The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
3 The third discussion was about Wen Ming and Dong Zhuo, who scolded Ding Yuan for giving him gold pearls and Li Su for talking about Lu Bu

Tang 57


Cao Cao said to He Jin,"The scourge of eunuchs has existed since ancient times. However, the emperor should not give him power and favor, so that he has reached this point. if

If you want to punish, you should get rid of the original evil, just hand over to a jailer is enough, why call in foreign soldiers one after another? If you want to kill all of them, you must make it public. I reckon it must be

It's a defeat." "Meng De," said He Jin angrily,"does he have a selfish mind?”Cao Cao withdrew and said,"He who brings chaos to the world will certainly advance.”Jin is secretly sending someone

The emperor ordered him to go to each town at night with a secret edict.

Dong Zhuo, the former general, Marquis of Ao Xiang and governor of Xiliang, had failed to defeat the Yellow Turban army. The court discussed his crimes and bribed the Ten Generals.

Later, he made friends with the dignitaries of the court, so he was appointed as a prominent official and commanded 200,000 troops in Xizhou. He often had the heart of disobeying the court. At that time, he was very happy to receive the imperial edict.

The army set out one after another, and sent his son-in-law Zhonglang to lead Niu Fu. While defending Shansi, he led Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, and Fan Chou to lead the troops.

I look forward to Luoyang.

Li Ru, Dong Zhuo's son-in-law and adviser, said,"Although I have received the imperial edict, there are many hidden motives. Why don't you send someone to report it? It's perfectly justifiable.

Map." Dong Zhuo was very happy and presented the memorial. He said roughly,"I have heard privately that the reason why the world is in turmoil and rebellion is because Zhang Rang, the constant attendant of the Yellow Gate, and others have insulted Heaven.

It's all because of the old rules. I heard that it is better to remove firewood than to raise soup to stop boiling. Although the carbuncle is painful, it is better to nourish poison than to treat it. I dare to enter Luoyang with bells and drums and ask for the appointment of Zhai Rang and others.

The country is blessed! The world is lucky!" He Jin received the memorial and showed it to the minister. Zheng Tai, the Imperial Censor, remonstrated, saying,"Dong Zhuo is a jackal.

If you build a city, you'll definitely eat people." "You are too suspicious to think of great things.”Lu Zhi also remonstrated,"I know Dong Zhuo well. He looks kind.

Ruthless heart, once into the palace, there will be disaster. It is better to stop them from coming, so as not to cause trouble.”Zheng Tai and Lu Zhi both abandoned their official positions.

Go. Most of the court ministers left. Dong Jin sent people to Mianchi to meet Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo did not move.

Zhang Rang and others knew that the army outside had arrived and discussed it together."This is He Jin's plan. If we don't make the first move, we will all be exterminated.”So I lay down my knife and axe first

He sent fifty men to the Jiade Gate of Changle Palace and went in to tell Empress Dowager He: "Today, the Great General has summoned foreign soldiers to the capital to destroy us.

The Empress pitied him and saved him." The Empress Dowager said,"You can go to the General's Mansion to apologize.”"If you go to the Prime Minister's Mansion, your flesh and blood will be reduced to powder," said Zhai Rang.

I hope Your Majesty will summon the General into the palace to stop him. If you don't listen, we can only go to the Empress and ask for death.”The Empress Dowager then issued an edict to announce the advance.

Wang Jin received the edict and set out. "The Empress Dowager's edict must be the work of the Ten Generals," said Chen Lin, the chief clerk. There will be trouble if you go."

