The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
2 Chapter Two: Zhang Yide Whip the Overseer He Guojiu to Kill the Official

Tang 57


He was actually unwilling to listen to his orders! If you want to live here, I'll go somewhere else!”"I'll take three," said Liu Bei.

Human righteousness is the same as life and death, how can we separate from each other? Why don't you all go somewhere else?" "In that case," said Yue Fei,"I'll be relieved.”

So the three of them led their troops to Zhu's camp that night. He was very kind to him and gathered his troops together to attack Zhang Bao. At that time, Cao Cao followed Huangfu Song

The two sides fought in Quyang. Here, Zhu Xi attacked Zhang Bao. Zhang Bao led 80,000 or 90,000 rebels to camp behind the mountain. He ordered Xuande to take the lead

Feng, fight against the enemy. Zhang Bao sent his deputy Gao Sheng to fight, and Liu Bei sent Zhang Fei to attack. Yue Fei rode his horse and held his spear. He fought with Li Sheng without counting.

Black gas descended from the sky, and it seemed as if there were countless people charging at them. Liu Bei hurried back to the army, which was in chaos. I'll go back after the defeat, and I'll plan with Zhu

Talk. "If they use witchcraft, I can slaughter pigs, sheep and dogs and make the soldiers lie in ambush on the mountain. Wait for the thief to come, splash it from the high slope

It can be solved." Liu Bei listened to his orders and ordered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to lead 1,000 troops each to lie in ambush on the high hill behind the mountain.

Filth ready. The next day, Zhang Bao waved the flag and beat the drum. He led his army to fight. Liu Bei went out to meet him. During the confrontation, Zhang Bao cast a spell, causing a storm.

Sand and stones flew everywhere, black gas filled the sky, and people and horses rolled down from the sky. Liu Bei turned his horse and fled. Zhang Bao hurried over. I'm about to cross the mountain peak,

Guan Zhong and Zhang Fu's troops fired their cannons, and the filth was splashed everywhere. The paper men and grass horses in the air fell to the ground one after another. The wind and thunder stopped, and the sand and stones did not fly.

Zhang Bao understood the law and was anxious to retreat. On the left was Guan Yu, on the right Zhang Fei. The two armies went out. Behind them, Liu Bei and Zhu Wei caught up.

The army was defeated. Liu Bei saw the banner of the General of the Earth Duke and galloped over. Zhang Baoyu fled. Liu Bei shot an arrow at him and hit him in the left arm. Zhang

Murong Bao fled with an arrow and fled into Yangcheng, where he held fast and did not come out.

Zhu Rong led his troops to surround Yangcheng and attack while sending people to inquire about Huangfu Song's news. The scout reported,"Huangfu Song won a great victory.

After the victory, the court because Dong Zhuo repeatedly failed, ordered Yan Song to replace him. When Huangfu Song arrived, Zhang Jiao was already dead. Zhang Liang led his troops to resist our army and was defeated by Huangfu Song.

He won seven battles in a row and killed Zhang Liang in Quyang. Open Zhang Jiao's coffin, kill the body, behead, sent to the capital. The rest surrendered. The court added Huangfu Song as

General of Chariots and Cavalry, concurrently serving as the herdsman of Jizhou. Huangfu Song also played that Lu Zhi was meritorious and innocent, and the court restored Lu Zhi's original official position. Cao Cao was also rewarded for his meritorious service.

Minister Nan will return to his post today." When Zhu Rong heard this, he urged his army to attack Yangcheng with all their might. The enemy is in danger. The enemy will assassinate Yan Zheng.

Zhang Bao surrendered. Zhu Xi then pacified several counties and presented the victory to the court. At that time, there were three remaining members of the Yellow Turban Party, Zhao Hong, Han Zhong and Sun Zhong, who gathered together.

Tens of thousands of people, watching the wind burning robbery, claiming to take revenge with Zhang Jiao. The court ordered Zhu to lead a victorious army to attack. He was ordered to lead the army forward. Thief of Time

When he was attacked, Zhao Hong sent Han Zhong to fight. Liu Wei sent Liu Bei, Guan Zhong and Zhang to attack the southwest corner of the city. Han Zhong led his elite troops

The army came to the southwest corner to meet the enemy. Zhu himself sent 2,000 cavalry to attack the northeast corner. The rebels were afraid of losing the city, so they quickly abandoned the city to the southwest and turned back. Xuande from the back

Later, he attacked and killed the rebels. The rebels were defeated and fled into Wancheng. The army was surrounded on all sides. The city ran out of food, and Han Zhong sent people out of the city to surrender. Is it not?

