacArthur, the commander of the Far East Army stationed in Japan, was the commander-in-chief of the "United Nations Army." In the early stages of the war, the North Korean army won one victory after another. On June 28, they captured Hanseoul, and on July 20, they occupied Daejeon. On July 24, they occupied Mokpo, and on July 31, they occupied Jinju. The United Nations Army was forced to retreat to the Nakdong River near Pusan.

At this time, the commander of the 8th Army, Walker, issued an order to defend the Pusan circular defense circle and not retreat.

On August 6, MacArthur met with other senior officers in Tokyo and persuaded them to implement the risky Inchon landing plan.

On September 15, 1950, MacArthur boarded the flagship Mount Mckinley and personally supervised the battle. Under the cover of more than 300 warships and more than 500 aircraft from the United States and Britain, the 10th Army of the United States successfully landed in Incheon. They attacked from behind the North Korean army, cut off the waist line of the bees on the Korean Peninsula, and quickly recaptured Incheon Port and the nearby islands.

On September 22nd, the United Nations troops that retreated to the Pusan defense ring counterattacked. On September 27, the Inchon landing force met up with the Pusan troops near Suwon, and they recaptured Seoul a day later.

General MacArthur demanded to pursue the victory and drive the Communism forces out of the entire Korean Peninsula.

On September 27, both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Truman agreed to MacArthur's proposal, but the President asked MacArthur: They could only attack North Korea if China and the Soviet Union did not participate in the war. This was only a " limited war." The United States was unwilling to start another world war.

The next day, the American troops advanced on the 38th parallel. On October 1st, the first batch of Han troops finally entered North Korea to fight.

After Inchon landed, the situation on the Korean Peninsula reversed. Beijing warned the United States almost every day through radio that if they crossed the 38th parallel, the People's Republic of China would send troops.

On September 30th, the Chinese Prime Minister made a tough speech at the National Day Conference of the Chinese People's Political Conference. In the early morning of October 3, before the American troops entered North Korea on a large scale, the Chinese government summoned the Indian ambassador to China, Panika, and asked him to tell the American government: " If the US Army crosses the 38th parallel and invades North Korea, we won't sit idly by."

* Truman regarded this speech as "diplomatic blackmail" against the United Nations and did not pay attention to it.

If North Korea was occupied, it would directly threaten the national interests of the People's Republic of China. It was possible that MacArthur would continue to march north after taking the Korean Peninsula, threatening the newly established regime of China.

Moreover, a country with a border of more than 1000 kilometers with the mainland of China being ruled by the capitalist camp was also a great threat.

And if North Korea was subjugated, China would have to let the Tang Dynasty set up a government in exile in the northeast, but this was very disadvantageous to China because it would provide a strong excuse for the US army to enter the northeast.

At the same time, due to the United States 'declaration of " undetermined status of Taiwan," the US military entered the Taiwan Strait, forcing the People's Republic of China to stop attacking Taiwan. This made the New Celestial government feel threatened by the United States.

For these reasons, on October 8, 1950, China finally decided to intervene in the Korean War and send troops to the Korean Peninsula to assist North Korea in the war.

On October 7th, the U.S. military crossed the 38th parallel and advanced toward pyongyong. At the same time, at the request of the North Korean government, the Northeast Border Guards under the Chinese People's Liberation Army were reorganized into the Chinese People's volunteers. In order to actively prepare for entering North Korea, Peng Dehuai was appointed as the commander and political commissar of the Chinese People's volunteers.

At the request of the North Korean government, on October 19, 1950, the 42nd Army of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army took the lead in crossing the Yalu River from Ji 'an (now Ji' an County) to fight in North Korea.

"Valiant and spirited, crossing the Yalu River. Protecting peace and protecting the motherland meant protecting his hometown. Good sons and daughters of China, unite as one, resist the United States and aid Korea, defeat the ambitious wolf of America!”

Since then, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army and the United Nations Army, which was mainly led by the United States, had been engaged in bloody battles in North Korea for nearly three years.

In the past three years of fighting, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army fought bravely without fear of sacrifice and severely attacked the American invaders, forcing the United States to sign the "Agreement on the Korean Military Armistice" with the representatives of China and North Korea in Panmunjom on July 27,1953. The Korean War ended.

The victory of the War to Resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea crushed the United States 'attempt to annex all of Korea and defended the independence of the People's Republic of Korea. They protected the safety of the New Dynasty and ensured the smooth progress of the economic recovery and construction of the New Dynasty. They protected the peace of Asia and the world.

It exposed the "paper tiger" face of the US imperialists, strengthened the national self-esteem of the Chinese people, and inspired the will and determination of the people of the world to defend world peace and oppose aggression. They had displayed the might of the country and the military, and raised the international status of China. It allowed our army to gain valuable experience in defeating enemies with modern equipment with inferior equipment and accelerated the construction of our army.

The victory of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea proved a truth to the world."The era of foreign imperialists bullying the people of the Celestial Empire has ended forever with the founding of the People's Republic of China.”

This book narrated the main battles of the Great Bloody Battle, described the intense scenes of the Great Bloody Battle, and portrayed the heroic image of the volunteer army. Reading this book will make you feel strong and passionate, unable to put down the book, and a sense of national pride will arise spontaneously.

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