"The Empress Dowager has summoned me," he said."What is the matter?”"Now that the plot has been exposed," said Yuan Shao,"the matter has been exposed. Do you still want to enter the palace?”Cao Cao

He said,"First summon the Ten Attendants, and then you may enter.”"That's what a child thinks," said Wang Jin with a smile. I hold the power of the world, the ten constant attendants dare to wait

How is it?" "If you must go," said Yuan Shao,"we will lead our armed men to protect you, in case anything happens.”So Yuan Shao and Cao Cao each chose five elite soldiers

He ordered Yuan Shao's younger brother Yuan Shu to lead the army. Yuan Shu put on his armor and led his troops outside the gate of Qingsuo. Shao and Cao escorted He Jin to Changle with swords.

In front of the palace. The Yellow Gate issued a decree, saying,"The Empress Dowager has summoned the Great General, and no one else is allowed to enter.”Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and the others were blocked at the palace gate.


He Jin walked straight in. Arriving at the gate of Jiade Hall, Zhang Rang and Duan Wanggui came out to meet him and surrounded him on both sides. Zhang Jin was shocked. Zhai Rang sternly rebuked him and said,

"What crime did Empress Dong commit? The funeral of the mother of the country, on the pretext of illness did not go out! You were originally a junior of Tu Gu, and we recommended you to the emperor, so that you could be honored and noble.

When he came out, he cut He Jin into two pieces. Later, a poem lamented,"The Han Dynasty is in danger. The fate of heaven is over. If there is no plan, how can I become the three princes?" I don't listen

A loyal minister remonstrated, and it was inevitable that the palace would receive a sword.”

After Rang and others killed He Jin, Yuan Shao did not go in or out for a long time, so he shouted outside the palace gate: "General, please get in the car!" Let the generals present their heads

He was thrown from the wall and announced,"He Jin has been executed for treason. The rest of the coerced followers will be forgiven." Yuan Shao shouted sternly,

"Eunuch murdered a minister! The Evil Punisher Party has come to help!" Wu Kuang, one of He Jin's generals, set a fire outside the blue lock. Yuan Shu led his troops

He rushed into the palace and killed all the eunuchs he saw, regardless of their size. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao cut off the pass and entered the city. Zhao Zhong, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, Guo

The four of them were chased to Cui Hua Lou and chopped into meat paste. The palace was on fire. Zhang Rang, Duan Gui, Cao Jie and Hou Lan led the Empress Dowager and the Crown Prince.

Together with King Chen Liu, he was kidnapped from the inner palace and fled to the North Palace from the back road. At that time, Lu Zhi abandoned his official position and did not leave. When he saw the incident in the palace, he put on his armor and stood in front of you.

From a distance, he saw Duan Gui approaching Empress He. He shouted: "Duan Gui, you traitor, how dare you kidnap the Empress Dowager!”Duan Gui turned around and left. The Empress Dowager looked out the window

He jumped out and was saved by emergency treatment. Wu Kuang rushed into the inner court and saw He Miao also coming out with a sword. Kuang cried out,"He Miaotong murdered my brother.

Kill him!" Everyone said,"I'm willing to kill Brother Mou's traitor!”Miao wanted to escape, but was surrounded on all sides. He was chopped into powder. Shao ordered the soldiers to split up.

He killed the families of the ten constant attendants, regardless of their size, and killed them all. Many people without hair were killed by mistake. Cao Cao put out the fire in the palace. What did he ask?

The Empress Dowager temporarily took charge of major events and sent troops to pursue Zhang Rang and others to find the young emperor.

Zhang Rang and Duan Gui kidnapped the Young Emperor and Prince Chen Liu. They rushed to Beimang Mountain overnight. Around the second watch, behind

When the soldiers and horses arrived, Min Gong, an official in central Henan, shouted,"Rebel, don't run!"”Zhang Rang saw that the situation was urgent, so he threw himself into the river.

He died. Emperor Wu and King Chen Liu did not know the actual situation, did not dare to shout loudly, but hid in the grass by the river. The army and horses fled in all directions, but they did not know where the emperor was.

