Bloody Battle of North Korea
3 A Short Introduction to the Korean War 2



The Korean War (2)

At the end of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea, both sides had more than three million soldiers on the battlefield. The United States sent one-third of its army, one-fifth of its air force, and nearly half of its navy to the Korean battlefield. The volunteer army had a maximum of 19 armies, totaling more than 1.34 million people.

According to the military record announced by the North Korean side on August 14, 1953, from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, the North Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army had killed, wounded, and captured more than 1,093,000 enemy soldiers.

Among them, there were 397,000 American troops, 667,000 South Korean troops, and 29,000 British, French, and other countries 'troops.

During the same period, the North Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army suffered casualties, missing, and captured more than 628,000 people.

According to the figures announced by the North Korean side, the casualties of the Chinese and North Korean troops and the "United Nations Army" were 1: 1.7。(Note: The total number of casualties officially announced by the United States and South Korea was more than 1.13 million, which exceeded the number of enemy casualties announced by the North Korean side.))

The United States spent 40 billion US dollars on the war and consumed more than 73 million tons of war materials. China spent 6.25 billion yuan on the war and consumed more than 5.6 million tons of war materials.

The Chinese People's Revolutionary Army and the North Korean People's Army had won a great victory in this war. The overlord of the world, the leader of the free world, had lost its glory and prestige on the Korean battlefield.

The Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Army, Clark, later recalled the situation of the Korean War and said,

"In May 1952, I was ordered to be the commander of the United Nations Army, representing 17 countries to resist the invasion of the Chinese government. Fifteen months later, I signed an armistice, which temporarily halted…the war on that unfortunate Peninsula.”

"For me, this is also the end of my 40-year military career. It was the highest position in my military experience, but it was not glorious.

" In carrying out the instructions of my government, I received an unenviable honor. That is, I became the first commander of the United States Army in history to sign an armistice without victory. I felt a sense of disappointment and pain. I think my predecessors, Generals MacArthur and Ridgway, must have felt the same way.”

In order to win the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea, the officers and men of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army were not afraid of sacrifice. They fought bloody battles and went forward one after another. The blood of many heroes and children was sprinkled on the land of North Korea.”

"There were more than 360,000 people who died heroically or were gloriously wounded in the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea. Among them, 140,000 people were buried in foreign countries (more than 115,000 people died in battle, and more than 25,000 people died of accidents, injuries, and illnesses), more than 221,000 people were injured in battle, and more than 29,000 people were missing or captured.

Among the more than 100,000 martyrs, there were three military officers, more than 10 division officers, and more than 200 regimental officers.

Among the martyrs:

There was Yang Gensi, who charged at the enemy with explosives and died together with the enemy.

There was Huang Jiguang, who stood tall and blocked the bullet holes.

Wu Xianhua, a Level 1 Explosive Hero who injured his comrades and killed his own enemies;

There was Xu Jiapeng, who had injured his legs, crawled in pain, and sacrificed his life to open the way;

Sun Zhanyuan, who had run out of bullets and was charging at the enemy with a grenade;

There was Qiu Shaoyun, who endured the pain in the sea of fire and maintained the hidden discipline;

There was Yang Liandi, who had bravely sacrificed himself to repair the bridge to ensure smooth traffic; There was Yang Chunzheng, who had fought all day long, wiped out stubborn enemies, and repeatedly made military achievements;

There was Luo Shengjiao, an international fighter who risked the cold and jumped into an ice cave to save a teenager;


The hundreds of thousands of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in North Korea came from all over the country.

These martyrs responded to the call of the Central Committee of the Party and the leaders of the Tang Dynasty to "resist the United States, aid Korea, and protect the country." In order to support the North Korean people in fighting against the invaders, they exchanged their lives for the peace of the three thousand miles of land and the peace of the motherland. The people of the motherland will always miss them.

Near the famous Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, the capital of the United States, there was another war memorial that was more closely related to China, which was the Korean War Memorial Park.

There was only a short inscription in the park: " Our country is proud of its sons and daughters. They answered the call to defend a country they have never seen before, to defend people they have never known.”