It was agreed. Liu Bei replied,"In the past, when Emperor Gaozu of Han won the world, it was because he was able to make people submit to him. Why did you reject Han Zhong?" He said,"That was then, and this is now.

It's a moment. Once upon a time, when the Qin Dynasty was in chaos, the people had no fixed monarch, so they were summoned to surrender and rewarded to persuade them to surrender. Now the whole country is unified, only the Yellow Turbans

Rebellion, if you let them surrender, you can't persuade them to do good. To make the thieves plunder wantonly and surrender when they lose: It's not a good plan to keep the bandits alive."

Liu Bei replied,"The enemy is not allowed to surrender. Now the enemy is surrounded on all sides like an iron bucket. If the enemy cannot beg for surrender, they will certainly fight to the death. Ten thousand people of one heart, still can't

Of course, not to mention there are tens of thousands of people in the city who have died? It is better to withdraw from the southeast and attack the northwest alone. The enemy will certainly abandon the city and flee. They will have no heart to fight. We can go there immediately.

Capture him." He agreed with him and withdrew his troops from the southeast and attacked the northwest together. Han Zhong really led the army to abandon the city and flee. And Liu Bei,

Guan Yu and Zhang Yu led the three armies to attack Han Zhong and shoot him to death. The rest fled in all directions. As he was chasing, Zhao Hong and Sun Zhong led the rebels to meet him.

Battle. When he saw that Gongsun Hong was powerful, he led his troops to retreat temporarily. Yuan Hong took advantage of the situation to seize Wancheng again. ten miles away, we set up camp. Just as he was about to attack, he suddenly saw a group of people due east.

The horse arrived. The leader of the army was a man with a wide forehead and a broad face, with a tiger body and a bear waist. He was from Fuchun, Wujun. His surname was Sun Jian, also known as Wentai. He was his grandson.

The descendants of Wu Zi. When he was seventeen years old, he went to Qiantang with his father. He saw more than ten pirates robbing merchants and distributing the stolen goods on the shore. I insist on my father

"This thief can be captured," said the man. So he tried his best to get ashore with his knife, shouted loudly, and commanded things from east to west, as if he were calling people. The rebels thought that the officers and soldiers had arrived,

He abandoned all his belongings and fled. Fu Jian caught up and killed a thief. From then on, the county became famous and recommended him as a lieutenant. Later, the demon thief Xuchang of Kuaiji rebelled and called himself

Emperor Yangming had gathered tens of thousands of people. Fu Jian and the county Sima recruited more than a thousand warriors, joined forces with the state and county to defeat the enemy, and killed Xu Chang and his son Xu.

Shao. Zang Min, the governor, reported his achievements and appointed Fu Jian as Yandu Cheng, Xuyi Cheng and Xiapi Cheng. Now I see the Yellow Turban bandits gathering in the village

The young man and the merchants, as well as more than 1,500 elite soldiers from Huai and Si, came to meet them.

Zhu Wei was very happy and ordered Fu Jian to attack the south gate, Liu Bei to attack the north gate, and Zhu Wei to attack the west gate, leaving the east gate to escape with the rebels. Sun Jian boarded first

The city was built and more than 20 rebels were killed. The rebels fled and scattered. Zhao Hong rode on a horse and charged at Sun Jian with his spear. Fu Jian flew from the city wall and grabbed Hong's spear, stabbing Hong down.

He rode a great horse and flew back and forth to kill the enemy. Sun Zhong led the rebels out of the north gate to meet Liu Bei. He had no desire to fight and only wanted to flee. Liu Bei

He drew his bow and shot an arrow at Sun Zhong, causing him to fall off his horse. The Zhu army then attacked and beheaded tens of thousands of people, and countless people surrendered. Nanyang a

On the way, more than ten counties were pacified. He returned to the capital and was granted the title of General of Chariots and Cavalry and Yin of Henan Province. Liu Wei reported the merits of Sun Jian and Liu Bei. There is someone strong

Love, except for other county Sima to take office. Only Liu Bei waited for a long time and could not be appointed. The three of them were depressed and went out to the streets to hang out.

Zhang Jun's carriage arrived. Liu Bei saw him and told him his achievements. Jun was greatly alarmed. He followed the Emperor into court and said,"The Yellow Turbans rebelled in the past. The Ten Chang were the cause.