The emperor and the king lay on the ground until the fourth watch. The dew fell again. They were hungry and squeezed each other to cry. He was afraid that people would notice him, so he swallowed his voice in the grass. Prince Chen Liu

"You can't stay here for long," he said."You must find another way to survive.”So the two of them tied their clothes together and climbed to the shore. Thorns all over the ground, darkness

In the middle of the road, I can't see the road. Just as he was helpless, suddenly there were thousands of fireflies, shining brightly, flying in front of the emperor. The Prince of Chen Liu said,"This is

The heavens are helping my brother!" So he followed the fireflies and gradually saw the road. At the fifth watch, his feet hurt and he could not walk. He saw a pile of grass by the hill.

He and the king of Chu lay beside a haystack. In front of the haystack was a manor. That night, the manor master dreamed that two red suns were setting behind the manor. He woke up in surprise and put on his clothes to go out.

Looking around, he saw a red light rising from the haystack behind the manor. He hurriedly looked over and saw two people lying on the edge of the grass. "Who are the two young men?" asked the manor lord.

The son of the family?" The emperor did not dare to answer. Prince Chen Liu pointed to the Emperor and said,"This is the current Emperor. He fled here because of the rebellion of the Ten Generals. I am the emperor

My younger brother is Prince Chen Liu." "I am Cui Yi, the younger brother of Cui Lie, a minister of the former dynasty. So I saw the ten constant attendants selling their official positions, jealous of wise men,

That's why I'm hiding here." So he helped the emperor into the manor and knelt down to offer wine and food. Min Gong caught up with Duan Gui and asked,""Where is Tian Zi?" Wang Gui said:

"We have already lost each other halfway and don't know where to go.”Liu Gong then killed Duan Wanggui, hung Duan Wanggui's head under the horse's neck, and divided his troops to search in all directions. But I ride alone

Horses. Along the way to pursue, accidentally came to Cui Yi Zhuang, Cui Yi saw the head, asked Cui Gong, Cui Gong told him in detail, Cui Yi took Cui Gong to see Emperor Wu, monarch and minister cried bitterly. tribute

"The country cannot be without a ruler for a day. Please return to the capital, Your Majesty.”Cui Yizhuang only had a thin horse, ready to ride with the emperor. Tribute to the king of Chenliu

On a horse. After leaving the village, they walked less than three miles. Situ Wang Yun, Marshal Yang Biao, Left Army Lieutenant Chunyu Qiong, Right Army Lieutenant Zhao Meng, and Empress Dowager were all present.

Lieutenant Bao Xin and Lieutenant Yuan Shao of the Central Army, together with hundreds of men, followed the emperor. The king and his subjects wept. Send someone to take Duan Gui's head first

Wang Ji went to the capital to give orders, and changed to a good horse to ride with Emperor Yang and King Chen Liu, and gathered Emperor Yang back to the capital. At first, the children of Luoyang said,"The emperor is not the emperor, the king

Fei Wang, thousands of horses and chariots will flee to Beimang." So far it really fulfilled his prophecy.

The emperor had not traveled a few miles when he suddenly saw banners blocking the sun and dust covering the sky. A group of people and horses came. Baiguan pale, the emperor is also very surprised. Yuan

"Who is it?" Yuan Shao asked. A general flew out from the shadow of the embroidered flag and asked sternly,"Where is Tian Zi?" The emperor trembled and could not speak. Chen

The king reined in his horse and came forward, shouting,"Who are you?”Dong Zhuo replied,"It is Dong Zhuo, the governor of Xiliang.”The Prince of Chen Liu said,"Come and escort me.

Are you here to rob me?" "I've come to escort you," replied Dong Zhuo. The Prince of Chen Liu said,"Since you have come to escort me, and the Son of Heaven is here, why not come down?"

Horses?" Dong Zhuo was shocked and hurriedly dismounted and bowed to the left side of the road. King Chen Liu comforted Dong Zhuo with his words. From the beginning to the end, he did not say anything. Zhuo Anqi

Therefore, he has the intention of deposing the emperor. That day they returned to the palace and saw Empress Dowager He. They all cried bitterly. Check the palace, but there is no imperial seal.

