Time has never passed
18 parallel lines

Moonfall M


There had been countless fears-losing love, losing your job, being denied, being treated like a fool, lacking money…

They were all so unbearable, unimaginable, and would do everything possible to avoid falling into such a situation, but even so, they still fell into it from time to time. Even if they could survive, they would have to pay a price for it. Many of them were only clear to themselves, and they could not tell anyone else.

No, not even that. Looking at his soul that was distorted beyond recognition by the real world on the other side, Jason knew that there were some deeper costs that even he could not detect.

However, when the bubble really shattered, it did not even make a sound.

In the past, he had never understood why the people who were suddenly taken away in the videos often looked like they were asleep. In the eyes of others, such a terrible thing happened, but the people involved seemed as if nothing had happened.

But now, it was imaginable…

The "feelings" that happened to one's body could not be replaced by others. It was the same for everyone's "feelings". People seemed to live together, but in fact…

They were like parallel lines that could not possibly cross.

However, they could influence each other. This kind of " influence " was incredible when it was carefully studied. This was because there was no possibility of people really touching each other, so this " influence " was more like…

The sound waves produced by one string resonated with other strings.

It was just that the personalities, thoughts, and circumstances of each string were different, so the resonance they triggered would not be the same. Moreover, this mutual resonance spread out and fell into the world where countless strings coexisted, producing continuous vibration waves. They resonated with each other and seemed to have no end.

However, this kind of " resonance " could not replace the " feelings " of each zither string. A feeler and his feelings could only appear in the feelings of another feeler as an imagination, and that was already another feeling of the other feeler...


This was no longer loneliness…

Jason's heart trembled slightly at the thought of this. Then, the trembling spread out in a strange way, even beyond the range of his consciousness. It shook a much larger structure in his heart.

It was like accidentally pulling out a small stone from the foundation of a seemingly huge and sturdy building, but the foundation of the entire building was completely shaken…

What was this huge building that was on the verge of collapse?

Jason couldn't see the whole picture for a moment. It was just that the so-called reality and history that seemed to be irrefutable in his consciousness had all become a specious bystander after seeing that small stone…

And who would be watching the fireball that the observer was in?

However, other than this method, was there any other way for a perceiver to understand another perceiver?

If everyone was a parallel line that could not cross each other, then what was everything he felt?

How could a bystander know for sure whether the feelings of a dead person had really ended?

Since he couldn't even touch the feelings of the living around him, let alone the dead…

But how did these living people live?

" Live for others to see, and see how others live." If this was really the only way for the living to judge their so-called " value," then it was really speechless.

It was impossible to compare, but if people had to compare, then there was nothing impossible to compare in this matter that was impossible to begin with.

However, the person who made the comparison had to bear everything that this "comparison" brought to him--jealousy, resentment, fear, madness, helplessness, idiotic self-satisfaction and disillusionment…

This was originally thought to be the so-called reality imposed on people, but now it seemed to be completely self-proclaimed, self-inflicted nonsense.

It was just that the fools were tormented by what seemed to be an external reality, but in fact, it was the shadow of their own hearts that they projected. They were tormented and tormented, and there was no peace…

However, even if he saw all this, it was no longer important to Jason. His thoughts were like his physical body as he was in a space-walking state, no longer restrained by the original external forces.

However, after losing the most basic frame of reference one after another, it was also a little lonely. It did not know where it was…

"Where is he?"

The old man had also mentioned this problem…

Jason could vaguely sense the unbelievable implication in the old man's words…

To determine where he was…It seemed impossible…

Wait…Jason was a little scared by this thought.

However, he still couldn't help but want to look for the old man and ask him some questions that he hadn't reacted to at that time.

However, he had a hunch that the old man's answer would make him even more confused.

But so what? If he was really a puppet that was completely controlled by a dream that he could not extricate himself from, so what if he was hit a few more times?

Perhaps one of the sticks could break that dream…

Jason tried to get out of the floating state so that he could walk.

But after struggling a few times, even though he could change his body position at will, he still couldn't step on the ground.

In zero gravity, people couldn't find any point of force to use to escape.

This feeling of being unable to control himself was starting to feel like a nightmare. He knew that he was in it, but he could not escape.

This ignited his usual eagerness when he couldn't achieve his goal. Jason struggled with all his might, but it was useless.

If it was in the past, this impatience of not being able to find an exit would definitely ignite an even greater desire for destruction in his heart. It was just like how a bomb would be even more lethal if it exploded in a confined environment. However, in this completely open environment like outer space, any degree of explosion was meaningless.

Therefore, the impatience in his heart was just like a burning fuse, and there was no more movement. No more emotions were ignited by it, but the nightmarish ineffectiveness was highlighted more clearly.

Suddenly, all his movements came to a halt.

The struggle just now made Jason see a fundamental situation that he had never been aware of. He could always do anything he wanted, think anything he wanted, and say anything he wanted.

However, no matter what he did, said, or thought, he could not go anywhere. He could only stay here and bear all the feelings that his thoughts, words, and actions had caused in his heart…

At first glance, this situation was even more terrifying than the bottomless abyss.

If this was the true nature of reality, it would be an endless nightmare. All struggles would be futile, but if one had to continue struggling, there would be no power to stop them.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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