Shi sold official positions and titles, did not appoint those who were not relatives, and did not kill those who were not enemies, resulting in chaos in the world. It is now time to behead the ten constant attendants, hang their heads in the southern suburbs, and send messengers to announce the news.

In the world, those who have made contributions will be rewarded heavily, and the four seas will naturally be peaceful.”The Ten Attendants reported to the Emperor, saying,"Zhang Jun is deceiving his master.”The emperor ordered the warriors to expel

Zhang Jun. The Ten Generals agreed, saying,"Those who have done great service in defeating the Yellow Turbans will not be appointed, so there will be complaints. For the time being, I will teach the provincial officials to select and note the names of the people.

Then we'll pay attention to Weiwan." Therefore, Liu Bei was appointed as the county captain of Anxi County, Zhongshan Prefecture, Dingzhou, and took up his post on the appointed day.

Liu Bei led his troops back to his hometown, only taking more than 20 people with him. He, Guan Zhong and Zhang Hui came to Anxi County to take up their posts. Acting for the county for a month, giving the people

There is no violation of the law, and the people are convinced. After taking office, he ate at the same table as Guan Yu and Zhang Yu and slept on the same bed. If Liu Bei is sitting in a crowd, Guan,

Zhang stood by him all day long. Less than four months after arriving in the county, the court issued an edict saying that all officials who had military merit should be eliminated. Liu Bei suspected that he was among those sent.

When the governor arrived at the county town, Liu Bei went out of the city to meet him. When he saw the governor, he saluted him. The governor sat on his horse and answered with a whip. Guan, Zhang Er

Duke Huan of Qi was furious. When they arrived at the post station, the governor sat down facing south, and Liu Bei stood at the foot of the steps. After a long time, the governor asked,"What is the origin of Liu Xian Wei?"

Body?" Liu Bei replied,"I am the descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan. Since Zhuo County exterminated and killed the Yellow Turbans, the size of more than 30 battles, quite a small contribution, so he was removed from office.

This position." "You are falsely claiming to be the emperor's relative," cried the governor."You are falsely claiming to be the emperor's relative. Now the imperial court has issued an edict to eliminate such corrupt officials.

Official!" Liu Bei retreated in a hurry. He returned to the county and consulted with the county officials. The official replied,"The governor's prestige is nothing more than bribery.”

Liu Bei replied,"I have done nothing wrong with the people. How can I give them any property?”The next day, Du You first took the county officials away and ordered them to accuse the county lieutenant of harming them.

People. Liu Bei went several times in person to ask for pardon, but was stopped by the gatekeeper and refused to let Liu Can go.

Zhang Fei had drunk a few cups of wine and rode past the inn. He saw fifty or sixty old men crying in front of the door. Fei asked

So the old men replied,"The governor is forcing the county officials to kill Liu Gong. We all came to complain bitterly, but we couldn't let them in. Instead, we were chased away by the gatekeeper.

Fight!" Zhang Fei was furious. He opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth. He got off his horse and went straight into the inn. He stopped the disciples and went straight to the inn.

In the back hall, he saw the governor sitting in the hall and tying the county officials to the ground. "You're a traitor!" shouted Fei. Do you recognize me?" Overseer's mail hasn't been opened yet

Zhang Fei had already grabbed his hair and pulled him out of the post station until he was tied to a horse post in front of the county seat. Climbing down the willow branch, going to the overseer's legs to whip

He hit and broke more than ten willow branches in a row. While Liu Bei was wondering, he heard the noise in front of the county seat. He asked the people around him and replied,"General Zhang kidnapped one person.

Beat him up in front of the county." Liu Bei quickly went to see what was going on and saw that the man tied up was Du You. Liu Bei was surprised and asked why. "These are the traitors who harm the people," said Fei.

If I don't kill him, I'll die!" "Liu Bei saved my life," said the governor.”Liu Bei was a merciful man, so he quickly ordered Zhang Fei to stop. sideways

Turning to Guan Yu, he said,"My brother has done many great deeds, but he has only been appointed a county officer. Now he has been insulted by the governor. I think of the tripods and thorns, not the phoenix perched on them

It's better to kill Du You, abandon his official position and return to his hometown, so as to seek another far-reaching plan.”Liu Bei then took the seal and hung it on the governor's neck, reprimanding him.

He said,"You have harmed the people, and you should have been killed." I'll spare your life for now. I'll return the seal and leave from now on." The governor returned to report to the prefect of Dingzhou.

The governor of Shenwen Province sent people to capture him. Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Yu went to Daizhou to join Liu Hui. Liu Hui saw that Liu Bei was a relative of the Han clan and stayed at home.