Dong Zhuo stationed his troops outside the city. Every day, he led his armored cavalry into the city and ran amok in the streets. The people were in panic. Dong Zhuo went in and out of the palace without fear.

Fear. Bao Xin, a lieutenant of the rear army, came to see Yuan Shao and said that Dong Zhuo must have a different heart and should be eliminated as soon as possible. Yuan Shao said,"The court has just been established, and we cannot take it lightly.

Move." Bao Xin met Wang Yun and told him about it. "Let's discuss it," said Wang Yun. Han Xin himself led his troops to Mount Tai. Dong Zhuo

He lured He Jin's brothers and soldiers to surrender. He privately said to Li Ru,"I want to abolish the Emperor and establish Prince Chen Liu. What do you think?”Li Ru said,

"Now that the Imperial Court has no master, if we don't act now, there will be changes. The next day, in Wenming Garden, he summoned all officials and told them to abolish the emperor and establish the emperor. not

Those who follow him will be killed, and the power of authority will be exercised today.”Zhuo Xi. The next day, a banquet was held and all the officials were invited. All the officials are afraid of Dong Zhuo. Who is it?

He dared not. Dong Zhuo waited for the officials to arrive, then slowly went to the gate of the garden, dismounted, and took his sword to his seat. After a few rounds of drinking, Dong Zhuo told him to stop drinking and music, and then he was serious.

"I have a word to say," said the voice.”Everyone listened attentively. Dong Zhuo said,"The Son of Heaven is the ruler of the people. He cannot be respected without dignity.

Sacrifice to the gods. Now the emperor is weak, not as smart and studious as King Chen Liu, who can inherit the throne. I want to abolish the emperor and establish King Chen Liu. What do the ministers think?

Like?" After hearing this, the officials did not dare to make a sound.

A man pushed the table out and stood in front of the feast, shouting,"No! No! Who are you to speak so loudly? The Son of Heaven is the First

The emperor's legitimate son, at the beginning did not make mistakes, how can you talk about the abolition of the emperor! Do you want to usurp the throne?" Dong Zhuo saw that it was Ding Yuan, the governor of Jingzhou. Zhuo shouted angrily,

"Those who obey me live, and those who oppose me die.”So he drew his sword and tried to kill Ding Yuan. At that time, Li Ru saw a man behind Ding Yuan, who was born with a graceful appearance.

Ang, awe-inspiring, holding the halberd in his hand, glared angrily. Li Ru hurried forward and said,"Today's banquet is not a place to talk about state affairs. to

It's not too late to discuss it publicly in the capital." Everyone advised Ding Yuan to get on his horse and leave.

Dong Zhuo asked the officials,"Is what I have said fair?”Lu Zhi replied,"I understand the importance of tolerance. Once upon a time, Taijia was not clear, and Yi Yin let him go.

Tong Palace: King Changyi ascended the throne for twenty-seven days and committed more than 3,000 crimes, so Huo Guang went to the ancestral temple to report and abolish him. Although the emperor is young, he is smart and kind.

He was smart and did not make any mistakes. You are the governor of a foreign county. You have never participated in national politics, and you don't have the great talents of Yi and Huo. How can you force the monarch to abolish and establish you?

Things? The sage said: If you have the ambition of Yi Yin, you can do it. If you don't have the ambition of Yi Yin, you will usurp the throne.”Dong Zhuo flew into a rage and drew his sword to kill Li Zhi. Shi Zhong Cai

"Minister Lu is highly respected in the world. If you kill him now, I'm afraid the world will be frightened.”Dong Zhuo gave up. Situ Wang Yun said:

"We can't discuss the matter of dethronement after drinking.”So all the officials dispersed. Dong Zhuo stood at the gate of the garden with his sword in his hand. Suddenly he saw a man galloping on his horse.