It was engraved with the casualty records of the United Nations forces that participated in the Korean War:

54246 US soldiers killed, 628833 UA soldiers lost, 8177 UA soldiers lost, 470267 UA soldiers lost, 7140 captured UA soldiers lost, 92970 UA soldiers lost, 103284 injured UA soldiers lost, and 1064453 UA soldiers lost.

The characteristics of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea

(1)It was a large-scale international local war. The political struggle and military struggle were intertwined. It was complicated and sharp, and the competition between the two armies was extremely intense.

On a small battlefield, both sides invested a large number of troops and weapons. Jet planes were widely used on the battlefield.

The density of troops on the battlefield, the density of artillery fire in some battles, and the density of bombing all exceeded that of World War II.

(2)There was a huge difference in the quality of weapons and equipment between the two sides. The United States was the world's industrial powerhouse. The United States Army had first-class modern technology and equipment. They had the right to control the air and sea, and they practiced modern joint operations.

China's economy was backward, and the volunteer army's weapons and equipment were obviously at a disadvantage. They basically relied on infantry, a small number of artillery, and tanks to fight. Although there was a small number of air forces behind, they could only cover the main transportation lines. But it had a huge political advantage.

(3)The main battlefield of the war was in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, which was close to the sea from the east to the west, narrow and long, and dense with mountains and forests. It was convenient to carry out landing operations and use the mountains to hide troops and organize defense, but it was not convenient to give full play to the effectiveness of modern technology and equipment and implement extensive mobility of large regiments.

(4)It was difficult for volunteers to fight abroad. It was difficult to supply them on the spot or take them from the enemy. All combat materials were basically supplied domestically, and the transportation was backward. In addition, the blockade of the US Air Force was destroyed, making it difficult to supply them. Combat operations were greatly affected.

The " United Nations Army " relied on its modern equipment to quickly complete the replenishment and guarantee the battle. These characteristics restricted the war direction of both sides and affected the progress and outcome of the war.

The victory in the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea was great and of great significance.

First, fight back to the 38th parallel with the North Korean people and defend it. This was very important.

If they did not return to the 38th parallel and the front line was still at the Yalu River and Tumen River, the people in places like Shenyang, Anshan, and Fushun would not be able to produce in peace.

Secondly, he had gained military experience.

The ground force, air force, navy, infantry, artillery, engineers, tanks, railway troops, air defense troops, signal troops, as well as the Weisheng troops and logistics troops of the People's Revolutionary Army of China have gained practical combat experience against the invading American army.

This time, we've investigated the American military. If the American army didn't come into contact with it, they would be afraid of it.

We've been fighting with it for thirty-three months, and we've gotten to know it well. American Imperialism was not scary, it was just that. We have gained this experience, and this is an amazing experience.

Third, it raised the political awareness of the people of the country.

Fourth, the imperialists 'new war of aggression against China was postponed, and the Third World War was postponed, thus buying time for peaceful economic construction.

At the beginning of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea, peace-loving people were worried whether the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army could defeat the " United Nations Army " led by the United States.

The victory of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea shattered the myth of the American army's invincibility. People all over the world, including China's enemies and friends, looked at the new China in a new light.

Could China, which had been weak for a long time, support the massive consumption of modern warfare? This was another common concern.

By supporting the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea, the people of the whole country could be mobilized to the greatest extent and thrown into the great struggle of supporting the front line, restoring the economy, and starting new construction.

Not only did the people of China have the ability to support the consumption of modern wars, but they also had ways to minimize the impact of war on economic construction and realize the strategic principle of "fighting, stabilizing, and building at the same time."

The people of China had never been so united, high-spirited, and full of fighting spirit. The situation of disunity in the past was gone forever.

The victory of the War to Resist the United States and Assist Korea gave China a favorable international peace environment for its economic development.

This was extremely precious to the people of the Celestial Empire, who had been at war for a long time.

With the First Five-Year Plan, which began in 1953, as a symbol, China began a long-term, large-scale industrial construction. This would lay a solid foundation for the economic growth of the New Dynasty in the future.

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