No questions.

Now that the Ten Attendants held great power, they discussed with each other: If anyone disobeys him, kill him. Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang sent someone to ask the Yellow Turban soldiers

He asked for money and silk, and those who did not obey petitioned to be dismissed from office. Huangfu Song, Zhu Wei refused to give, Zhao Zhong and others all petitioned to remove their official positions. The emperor also granted Zhao Zhong and others the title of chariot and cavalry

General, Zhang Rang and other thirteen people were granted marquises. The government is getting worse and worse, and the people are complaining. So Changsha thief area star insurrection, Yuyang Zhang Ju, Zhang

Li Chun rebelled and called himself the emperor, and Li Chun called himself the general. The table chapter snowflakes emergency, ten constant attendants are hidden not to play.

One day, the emperor in the back garden and ten constant attendants drinking banquet, remonstrance doctor Liu Tao, straight to the emperor crying. The emperor asked why. "Heaven," said Tao.

Your Majesty is still drinking with eunuchs when the world is in danger!”"The country is at peace," said the Emperor."What danger is there?”"Thieves from all directions," said Tao Hui.

Thieves rose up together and invaded and plundered the prefectures and counties. This disaster is caused by the ten constant attendants selling official positions to harm the people, deceiving the monarch and deceiving the emperor. All the upright people in the court have left, and disaster is imminent!”

The ten constant attendants took off their hats and knelt down in front of the emperor, saying: "If the ministers are incompatible, we can't live! I beg for my life and return to my fields, and give all my property

Help with military expenses." Then he cried bitterly. "You also have attendants in your house. Why can't you just let me go?"”Summon the samurai to push out the slash

That's right. "I will not hesitate to die," cried Liu Tao. Poor Han Dynasty world, more than 400 years, to this day will be over!”

The samurai came out with Tao and was about to execute him when a minister stopped him and said,"Don't attack. Wait for my remonstrance." Everyone looked at him. It was Situ Chen.

Liu Dan went straight into the palace to remonstrate with the Emperor, saying,"What crime did Liu Jianyi deserve to be executed?”The Emperor said,"To slander a close minister is to blaspheme my body.”dan

He said,"The people of the world want to eat the flesh of the Ten Generals. Your Majesty respects them as his parents. If they do not have an inch of merit, they will be granted marquises. What's more, Feng and others are connected

Yellow turban, want to make civil strife: Your Majesty, if you don't reflect on yourself now, the country will collapse immediately!”The Emperor said,"The matter of Feng Wei's rebellion is not clear. Shichang

Sun Jian was appointed prefect of Changsha by the imperial edict of the emperor. He attacked the area star. Within 50 days, he reported victory. Jiangxia was pacified. The imperial edict granted Sun Jian the title of

Marquis Wucheng.

Liu Yu was appointed as the herdsman of Youzhou and led his troops to Yuyang to attack Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun. Liu Hui of Daizhou wrote a letter recommending Liu Bei to see Yu. Liu Yu was overjoyed and ordered Xuan to come.

When he was a lieutenant, he led his troops straight to the enemy's nest and fought with the enemy for several days. Zhang Chun is single-minded and cruel. The soldiers have a change of heart.

He assassinated Zhang Chun, took his head and presented it to the court, and led his troops to surrender. Zhang Ju saw that the situation was defeated and hanged himself. Yuyang was completely pacified. Liu Yu reported Liu Bei's great service,

The court pardoned the crime of whipping the post supervisor, appointed him as the secret Cheng, and promoted him to the post of Gaotang Wei. Gongsun Zan also stated Liu Bei's previous achievements and recommended him to be the commander of another department.

The original county magistrate. When Liu Bei was in Pingyuan, he had a lot of money, food and horses to restore the old atmosphere. Liu Yu was awarded the title of Marshal for his meritorious service in pacifying the enemy. In the summer of the sixth year of Zhongping

In April, Emperor Ling was seriously ill and summoned General He Jin into the palace to discuss the future. He Jin got up and slaughtered the family. Because his sister entered the palace, she became a noble and gave birth to the emperor.

His son, Liu Bian, was made queen. Therefore, Wang Jin was able to hold important positions. The emperor also favored Wang Meiren and gave birth to Prince Xie. Empress He was jealous and poisoned Wang Mei.

People. The prince was raised in the palace of Empress Dowager Dong. Empress Dowager Dong is the mother of Emperor Ling and the wife of Liu Chang, Marquis of Jiedu Pavilion. At first, because Emperor Huan had no son, he welcomed him.