Holding a halberd, he galloped back and forth outside the garden gate. "Who is he?" Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru. The scholar said,"This is Ding Yuan's son, surnamed Lu, named Bu.

The word Fengxian. My lord, you must avoid him." Dong Zhuo then went into the garden to hide. The next day, it was reported that Ding Yuan led his army to fight outside the city. Dong Zhuo was furious and led his army.

He went out with Li Ru to meet him. The two formations faced each other. Lu Bu was seen wearing a golden crown, a hundred flowers battle robe, a Tang Ni armor, and a lion belt.

The horse raised its halberd and followed Ding Jianyang to the front of the battle. Jianyang pointed at Dong Zhuo and cursed,"The country is unfortunate. The eunuchs have been abusing their power and causing the people to suffer. Erwu

How dare you talk about the size of the emperor, want to disturb the court!”Before Dong Zhuo could reply, Lu Bu flew over. Dong Zhuo fled in panic.

Yang led the army to attack. Dong Zhuo's army was defeated and retreated more than thirty miles to camp and gather together to discuss the matter. "I think Lu Bu is not an ordinary man. If I can

What does this person have to worry about?" "Don't worry, my lord," said a man from the tent. I am a fellow countryman with Lu Bu. I know that he is brave but tactless. He forgets when he sees profit.

Righteousness. I rely on my glib tongue to persuade Lu Bu to surrender, okay?”Dong Zhuo was very happy. He looked at the man and saw that it was Li Su, the general of Huben.

That's right. "What will you say?" asked Dong Zhuo. "I have heard that you have a famous horse, the Red Rabbit, which can travel thousands of miles in a day. have to

This horse, with gold beads, in order to win his heart. If I continue to persuade him, Lu Bu will certainly rebel against Ding Yuan and come to join you.”Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru:

"Is that okay?" "My lord, if you want to conquer the world, why should you be stingy with a horse?" said Wang Ru.”Dong Zhuo gladly gave it to him, and gave him a thousand taels of gold and pearls.

Dozens of them, a jade belt. Li Su came to Lu Bu's camp with gifts. The soldiers surrounded them. "You can tell General Lu immediately," said Lu Su.

An old friend has come to see you." The soldiers reported to the court, and Lu Bu was ordered to go to the court to see him. "How have you been, my dear brother?" said Lu Su.”"It has been a long time," said Lu Bu, bowing.

Where do you live now?" "He is now a general of the Tiger Troop," replied Wang Su. I am very happy to hear that you are helping the country. There is a good horse

The horse, a thousand miles a day, crossed the river and climbed the mountain as if it were walking on flat ground. Its name was Red Rabbit. I'm offering it to you to help the tiger." The cloth was brought over.

Look. As expected, the horse's body was as red as charcoal, without a single stray hair. From head to tail, ten feet long, from the hoof to the neck, eight feet high;

They roared and roared, as if they were flying into the sea. Later, there was a poem about the Red Hare Horse, saying,"Running thousands of miles to sweep away the dust, crossing the water and climbing the mountain in the purple mist

Open. Pulling the broken silk reins and shaking the jade reins, the fire dragon flew down from the nine heavens.”Lu Bu saw the horse and was very happy. Xie Su said: "This dragon steed is bestowed by Brother.

How can I repay you?" "I have come for the sake of loyalty," said Wang Su. How can I expect revenge?" and set up wine for each other. When the wine was sweet, Su said,"I and my brother

We rarely see each other, but your father often comes.”"You're drunk, brother," said Lu Bu. My father has been dead for many years. How can I meet my brother?”Su laughed loudly.

"No," said the man. I'm talking about Governor Ding today." "I was at Ding Jianyang's place," said Lu Bu,"but I had no choice.”Wang Su said:

"Brother, you have the talent to support the heavens and ride the sea. Who in the four seas doesn't respect you? Fame and wealth are like taking things from a pocket. How can you say that you have no choice but to be under others?