The son of the Marquis of Jiedu Pavilion was named Emperor Ling. Emperor Ling entered the palace to inherit the throne, so he welcomed his adopted mother into the palace and honored her as the Empress Dowager. Empress Dowager Dong once advised the emperor

Prince Liu Xie was appointed Prince. The emperor also favored Xie and wanted to make him emperor. At that time, he was seriously ill. Jian Shuo, the constant attendant, said: "If you want to establish an association, you must first kill

He Jin, to prevent future troubles." The emperor thought he was right and took the opportunity to announce him into the palace. When he reached the palace gate, Sima Pan Yin said to him: "You can't enter the palace. Jian

I want to kill you." Li Jin was shocked and hurried back to his private house. He summoned all the ministers and wanted to kill all the eunuchs. One of the men stood up and said,"Eunuch!

Power, from the time of Chong, quality, the court has spread far and wide, how can all be killed? If the plan is not careful, there will be the disaster of extermination. Please tell me in detail."

It was Cao Cao, the commander of the army. "How can you, young man, know what is going on in the court?”Just as he was hesitating, Pan Yin came and said:

"The emperor has died. Now Saishuo and the ten constant attendants discussed, secretly did not announce the funeral, falsely issued an edict to summon He Guojiu into the palace, in order to prevent future troubles, and conscripted Prince Xie as

Emperor." Before he could say anything, the emperor's mission came. Xuanjin quickly entered the palace to settle the matter. Cao Cao said,"Today's plan is to restore the throne first, and then we will plan for it.

Thief." "Who dares to fight against the rebels with my prince?”One of them stepped forward and said,"I am willing to lend you five thousand strong soldiers to cut down the pass and enter the city.

You, kill all the eunuchs, clean up the court, and stabilize the world!”He went forward to see that it was the son of Situ Yuan Feng and the nephew of Yuan Kui. Name Shao, Word Ben

At first, he was a lieutenant. He Jin was very happy and ordered 5,000 soldiers to join the army. Yuan Shao's whole body was covered in armor. He Jin cited He Yong, Xun You, Zheng Tai, etc.

More than 30 ministers entered one after another and stood in front of Emperor Ling's coffin to support Prince Liu Bian as emperor.

When the officials had finished their greetings, Yuan Shao entered the palace to arrest Jian Shuo. He fled into the garden and was killed by Guo Sheng, the constant attendant, under the shade of the flowers. Prohibited by Shuo

The army, all defected. Yuan Shao said to He Jin,"The eunuchs have formed cliques. Today, we can take advantage of the situation to kill them all." Zhang Rang and the others knew that the matter was urgent and hurriedly went in to report what had happened.

The Empress said,"In the beginning, the only one who plotted against the Great General was Sai Shuo. It was not our business. Now that the General has listened to Yuan Shao's words, he wants to kill all of them.

Please have mercy on us!" Empress Dowager He said,"Don't worry, I'll protect you.”the imperial edict was issued to announce the arrival of He. The Empress Dowager secretly said,

"You and I are of humble birth. If it weren't for Zhang Rang and the others, how could we have enjoyed such riches? Now Jian Shuo is unkind and has been killed. Why do you listen to others?

Do you want to kill all the eunuchs?" When He Jin heard this, he went out and said to the officials,"Jian Shuo has plotted against me. Don't worry about the rest

Plus harm." Yuan Shao said,"If you don't get rid of the weeds by the roots, you'll die.”"I have made up my mind," he said,"and you say no more.”

All the officials retired. The next day, the Empress Dowager ordered He Jin to participate in the record of Shangshu affairs, and the rest were granted official positions. Empress Dowager Dong summoned Zhang Rang and others into the palace to discuss:

"He Jin's younger sister, I've been praising him since the beginning. Today, his son is the emperor, and all the officials inside and outside are his confidants. Too much power, I will

How is it?" He said,"Your Majesty, you may attend court and listen to government affairs behind the curtain. Prince Xie was granted the title of king, and his uncle Dong Zhonggong was granted the title of military power.

"We can plan for the future." Empress Dowager Dong was overjoyed. The next day, Empress Dowager Dong issued an edict to grant Prince Xie the title of King Chen Liu.

He served as general of hussars, Zhang Rang and others participated in the government together. Empress Dowager He saw that Empress Dowager Dong monopolized power and held a banquet in the palace to invite Empress Dowager Dong to the banquet. wine to

Halfway drunk, Empress Dowager He stood up and bowed again with a cup in her hand."We are all women. It is not appropriate for us to participate in the government. Once upon a time, because of Lu's great power,

Thousands of people in the clan were killed. Now we should be deeply in the nine levels of power, and let the ministers and elders discuss the major affairs of the court themselves. This is the blessing of the country. willing to

I'll listen to you." "You poisoned Beauty Wang to death," said Empress Dong angrily,"and you set your heart on jealousy. Now I rely on your son as the monarch, and your brother's power to advance,

How dare you speak nonsense! I'll order the hussars to cut off your brother's head as if it were a palm!”Empress He said angrily,"I have advised you with good words. Why are you so angry?”Dong

"What knowledge do you have, young Tu Gu?" said the Empress.”The two palaces competed with each other, and Zhang Rang and others advised them to return to the palace. How can I summon you in the middle of the night

The emperor went to the palace and told him what had happened before. He went in and out and summoned the three princes to discuss together. Come early, set up a court meeting, and let the courtiers play that Empress Dowager Dong was originally a vassal concubine and should not live in the palace for a long time.

In the middle of the year, Zhang He was still moved to Hejian for placement, and he left the country at the end of the day. On one hand, he sent people to see Empress Dong off, and on the other hand, he ordered the Imperial Army to surround General Dong Zhong of the Flying Cavalry.

In the mansion, he searched for the seal. Dong Zhong knew that the situation was urgent and committed suicide in the back hall. The family mourned, and the soldiers dispersed. Zhang Rang and Duan Gui met Empress Dong.

After being abolished, they were all framed by He Jin's younger brother He Miao and his mother Wuyang Jun with gold and pearls, so that they could go to Empress Dowager He sooner or later and hide them with good words. therefore

The ten constant attendants were favored again.

In June, He Jin secretly sent people to poison Empress Dong in the post court of Hejian, carried her coffin back to Beijing and buried her in Wenling. Li Jin pleaded illness and did not go out. si Li Colonel

Yuan Shao went in to see him and said,"Zhang Rang and Duan Gui are spreading rumors that you have poisoned Empress Dong and that you are plotting a great scheme. If you don't kill the eunuchs at this time,

It's bound to be a disaster. Once upon a time, Dou Wu wanted to kill the eunuch, but his plan was not thorough, and he suffered from it. Now your brothers, generals and officials are all handsome men. when the

Do your best, everything is under control. This is the time for the heavens to bless us. We can't miss it." "Let's discuss it for a while," said Wang Jin. The attendants secretly reported to Zhang Rang, who turned around.

Tell He Miao, and send more bribes. Miao entered the palace and reported to Empress He, saying,"General, you are assisting the new king. You are not merciful, but only devoted to killing. Now for no reason

To kill the ten constant attendants is the way to make trouble.”Later, he accepted his advice. After a while, He Jin told the queen that he wanted to kill Zhong Juan. Empress He said,"Your Highness,

It is the old practice of the Han Dynasty to command the forbidden province. The late emperor had just abandoned the world, and you wanted to kill the old ministers, not to attach importance to the ancestral temple.”Jin was originally a man of no decision,

He listened to the queen mother's words and went out. "What is the matter?" asked Yuan Shao.”"The Empress Dowager does not allow it. What should we do?"”Shao

He said,"Summon all the heroes of the four quarters and send them to the capital to kill all the eunuchs. At this time the matter is urgent, can not tolerate the queen mother not from.”"This," said the man,

Great plan!" So he sent a call to arms to each town and summoned him to the capital. "No," said Chen Lin, the chief clerk. As the saying goes, it is self-deception to cover your eyes and catch swallows.

In this way, small things can not be deceived to achieve success, let alone national affairs? Now the general relies on the emperor's prestige and is in charge of the military essentials. He is like a dragon and a tiger. He is high and low in his heart.

If you want to kill eunuchs, it's like beating a furnace to burn hair. As long as the thunder is released quickly and the power is controlled, then heaven and man will obey it. Instead, he issued a call to arms to the ministers outside,

In the face of the capital, heroes gathered, each with one heart: The so-called upside down holding a weapon, giving people a handle, success will not be achieved, but will lead to chaos.”he Jin

"What a coward!" he said with a smile. One of them clapped his hands and laughed, saying,"It's a piece of cake. Why talk so much?”Look at it,

It's Cao Cao. Zheng Zhi: If you want to get rid of the rebellion of the people around you, you must listen to the advice of the wise men in the court. I don't know what Cao Cao said, but let me explain it later.

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