Huh?" "It's a pity I didn't meet my master," said Lu Bu. "A good bird chooses a tree to perch on," said Wang Su with a smile."A wise minister chooses his master to serve. It's too late to regret

It's too late." Lu Bu said,"When you are at court, who do you think is the hero of the world?”"I've seen all the officials, but none of them are as good as Dong Zhuo," said Wang Su.

Dong Zhuo respected the wise and respected the scholars, rewarded and punished them clearly, and finally achieved great achievements.”"I would like to follow him, but I have no way of getting him.”Su took the golden pearl,

The jade belt is placed in front of the cloth. "Why is this happening?" asked Lu Bu in surprise. Lu Su dismissed his attendants and told Lu Bu,"This is the great name which you have admired for a long time.

I'll give it to you. The Red Hare horse was also a gift from you." "How shall I repay you, Sir Dong, for your kindness?" said Lu Bu.”Wang Su said:

"If I'm not talented, I'm still a general of the Tiger Troop. If you go there, you'll be noble beyond words." "It's a pity that I can't make any progress," said Lu Bu.

Greetings." "It's just a matter of turning your hand," said Wang Su."You won't do it.”After a long time, Lu Bu said,"I want to kill Ding Yuan and lead my army back.

Dong Zhuo, what do you think?" "If you can do this, my dear brother," said Wang Su,"it will be a great service. However, there is no time to lose. The key is to make a quick decision." Cloth and Su

He agreed to surrender the next day, but Wang Su did not go.

Why?" "I am a man," said Lu Bu."How can I be your son?”"Why did Fengxian change his mind?" asked Yuan. The cloth moved forward, and the knife slashed.

Then he cut off Ding Yuan's head and shouted,"Ding Yuan is unkind. I've killed him. Those who are willing to obey me are here, and those who do not obey me will leave!”The soldiers dispersed.

More than half. The next day, Lu Bu took Ding Yuan's head and went to see Li Su. Wang Su then led Lu Bu to see Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was very happy and prepared a banquet for him. Dong Zhuo bowed down first and said,

"Now that Zhuo has a general, it is like a drought seedling getting a sweet rain.”Bu Na Zhuo sat down and bowed to him, saying,"If you will not abandon me, I will be your foster father.”

Dong Zhuo gave Bu a golden armor and brocade robe, drank and left. Dong Zhuo became more and more powerful from then on. He personally led the former general's military affairs and granted his younger brother Dong Man the title of Left General and Hu General.

He was granted the title of Marquis, and Lu Bu was granted the title of Cavalry Duwei, Zhonglang General and Duting Marquis. Li Ru advised Dong Zhuo to make a plan to abolish him as soon as possible. Dong Zhuo then held a banquet in the province to gather the public.

You ordered Lu Bu to lead more than 1,000 armored soldiers to guard around. On this day, Yuan Kui, the tutor, and all the officials arrived. After a few rounds of drinking, Dong Zhuo pressed his sword and said,"Now

The emperor is weak and cannot worship the ancestral temple. I will follow the old rules of Yi Yin and Huo Guang, abolish the emperor as King Hongnong and establish King Chen Liu as emperor. There are those who do not obey

Slash!" The ministers were afraid and dared not answer. Lieutenant Yuan Shao stepped forward and said,"Your Majesty has only recently ascended the throne, and has not lost his virtue. You want to abolish the heir

Shu, what's wrong?" Dong Zhuo said angrily,"The world is in my hands. I'm doing this now. Who dares to disobey me? Do you think my sword is disadvantageous?" Yuan

Yuan Shao drew his sword and said,"Your sword is sharp, but mine is not.”The two of them were facing each other at the banquet. [Title: Ding Yuan died first for his righteousness. Yuan Shao died first.]

the power of contending is even more dangerous. After all, Yuan Shao's fate will be explained later.

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